the world where status matter

1078 Words
love and pitines has a very thin difference in it , love is something that cannot be shared , but only gave in return, pitines and sympathy are the key component of humanity A gigantic bridge which actually connect the beautiful yet asthetic ancient mansion , where all the things give us the glimpse of it's enormous amount of event has been done there. the sun is going to set, and the moon is ready to show the magic of night , an mesmerizing cry of child echo in the mansion, Everyone present there seem happy but , the happiness don't really want to stay there Suddenly an visitor came to house and knocked on the palace gate, the moment gatekeeper opened the door, and look in the eye of the person, he died instantly. The person who knocked on the palace gate wear an black cloth which covers him , from head to toe, only his nails are showing, his nails are so long and sharp like a knife, on the top of it the blood is actually dripping out of his nail . his eyes are pitch black , his skin is green like a forest, and his eyes are like a darkness having no light in it . when the person entered in the palace, everything, is stopped, time is working but all the person freeze in the spot, it's seems someone deliberately holding their bodies. after witnessing this the person laughed like a creepy madman. The mother of the child , suddenly came into the alert mode, and said " burn this palace " The maid who is having the baby in the arms was utterly shocked, when the child's mother notice that , the maid was taking a way lot time . she instantly, close her eyes and take out the amulet and break it to protect her daughter . After breaking the amulet suddenly an green colour dist sprinkled in the air , and when it's reaches the child who is born , it reacted with the child and suddenly the child disappeared in the air . The mother of child looked towards her maid child , who is also born yesterday, which is also a girl . the maid after understanding the gaze of her highness, she willingly burn her daughter and herself and also burn the palace . The person who came to palace , his expression suddenly become obvious and he hurriedly ran towards the , chamber but saw the lifeless body of the , highness and the child who is born too . suddenly he lean on the ground and droplets of water ran down across his face , he himself couldn't believe his benefactor actually died in this way . suddenly 5000 soldiers actually cover the whole palace, the person who was in the chamber suddenly notice the broken amulet, which somehow trigger his emotion , he stand up in the speed of light and pick and hide it. An young man came close to her and kneel infront of him and said " general Raj I'm sorry for late arrival " Raj who was utterly broken shouted in angry " the thing cannot be changed that happened, " After hearing the growl of the general whole 5000 Soldier start to shiver , . next scene The baby girl who was disappeared, went into the garden, where all the child was playing, As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the park, the children frolicked among the trees and playground equipment, their laughter echoing through the air. Amidst the joyful chaos, a stunningly beautiful girl appeared, her laughter like music as she watched the children play. Unbeknownst to the children, their playful movements took on a mysterious twist as they shifted, one by one, into wolf-like forms, their eyes gleaming with excitement and wonder. Yet, the presence of the girl seemed to enhance their joy, as if her very presence imbued them with a sense of magic. Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the park, the alpha and Luna, leaders of the werewolf pack, approached cautiously. Their eyes locked onto the enchanting girl, whose laughter and innocence captured their hearts in an instant. Despite their usual reserved demeanor, they felt an overwhelming desire to protect and care for her, to welcome her into their pack as their own. In that moment, amidst the twilight and the laughter of children turned werewolves, fate seemed to weave a new thread, drawing together the disparate souls in a tapestry of love and belonging. The girl was so , beautiful , the Luna and alpha doesn't have any of child so they finally want to adopt her, because Luna has experience several miscarriage. The girl has green black eye combination with the shine enlightened in them , but her eyes change always make people mesmerise green eyes are the noblest eye in the werewolf world, only the one who have the power to rule the world , it's even rare phenomenon seen into the lycan also . but due to the continuous mix breed / cross breed even the witch and beta son also have the same phenomenon eyes but rare in themselves too. the werewolves here are firstly divided by status and secondly by power level and thirdly by their godly gift. All the people in Rudra Kshetra Pack"? Rudra is a fierce aspect of Lord Shiva in Hindu mythology, symbolizing strength and ferocity, while Kshetra means field or territory, denoting the domain of the pack. always consider Nisha as normal and also significant as alpha and Luna adopted daughter. Nisha always been into the favourite list of many werewolf because she always listens everybody words carefully and attentively. After 2 years Nisha hold a sweet little sister in her hand , and addressing her as " sweet cupcake " Nisha clinging on the maya and asked her " why always sweet cupcake sleep next to mum" maya laughed at her jealous and said " don't want you me to share with your sister " Nisha laughed and said " no " The alpha who was entering into the bedroom heard his little princess conversation ,and sneakily came close to her and then pick her up in arms and give her the warmest hug and said " we will never ever forget your are also our daughter " The alpha is Arjun and Luna is maya
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