Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Truths and Revelations “What on earth are you yelling about?” I asked, confused as I plastered myself to the door with his arms bracketing me. “You know damn well what I’m talking about! Now are you going to tell me willingly or do I have to get mean?” He brought his face close to mine, eyes wild with rage. Like hell I was letting him intimidate me! I already had Ethan for that. “Leave me the f**k alone! I know jack s**t about whoever you’re looking for, caveman!” I distracted him by making it look like I was about to duck under his arm and at the same time, brought up my leg in one swift motion, and kneed him where the sun didn’t shine… hard. And he being too busy trying to block my escape, didn’t see that coming. “Ah!” He doubled over, cradling his precious jewels. “Now…” I said straightening the collar of my shirt, “…would you like to tell me what the hell you were trying to prove or do I have to get mean, Dylan?” The garbage disposal bins were nearby and I could see a broken piece of wood within arm’s reach. I may not be a kung-fu champion, but I was fit enough to take care of myself against an oversized bully. But I guess I overestimated myself because the next thing I know, I felt a rough tug on my leg and I fell forward on the ground in front of me and Dylan escaped. “Ow!” I groaned, sitting up and dusting myself off. I had to blink several times before my vision cleared of dust particles. Dylan was no longer in sight. I had no idea who and why the two bitches were fighting over, and I intend to find out soon enough because this little hide and seek game the “love of their life” was playing kept getting me in shitty situations. To top it all off, I most probably had a stalker of my own. Someone had some serious explaining to do! I didn’t bother sneaking in this time. I was too clumsy and the watchman was back on duty. So I simply entered through the front gate and rang the doorbell. No one answered at first, so I kept on ringing the damn bell till I heard a muffled “I’m coming!” from behind the door. The door opened the next instant to reveal a dripping wet Ethan wearing only a fluffy white towel around his waist, lean muscled legs peaked from under them. Oh my! You could say that again, sister. I knew right now I should act like the lady I was and turned around, or at least covered my eyes, but I’d much rather look at that gloriously sculptured chest with droplets of water running down over his smooth skin, leaving a trail that had me licking my lips in anticipation, before disappearing into the thick towel just below his navel. Golden hair was scattered on his chest and he even had a flat stomach without those disgusting abs! Someone hand me a bowl of molten chocolate please? Umm… weren’t you here to interrogate him? Good point, but could I do that while licking molten chocolate off of him? No? Okay. “Akira… what’re you doing here?” There was a hint of unease in his voice that pleased me immensely. Looks like Mr. Whitmore wasn’t that comfortable being naked in front of me. Almostnaked, I reminded myself. “Why? Can’t I come visit?” I kept my voice utterly innocent, even batted my eyelids for added effects. “Your track record on ‘visiting’ isn’t exactly clean.” He moved to the side, allowing me to enter. “Why are you here today? Weren’t you going to your editor’s office?” I walked in and went straight to the living room, making myself comfortable on one of the couches. “Why don’t you go change first? The sight is quite… distracting.” I gave him a once-over to make a point. Damn! Where was the chocolate when you needed it? He didn’t act smug today, which further confirmed my suspicion. I waited a few minutes on the couch as Ethan got dressed. I took the opportunity to look around the room. Two doors to my right, probably bedrooms or one could be a bathroom and one door to the left which I knew was the veranda. The kitchen was right in front of me. Hmm…I could go sneak around but it wouldn’t be polite. As he’d already mentioned, my track record on visiting him wasn’t exactly clean. But I had to say, his house was pretty clean for a guy’s. I would have thought it was because of the gueststaying over or something, but I had been here before and it’d been the same way then, too. Then again, Ethan wasn’t a teenager. He was an adult six years older than me who’d apparently decided that I was his. “Here.” I’d been a bit lost in thought so I didn’t see him come out of his room, but now he held a can of coke in front of my face, that hot bod clad in a black polo and white sweat pants with black streaks down the side. “Thanks.” I took the can from him and gulped down half of it in one go as soon as I had it open. “What’s the matter? Did something happen?” He asked, sounding a bit concerned as he sat on the same couch facing me, his coke can placed on the table in front. “Well, I was about to ask the same thing. What happened between you and your BFF?” “BFF? Wha—Dylan? You met with him?” Disbelief and anger colored his voice. “Even after I warned you to stay away?’ “Oh, stop being bossy!” I frowned. “I didn’t have to meet him, he ambushed me and then started yelling about some girl and then he just up and disappeared!” I spat. I should have thrown in a few good kicks while he was down. Ethan cussed a blue streak which had me raising my eyebrows at him. That was some vocab! “Tell me exactly what happened.” He commanded afterwards. So I did. From exiting the building to Dylan going all cavemen to him asking about this mysterious woman to me kneeing him in the balls to him attacking me and making a run for it. All the while Ethan listened patiently, absorbing it all in. “I was tempted to call the cops but I didn’t want my parents worried and since you and Dylan seen to have a history, I thought I’d let you know. Now I’m pretty sure that the one who hung that ‘Akira Sanders ID Miss OG’ notice in the bulletin board was him, too. Probably something to do with you and that woman you’re hiding in your closet.” I concluded at last. “Alright, first of all, there is no woman in my closet. You can check if you want to, door’s to your right. Secondly, I don’t think it’s Dylan who hung up that notice, he’s not that immature and though he suspects there’s something between us. I doubt he’ll want to be become a public target any more than I would. And finally, I think it’s time we had a long chat about his behavior. He crossed the line by going after you and I protect those I care about. You on the other hand,” he pointed a finger towards me, “will go home and lay low. Don’t try anything stupid or things can get even more complicated than they are.” I gaped. “That’s it? Really? I get ambushed by your psycho best friend, about some… woman you’re both after, that’s all the explanation I get?” I asked, agitated. I resisted from calling the woman a w***e only because I didn’t know her enough to judge her and if Dylan was treating her the way he did me, then I’d totally understand her reasons to run for the hills. Running into Ethan’s arms, though, was a whole different story. “Look, Dylan isn’t exactly in the right state of mind right now—” “Understatement of the century.” “—and the only reason he came after you was because he thought I’d told you her location.” He finished, ignoring my interruption. “And I can’t let him know that yet, not until I know that he’s suffered enough.” I raised my eyebrows, amused. “So this is some kind of a… revenge game?” “No!” Then he sighed, rubbing at his eyes. “Yes. He did something shitty and I’m making him pay for it.” “Ah!” “It’s not what you think. I told you I don’t two-time, especially not the person I care about. I’ll talk to him, I promise. Have a bit of faith in me?” I sighed. There was no staying mad at him when he got all caring and rational. “Fine. But you better take care of the situation soon enough. He must really love her a lot if he’s ready to hurt others to get to her.” I heard love made you do stupid things. Dylan just gave me a front row view. “What?” he asked. I raised my eyebrows questioningly. “What did you just say?” “Umm… take care of the situation?” I asked, confused. “No. After that,” he urged. “He must really love her a lot if he’s ready to hurt others to get to her?” “Yeah. That.” He looked like he was deep in thought so I didn’t ask any further. “Fine then. You keep pondering, I’ll head home.” I got up from the couch. Ethan snapped out of his trance then and stood up to escort me to the door. “Call me when you get home safely.” “It’s only a couple blocks away and I don’t have your number.” “Yes, you do. I entered it the last time I was there.” He countered. “You messed with my phone?” Did the guy ever hear about personal space? “Adding my contact isn’t considered messing,” he said matter-of-factly. “Messing would signify going through your albums to see if you have any m**********g videos in them… which you don’t… but the PJs were nice.” My jaw hit the floor. He did not just tell me that he went through my photos! But that damn smirk told a whole new story. “When?” “The day I gave you your third lesson.” He said, still smirking. “What the he—mmm!” My complaint died out as he pulled me in for a kiss, his lips crashing onto mine, possessive and demanding. His hands wound around my waist, holding me in place. And just like that, my irritation at his behavior melted away to be replaced by the deep, intense need. I had no idea if it was just him or if my body would respond with such heat to any other man. I nipped that thought. It was definitely him. I melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, trying to get as close as possible. Ethan shifted one hand to my thighs, hoisting it around his waist. I followed his lead and swung up the second leg. He fell back with me, landing on the couch so that I was straddling him. It wasn’t long before I could feel his hard-on rubbing at my core. It made me moan into the kiss. Ethan seized the opportunity to thrust his tongue inside my mouth, tasting me. Our tongues fought for dominance, he won of course, but then he retracted to allow me to taste him in return. I felt his hand on my nape then, tugging my head to the side, breaking the kiss. He trailed light kisses down my neck. I moved my head further to the side, giving him a better angle. His other hand found the hem of my shirt and pushed it aside, making contact with the bare skin of my waist. And then… his phone started ringing making us break apart on a groan. I touched my forehead to his. “Aren’t you going to answer it?” I asked, still out of breath. “I’ll call back.” He murmured, claiming my lips again. “Wait.” I pulled back. “I have a query.” “And what would that be?” He brushed back hair from my face, his hands a warm brand on my lower back. “What are we exactly?” “What?” “Us. You and me.” I clarified. “What are we?” “Didn’t I already tell you?” He smirked, but shut up when I glared at him. “You’re my girlfriend, of course!” I gaped. “Since when?” “Since the first lesson!” He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I wouldn’t do any of the things we’ve been doing if I didn’t consider you mine.” “Possessive much?” “Better get used to it.” He curved his fingers around my nape in bold possession. “Because I’m not letting go anytime soon.” Wow! That was too much to take in… in too little a time. I think Ethan saw the hesitation in my eyes, saw the uncertainty. Before the appearance of the mysterious brunette, I hadn’t seen Ethan with anyone, and considering who those rumors had come from, I could actually believe that he never slept with anyone in school. But this girl had a history with Ethan that he wasn’t willing to share yet. “Go.” He said with a gentle expression on his face. “Your parents might get worried.” I nodded, but before getting up, leaned down to kiss him one more time. He took some time getting off the couch, his arousal straining his pants. It had me blushing and avoiding eye contact. “I’ll call you when I reach home.” I promised on my way out. “Counting on it.” He smiled, waving me off.
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