Chapter 10

889 Words
Chapter 10 Curiosity Killed the Cat Suddenly, the hallway became overcrowded as soon as I came to stand in front of the board which held the paper written in bold letters huge enough to attract instant attention. Whispers started at once from all directions and I wanted nothing more than the ground to open up and swallow me. Nick was still beside me, trying to wrap his head around what was going on. But then... a plan formed in my head. My only prayer to God right now was not to let Nick go into panic mode or things could get ugly. Tilting my head to the side, I gave the onlookers my most clueless and confused expression and said to no one in particular… "What's Miss OG?" I may be an erotic romance writer, but a writer none the less. Plot twists were an everyday occurrence. At once, people looked relieved, started smiling like they already knew I could never been Miss OG. But some still looked suspicious. And as expected, one of the jocks did answer. “It’s a ‘who', nerdy. She’s the best erotic writer we know of,” he told me, laughing with his friends when I gave them a wide-eyed look. “But I’ve never heard of anyone’s surname being OG...” For better effect, I scratched my head. “Ever heard of orgasm then? Do you even know what it is?” someone said from behind me. “Of course I do! Orgasm is the sudden discharge of accumulated s****l tension during the s****l response cycle, resulting in rhythmic muscular contractions in the pelvic region characterized by s****l pleasure. Experienced by males and females, orgasms are controlled by the involuntary or autonomic nervous system. They are often associated with other involuntary actions, including muscular spasms in multiple areas of the body, a general euphoric sensation and, frequently, body movements and vocalizations are expressed. The period after orgasm is often a relaxing experience, attributed to the release of the neurohormones oxytocin and prolactin, as well as endorphins!” I said in my usual nerdy tone. And then… The entire hallway burst out laughing. I’m pretty sure that the entire town could hear them, but although I was extremely annoyed, it just saved my life. Thank you Wikipedia! And for the first time, thank you me, for being a nerd and remembering the research I did as soon as I hit my teens. The paper in front of me still had my hands itching to tear it down and shove it down that bastard’s throat, but there were people around and doing that will get me in trouble. Thankfully, Nick put his hands on my shoulders, reminding me to stay still. But I didn't have to wait long because one of the jocks did the honors of taking down the paper and tearing it to pieces. “Yeah, right! More like Miss Nerdy Pants!” he said before leaving, followed by another roar of laughter from all around as everyone went back to their own business. Thank you, Mr. Lame Comeback. “What was that? Who could have done that?” Nick looked around the room like a detective looking at probable suspects. “I don’t know.” Oh, I did know, and he was about to face my wrath. “But I’ll try to find out. Keep your eyes and ears open. I’ll discuss it at lunch time, the second bell is—” And for emphasis, the bell rung at that exact instant. “Alright, I’ll see you at lunch. Take care of yourself and text me if you need anything,” Nick said as he went to class. Since he was in the arts department, his classes in the first half were different from mine. The hallway was already deserted when I walked to my first class. So, when someone materialized right in front of me, I almost wet my pants. “That was quite an exquisite explanation, Miss Sanders. I was impressed. Where did you learn all that?” Dylan stood with his back against the wall. “What are you doing here?” I asked incredulously. As far as I knew, he wasn’t part of our school, hence, he wasn’t supposed to be here. “Well, Miss. Sanders, starting today, I’ll be joining as an English teacher.” He smirked in that weird way that gave me chills. “You didn’t answer my question.” “Curiosity… I guess,” I shrugged. There was no need for lying. “I can remember things pretty well.” “Very sincere, Miss Sanders. I like that,” he nodded in approval. “But you should know, curiosity killed the cat.” I gave a very unladylike snort. “I think you’re reading too far into it than the barest of teenage curiosity.” “We’ll see.” He gave me a creepy smile and walked away. See what? He wasn’t making any sense. “Creep,” I said under my breath and continued walking to my biology class. Unfortunately, I never made it to class.
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