1971 Words

Enrique’s mouth dropped open. He stared at Jules as if seeing her for the first time. That gave her courage to keep going. “Contrary to our fathers, that is not the way a fiancé should act toward his intended spouse. Nor how a husband should treat his wife.” A beat passed. And another. Enrique’s face reddened. “Understood.” Did he understand? Jules hoped so, but she didn’t expect one conversation to make everything better. Life didn’t work that way. But this talk was…a start. She’d taken the first step. Now it was his turn. “So where do we go from here?” “We could go on a date.” He seemed to understand. Before she could respond, he raised his chin. “A date would be nice. A way for us to get to know each other better.” This time, he sounded more sure of himself. Maybe he was willing

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