1765 Words

CHAPTER NINE That evening, the hands on the clock in the dining room moved slower than the Council of Elders. Jules tapped her foot, impatient with the meal taking so long. King Dario sat at the head of the table. Enrique sat next to her on the king’s left while Brandt was seated beside Alejandro on the king’s right. Servers carried wine bottles and platters. No one could rush through a seven-course meal, but she wanted dinner to end so she could excuse herself and prepare for the sail. Alejandro sat across from her. No tuxedo, but a designer suit and dress shirt sans tie. He looked more like a CEO than a boatbuilder. Well, except for his hair. The dark ends brushed his shoulders. His casual, carefree hairstyle was nothing like Enrique’s short, conservative cut. She wouldn’t say one was

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