3288 Words

CHAPTER ELEVEN With the boat secured to the dock, Jules stood in the cockpit, checked a sheet, and wrapped it in a figure-eight pattern around a cleat. No way was the rope coming undone. Too bad her future couldn’t be secured as easily. Below deck, Alejandro rummaged around for a sail bag. It was over. No more sailing. No more freedom. With a sigh, she peered at the bow. Soon she would be at the palace, in her regular clothes, sleepwalking through her life. Emotion welled inside Jules. She didn’t want to return to reality. Not yet. Nothing except a life of duty awaited her. Okay, she was being a total drama princess, but this once she would allow herself that luxury. As the breeze picked up, the mast, standing tall and strong, caught her attention. She breathed in the salt air. Th

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