Midnight Shadows

1087 Words
POV: Luke I watched Danielle disappear into the pulsating crowd, she is so f*****g beautiful, it's like she belongs in my world. She clearly feels the tension we are all feeling. No thanks to Tyler for hanging around making a nuisance of himself. "Tyler, why are you even still hanging around? Haven't you got other guests to entertain?" I questioned him, irritation simmering beneath the surface. Tyler, with that infuriatingly nonchalant grin,"If your drama with Sam and your meddling, annoying little friends here wouldn't require my babysitting services, I wouldn't have to be around as much now, would I? What's your interest in Danielle anyway?" My jaw clenched. No way was this guy questioning my intentions with her. "My interest in Danielle has nothing to do with you. Why don't you run off with one of the many hungry she-wolves waiting for their turn with the famous playboy Alpha Tyler?" That should put him in his place. "Maybe my taste has changed, Alpha. Maybe I'd prefer to do the chasing," Tyler retorted, a smirk playing on his lips. I could feel the anger coursing through my veins, my claws threatening to shift. I was pissed off that Tyler was interfering, yet a nagging doubt lingered. How did this mere human girl have this effect on me? Before i completely lost my s**t, Sam burst out of the woods, her hands soaked in blood, shrieking, "I don't know what happened. It wasn't me!" Goddess, what trouble has she gotten herself into this time? Panic and concern clawed at my chest. Where the hell is Danielle?Scanning the area, my alpha senses on high alert. I couldn't see her. Without hesitation, I sprinted in the direction from which Sam had just emerged. The fear that something could have happened to Danielle was crippling. As the smell of blood filled the air, I sensed we were getting closer to the scene. Goddess, what a sight—this poor girl had been ripped apart. But seeing bleached blonde hair put me somewhat at ease, knowing it wasn't Danielle. Tyler was visibly also relieved. I hadn't even realized he and his pack members, including my own, had bolted behind me. "Let's keep this quiet. A few humans are here tonight; we don't need them catching wind of this," he said to me in almost a whisper. "Jackson, go calm Sam down," he ordered his Beta. "We need to handle this quickly. With so many humans here, I don't need anyone stumbling across this chaos," he turned and said to me, clearly trying to swallow his pride. I was about to tell him to go f**k himself, but f**k, I can't let news get out that something like this happened at a party I was attending, not with my alpha ceremony coming up soon. Staring at Tyler, I speed-dialed my father's usual cleanup crew. "Yes, I'll drop a pin at the location. Mindlink me when you're close enough, and I'll meet you there," I said to Jeremy on the other end of the call. I watched as Tyler's pack members swiftly took control of the situation, their movements precise and calculated. Even in the midst of chaos, Tyler managed to maintain an air of authority, though it grated on my nerves. My instincts screamed at me to leave, to find Danielle. The fear that something might have happened to her clawed at my chest. "I need to check on Danielle. She'll be wondering where we've gone," I said to Tyler, making it clear he should stay here and do damage control. "Get someone to guard the scene. Once my guys are closer, I'll head back here, and we can tie this thing up," I added before Tyler could try to follow me. I headed back to the party, making my way to our table with Jake. "Well, it seems Jackson was successful in containing Sam,"Jake says, the party is still going strong." "Yeah," I half-heartedly replied. But I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I needed to find Danielle and calm my wolf, Tank. He had never reacted to any females, not even she-wolves, but he was very intrigued by Danielle, every time she was around he was calm yet exited. The unease we both felt was proof that Danielle meant something to us. "Relax, Tank, she's probably still at the bar," I reassured myself as the table came into view, and she wasn't there. "Where the hell is she?" I mumbled to Jake in frustration. "Maybe she left," Jake replied nonchalantly. I loved the guy; he was like a brother, but right now, I just wanted to smack him upside the head for his lack of worry. I scanned the area once again, frustration escalating as I noticed Josh still on the dance floor. "She wouldn't leave without Josh. I'm going to check the bar," I said to Jake, sounding more annoyed than I had anticipated. The once lively atmosphere had quieted, and the bar held no clues. The sinking feeling in my stomach escalated. Suddenly, a mind link from Emily pierced through the turmoil. "Alpha, there's a situation. The rogues were here. Too many for me to handle alone. They took Danielle. She was unconscious. They left in a black SUV." A volatile mix of anger and worry surged through me. "Follow them," I commanded Emily. Catching glimpses of her fear through the mind link, "Emily, what's happening? Speak to me." "Alpha, I can't follow them. Every car's tires have been stabbed," she reported through the link. Frustration boiled within me. "For the love of the goddess, Emily, shift!" Why were my pack members not as eager to protect Danielle as I was? Urgency drove me to mind link the pack members, conveying the dire situation. "They've got Danielle," I relayed, the gravity of the words hanging in the air. "The rogues. Everyone, car park, now," I ordered, my tone mistakenly coming through as a command. The world felt like it had been pulled out from underneath my feet. The chaos in the forest, the blood-soaked scene, it was all a deliberate distraction. But what would rogues want with Danielle? The questions gnawed at my mind like a relentless storm. Emily had returned and shifted behind a tree. I was about to address the group when I noticed Josh, his face drained of color, standing there, staring at us as if time had frozen. f**k, how much did he see? What in the realm should I do with him now?
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