Chapter 15

1381 Words
Chapter 15 The Morning After I groaned, flailing my hand in the air trying to shoo away the sunlight that fell on my face. Unsuccessful, I turned away from the window… my hand landing on something beside me with a groan. Wait… just… a… minute! I jumped up in bed, almost giving myself a whiplash, but due to that something holding me down at the waist, I ended up being thrown back on the bed, awkwardly landing on that someone. “Hmm…” A hum of pleasure from behind me, “…pretty and pink.” I didn’t notice what he was talking about until he trailed his fingers up my sides to stop just below my breast. And then I was screaming and hauling the covers over me while Ethan laughed his ass off. “What the hell are you still doing here? Get out!” I snapped at him, poking my head out from under the covers. I was sure I looked like an overripe tomato right now. Not only was I naked from the waist up, my bra lost somewhere during the night, but Ethan was also naked. Still chuckling, he got on top of me, his hands braced on either side of my head. He leaned down to whisper in my ear, golden strands falling on his forehead, “I’m insulted, Ms. Sanders. Did you really expect me to leave you after last night?” I clutched the covers to my chin, blushing all over as I lowered my eyes and gave a small nod. “You really believe in those rumors, don’t you?” A tiny bite along my earlobe had me closing my eyes on a gasp. “You didn’t answer,” he proceeded to leave tiny bites on the shell of my ear. “Y-yes.” I shuddered as he licked up his bite marks. He tsk-ed. “High school washrooms may be the epicenters of all rumors, but that doesn’t guarantee the truth.” He moved back to look at my face. “T-then… you didn’t sleep with all the cheerleaders?” I asked eagerly. He glared. “B-but…why… h-how… when—” He kissed me then, taking the opportunity to tangle his tongue with mine. I was limp and more than a little out of breath when he removed his lips. “You’re kind offoxy when you’re interrogating me.” He smirked. “Did you just call me foxy?” I narrowed my eyes at him. He grinned. “No, I called you f*****g sexy.” “How original.” “Why thank you Miss OG!” “I was being sarcastic.” “As long as I don’t find that word in your next novel.” I glared at him again. “Now get out. I need to shower.” I told him. I was dying to take a nice long shower. My pants were a bit… uhm… sticky from last night’s… endeavors. “What’re you waiting for? Get up and turn around!” I repeated, sitting up when he moved out from over me, the sheets clutched to my chest. “Sorry, I like this view better.” “Fine!” I snapped, flushing all over. “Your royal highness, would you please do me the honor of taking your royal butt off my bed and throwing yourself out of my house!” Some people just don't understand that there’s a limit to someone’s patience and Ethan with his sexy bed hair and bare chest was wearing me out. I mean, seriously! How can he look so gorgeous with bed hair when mine looks like a pig’s sty? “You want breakfast? Because I’m famished and I want bacon and eggs and toast. I hope you have them because I’m in no mood to go to the grocery store right now. After all, I had a pretty good workout last night.” With that he finally got off the bed and walked out of my room and down the stairs while running his hands through his hair. What. Just. Happened? Did he just blow me off? In my own house? I stood there gaping at the open door for a good ten minutes before I snapped out of it and looked at the bedside table… and screamed. It was 8:42 a.m. and my manager’s assistant will be here at 10 to collect my work. Holy s**t! With that thought, I ran straight for my manuscript, shower forgotten and went straight to work—after putting on my lost bra and t-shirt, of course. Thanks to a certain someone, I now had a perfect ending in mind. Almost forty minutes later, I was done with my script, the final scene perfect according to my standard. The only thing left was to hand it over to Henry, my manager’s assistant for the final checking and then the editing and then finally the publication. The publication process sure was tedious. And now that I noticed, the house suddenly smelled fantastic. Looks like Ethan did find his bacon and eggs and toast. I would dismiss his audacity quite willingly if it only tasted as good as Eva’s. My stomach rumbled at that exact moment, reminding me that I, too, hadn’t had any breakfast and it was now 9:51 a.m. I wasn’t scared about Eva coming in and finding out about my “monkey business” with Ethan, because like him, she liked to overstay her welcome, which means she won’t be home till dinner. After all, a person needed to brag about her exciting night with her friends. And I was sure she had quite a few of them. Walking back to my closet I took out some underwear and a white fitting tank top with black leggings and went into the bathroom to take a much awaited shower, relax my nerves, and clean away evidence from last night. Later, I got ready, blow dried my hair, and applied some cherry lip balm to keep my lips moist. Finally I was ready to face the ghost in my kitchen. I grabbed my manuscript, pinned the pages together and hid them from prying eyes. Then I made my way downstairs to the kitchen where Ethan was setting up two plates with some delicious crispy fried bacon, scrambled eggs and a couple of toasts. But then I noticed that he, too, had showered and was now wearing a white V-neck and faded blue jeans. “Hey,” he greeted as he looked up from the plate and stared at me… and kept on staring like he was going to eat me alive. “Hey, when did you shower?” I took a seat on the table beside him, breaking the awkward moment. But I was surprised that he’d made me breakfast, he didn’t seem the type. And if the smell was any indication, the guy sure knew how to cook. “When you were engrossed in writing myinspired climax.” He smirked as he passed me a plate, making my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “I called you before I left but you seemed to be… busy.” I was thinking of a smartass reply as Ethan took a bite of his eggs, when the bell rang, making him cuss. “It's probably my editor’s assistant, here to take my manuscript,” I assured him as I got up to open the door. I was a bit too confident so I opened the door without checking first. Wrong, wrong move. Something that I’ve been doing a lot today. “Aki! Morning, baby! Were you having breakfast? Is there anything left for us? Oh, I’m rambling, sorry.” “Dear, you forgot to say ‘surprise’.” Holy mother of God! It wasn’t Henry… not by a long shot. It was my parents.
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