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CHAPTER ELEVEN S leepy head… ” I opened my eyes to find Mo nudging me. I felt drained. During the night I had experienced nightmares about Death. It started with the vision of Aaron, but this time, he got up again, his face ashen and scowling. “I needed you,” he said. One by one, students from St. Martha’s turned to look at me, echoing, “He needed you.” When I had finally woken up, it was 2 a.m., and I didn’t bother trying to get back to sleep again. I couldn’t have even if I wanted to, not that I really wanted to. My classmates might have still been waiting for me on the other side. “Why are you sleeping like a sick chicken?” Mo asked. I told her about everything: the robbery, my mother’s episode when she touched Aaron, my horrible nightmare. “What will you do?” “I don’t know,” I

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