Chapter 2

3939 Words

2 COLTON Vanilla and cinnamon. That was her delectable scent. She was breathtaking. Perfect. Fuck me. It was as if an IED had gone off right in front of me. Ripping me open, destroying the man I had been and forcing my wolf to heal me into something new. Because he had, knowing she was my mate. Yeah, I was a f*****g poet now, but it was as if the clouds broke open and a beam of sunshine… s**t. I’d caught one whiff of her sweet smell mingled even in the rain, and I recognized her as mine. The One. I’d stilled and time seemed to have stopped. The slip of a female who’d been recklessly standing out in the rain staring at a f*****g swollen creek was it for me. My wolf, who’d been restless lately—almost the past two years—perked right up. Snapped and snarled at me to get my attention. As i

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