862 Words

CHAPTER NINE H iding was what any normal person might do, but after hearing gunshots crack out, instead of running, my eyes locked to Aaron's. It felt like déjà vu, almost identical to my terrible vision. Everything was happening so fast. A woman clutched her toddler as she ran to a black SUV, screaming, "Óle, thief o!" A blue Ford sped in and knocked down the Crave Supermarket sign. "We need to hide," I screamed. The security guard for the supermarket was fumbling with his keys as he tried to secure the locks. “Where do we hide?” Aaron's usual cold eyes were soft and soothing. If only he knew death was catching up to him. "We need to run!" I clutched his hand and pulled him along. "What the hell are you doing," he whispered, but it didn't stop me. We needed to get to safety. I kne

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