Chapter 2

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"We are home!" Uncle Julian announced. "Damn, the whole house smells like thanksgiving day!"  "Stop exaggerating!" Aunt Amelia rolled her eyes at him as she grabbed the bags. "Ellie, go and wake Adrian. He should start working on his project now. And you wash up and start on your homework. Don't want a scolding from Ella, do you?"  "Yes, aunt Amy," I nodded and clambered upstairs to Adrian's room.  His room was completely dark and silent and I had to squint hard to make out his sleeping figure. I tip-toed towards him and confirming that he was fast asleep, went down on my knees and gazed at him, resting my head on the bed just a few inches away from him. I smiled and softly brushed away the hairs falling on his eyes.  I have known Adrian for as long as I can remember. We have been best friends forever. But I still can't figure out when I started to like him more than a friend and eventually fell in love. It just happened. Throughout the years, the more I watched him grow into this amazing person, the more I realized that he was a part of me that I can't live without.  I didn't just love him because he was crazily good looking with his dark eyes and dark hair and a sharp jawline with a drool worthy body. I also just didn't love him because of he was so good in everything be it studies, sports or music. He was a topper of our school, captain of the football team, president of the student council and a wonderful pianist. It was hard to believe that one person could be good in so many things but he was.  The truth was I loved every part of him, even the tiniest thing. I loved his eyes when he would scrunch them up in concentration and I loved his eyes when he would look at me with adoration. I loved the dimples in the corners of the smile he wears and I loved the v on his forehead when he would frown with exasperation. I loved the way he smelled and I loved him more every time he called my name.  Keeping these feelings inside me was hard because there were days when I would want to touch him more than a mere friendly touch or kiss him or just lock myself up in his embrace. But I was afraid of getting hurt and more than that of ruining what we have now. I was more than content with that then losing him for forever.  "I know you're staring at me, Ellie!" He murmured and gave me a lazy smile without opening his eyes.  Shit! "I was contemplating sketching on your face," I lied. "But now I have to stow that for another day, I guess," "Don't you have your homework to complete?" He asked, sitting up and squinting at me.  "Don't you have your project to work on?" I demanded. "What project is it by the way? How do I not know?" "You were sleeping in the class," He answered. "As always,"  "Wait! That's possible," I muttered, feeling horrified. "What project did we get?"  "Jesus," Adrian laughed. "There's no project, Ellie. I lied. I just needed some rest so. But wow you're reaction was worth capturing!"  "Hahah," I scowled at him. "It's not funny, okay?"  "Okay, got you!" He laughed so I grabbed a pillow and threw at him which he caught neatly and threw back, hitting me squarely on the face.   "I am going to do my home work!" I muttered and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pushed me back on the bed.  "Let me freshen up and then let's do it together,okay?" He smiled.  Let's do it together was a synonym for I'll help you  since I sucked in almost all the subjects. I fetched my backpack and fumbled inside, feeling the calculus test burning a hole in it. Again, I got C grade and next time Mr. Williams threatened to call my parents if my grades didn't improve.  I sighed and stared at the paper in dismay. I was the misfit in my perfect family and it sucked. My sister Jessica like my perfect parents was a scholar. She was good in painting as well. Comparatively, the only thing I was good at was...nothing. Studies was an uphill task for me  and I was too clumsy to be good in sports. I didn't have the patience to excel in music or dance and too lazy use my mind for creativity. It wasn't like I didn't try my best but the thing was that I just can't do stuff that I don't like to do.   The only thing I can do well was cook and that was because I loved cooking. It gave me peace and joy and that's the only place were I could use my creativity. But if I kept on like this, Cambridge would be a dream even after dropping a year and I haven't discuss the idea with my parents yet. I knew sooner or later they are going to hold an intervention and I have to figure out how to drop this bomb without causing much damage by then.  "What are you going to do about your calculus test?" Adrian demanded, wiping his face on a towel.  "Not tell them," I muttered in dismay. "Mom will kill me, you know that,"  "What if Mr. Williams give them a parents call?" He demanded, sitting down in front of me.  "Not until next one," I answered. "Which is why you have to help me Adrian, please! I don't wanna fail my exams!"  "You have to focus, Ellie," He said, staring at my paper. "These all are silly mistakes, which means you know how to do the sum but you aren't focused. Where is your mind these days?"  "I want to go to Cambridge with you," I muttered slowly. "I can't focus knowing I have to wait for an entire year to get admissions there,"  "You have to clear your sixth form first, Ellie," Adrian said, looking very serious. "And that too with first division. I just got my application but my results will decide the final results,"  "Like you need to worry about that," I grumbled. "I am the black sheep here,"  "Shut up," He said, slapping my head. "From tomorrow, I'll start training you. We have still got one and half month to go. I will make sure you cover up," "Thanks," I said although I didn't feel as sure as he did.  "Oh come on!" He rolled his eyes at me and dragged me towards him. "Come here!"  I shifted and snuggled into the crook of his arm, my head near his shoulder. He smelt like fall or something, very warm and inviting.  "I have got you, right?" He said, stroking my hairs.  "Right," I smiled and closed my eyes. This was my happy place, in his arms forever.  That night as I sat on my desk going through my notes, I pondered over what uncle Julian said. I didn't have the slightest intention to leave Adrian and everybody behind and leave for another country. But since I promised uncle Julian, I will apply for sure. So I fired up my laptop and started working on the application form.  I loved cooking for sure. And I also spend half of my time watching cooking shows and travel shows but I never inspired to be a chef. Who am I kidding? I never inspired to be anything anyway.  Can I be a chef? Will that work for me? What about Adrian? "Ugh!" I grumbled, climbing into my bed. If only there was no study and no career stress, I wondered how great life would have been?  -------------------------------- "Elena, stop texting and finish your breakfast!" Mom admonished.  "Adrian is coming to pick me up," I announced. "Mom, you'll be picking me up today, isn't it?"  "Yes," She smiled. "Now finish you breakfast,"  "Why?" Dad demanded, looking up from his newspaper. "Am I missing something?" "I told you Jacob!" Mom rolled her eyes, making me giggle. "I am going to take Ellie for shopping today? For the summer dance?" "Ah," Dad nodded. "That's nice. Who are you gonna go with?"  "Adrian," I answered. "Who else? We both are single, it's our solemn duty to support each other!"  "Smart," Both mom and dad laughed. "Ella, remember our prom?"  "What is there to remember?" Mom made a face at dad and he laughed.  "What am I missing?" I demanded, raising my brow.  "It's a long long story," Mom smiled. "Now be ready, I'll pick you up after school and we will go find the perfect dress for you,"  "Deal!" I smiled and hugged her.  Even though mom was nearing thirty-eight, she still was one of the most beautiful woman I have seen.  Both my mom and dad were a perfect pair and I knew there was some epic story about the love they shared today. But I never got around to listening it. Maybe uncle Julian could enlighten me? He and mom were just like Adrian and me...the inseparable best friend.  "So, today I am going to hand out some assessment papers," Ms Olivia announced. Although she was probably in her twenties, the scowl she wore all the time made her look like way beyond forties.  "These will give you a brief idea of what you can expect in the final exams. The marks are important so don't cheat or blindly copy from one another,"  "Psst!" Beside me, my seat partner and probably the closest friend from school, Ava nudged me hard, making me almost cry out in pain.  "What!" I hissed, keeping my eyes on Ms Olivia.  "Did you hear?" She whispered.  "Hear what?" I demanded. "Stop talking in riddles!"  "Jenny Simpson asked Adrian for summer dance," She whispered. "Noooo!" I shrieked. "She can't!"  "Who can't Ms Parker?" It was Ms. Olivia.  Crap! Crap! I dragged my eyes to her and cringed as she glared at me. Damn it! I was screwed.  "Stand up!" She shouted and I obliged, my head down.  "Do you even realize that you have got like a month before exams?" She asked.  "Yes miss," I muttered.  "And do you think someone like you deserve to gossip in class when I was giving such important instructions?" She snapped, banging her palm on her desk and making me cringe again.  "No, miss," I answered.  "Then why were you talking in class?" She demanded. "Did you even listen to what I said? Tell me, Ms Parker what did I say?"  Oh s**t! What did she say? "I er," I began and dismayed glanced at Adrian who was two seats away. He looked annoyed at me too and I remembered his lecture about focus from last night.  "We all are waiting, Ms Parker," The teacher urged.  "I...I don't know," I whispered. "Am sorry!"  "Out!" Ms Olivia shouted. "Get out of the class now! I don't want such disturbing children in my class,"  "But!" I protested but the blood curdling glare that she gave me stopped me from saying anything further.  Dismayed and embarrassed, I walked out of the classroom and took my position beside the door. Damn it! Can life get any worse? And why does stuff like this always happens to me?  "Looking good, Parker!" It was Jenny Simpsons, heading towards the library. She was the meanest, self-obsessed b***h of our school partly because she was like really pretty. No, she was the most beautiful and popular girl of our school and also partly because her father was a member of the board. I glared at her.  How dare she ask Adrian? Why was he the prey to all the girls in the school! I sighed deeply. Damn, I wanted to go home already! "Shut up!" I snapped and she giggled as if I was Charlie Chaplin doing my antics!  I slumped back against the wall and watched her walk away, swaying her perfect ass. What if Adrian has said yes to her? Can he do that? Will he do that? If he said yes that will hurt bad but the thing was that he wasn't my property. If he wanted to go with someone else he was more than free to. But then who will I go with?  I won't go! I decided. I will make some excuse and stay at home. Yes, that was a great idea! After all what was the fun without him?  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Hey guys! Here's the next update! Thank you so much for your comments and review of the first chapter :) I am glad that you liked it! Thank you guys!
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