3797 Words

CHAPTER SIXEvery single day Chiara visited Erebus in the small paddock where he was recovering from his fall, bringing him pocketfuls of sugar lumps, peppermints and carrots to cheer him up. One afternoon, about a week after the accident, she noticed that he no longer flinched when he stepped on his sprained leg. “You are getting better now. Is it all the treats I have been giving you?” she asked, patting him. Then she noticed that someone had tied a poultice of dark leaves around the pony’s fetlock. “That’s my doing, my Lady. I put it on his leg,” Jonah said, when she asked him if he knew anything about the poultice. “But whatever is it?” “Boneset, my Lady. My grandmother grows it in her garden.” “Boneset?” Chiara had never heard of it. Jonah nodded. “Grandma says it can help any

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