Seven: Imperator Zale

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Seven Imperator Zale     Princess Sirena spent the whole of breakfast looking as though she was contemplating my murder. I had a sneaking suspicion that every time that she cut into her waffles, she was picturing cutting into me. I watched her eat the entire time. Every delicious morsel being put into her mouth.     She wore a light, pink sundress. Her hair was curled and held back together by a pink bow. She wore pink ballet flats to go with her outfit and had a pink purse that was strapped over her shoulder. Sirena looked exactly as a Princess should. Young, delicate, and like a puff pastry that I wanted very much to bite into.     I watched her eat everything carefully, as if she were still afraid of being poisoned. I had no intention of poisoning her. She was beautiful, and I wanted her by my side for as long as she would tolerate me.     When breakfast finished, we left the dining room together, and I took her to my study where my assistant was waiting with a long list of events. Lady Violet Grimsby had been my childhood nanny, and when I turned sixteen, she took over as my assistant so that she could still have a place in the household. Lady Violet came from a fine family, but struggled with asthma, as such had yet to marry.     Father had taken pity on her by giving her a job within court. Young ladies such as her were supposed to marry rich, have babies, and dedicate themselves to being mothers. It wasn’t traditionally appropriate for a woman of her station to have a job but Father had made the exception, wanting her to feel useful in court instead of withering away like a spinster.     She was beautiful, with the traditional golden, Aurum hair and blue eyes. Had it not been for her coughing fits, she would have easily gotten a husband. But royals got spooked when they heard that young women had an illness that could be hereditary. Men wanted their heirs happy, and healthy, and something like asthma made it difficult for them to be that.     Lady Violet was waiting for us when we entered the study. She was in the middle of organizing files when I opened the door for us.     “Oh!” she gasped. “Prince Zale. I didn’t expect you to arrive so early. I thought the two of you would be taking your time to get to know each other at breakfast.”     I laughed. “No, that’s not necessary, my dear Lady Violet. You see, Princess Sirena has me all figured out, according to her.”     “She does?” said Lady Violet, tilting her head.     Princess Sirena frowned. “I never said anything of the kind.”     “No, but you have made it clear that you do not wish to get to know me. I’m a detestable villain, and your enemy. Even though you could not name my favorite color or the first memory I’ve ever had, you have decided that I am not worthy of redemption.”     Sirena snorted. “Knowing your favorite color or the first memory you’ve ever had won’t make you worthy of redemption, Prince Zale. Imperator Zale. Or whatever fancy title you call yourself. You come from a country that has made its fortune and name in conquest and killing. One of those countries that you have killed people in also includes my country. How could I think of you as anything other than a villain?”     She was standing in the doorway of the study. I walked over to her, and I placed a hand on the small of her back. She flinched at my touch, but I kept it there anyway. “Because,” I said, “we are to be married, my dear Princess. I will be your husband. And then there will be the business of heirs. I can make it very pleasurable for you, or you can make it very awful for yourself. But you are a beauty, dear Princess, and I should like very much to make it pleasurable for you.”     Her cheeks reddened. “Forgive me if pleasure is not my primary concern in this marriage, but rather the welfare of my people.”     “Well, it should be a concern,” I said.     “And why is that?”     “Because I have seen many young royal wives die trying to get it elsewhere when they do not find it with their husband. You are very beautiful, Sirena, and I should hate to have to kill you for treason if I find that your affection has been placed elsewhere.”     Lady Violet coughed. “Imperator Zale!” she shouted. “Really, you mustn’t frighten the girl on her first day here. Now, enough nonsense about treason. We’ve got a full day of events for you. Starting with a trip to the orphanage.”     “The orphanage?” Sirena said.     “Yes,” said Lady Violet, “we thought starting with the youth of Aurum would be the best way to introduce you. Children love so easily, you know.”     I could see her frozen heart melting before my eyes.     “Oh,” said Sirena, “well, I do love children. Do we have gifts for them?”     Lady Violet nodded. “Books and clothes are already packed away in the car that you’ll be arriving in. The guards can hand them out or---”     “I should like to do it,” Sirena said, “it’s more personable that way.”     Lady Violet smiled. “I thought that might be the case.”     “And what’s after the orphanage?” I asked.     “After the orphanage you’ve a luncheon with the members of Parliament at the gentlemen’s club, and then tea with the ladies of court, and at the end of this evening there will be an engagement ball for the two of you where you will be presented to everyone.”     Sirena took a deep breath. “A ball?”     Lady Violet nodded. “Oh, and your family will be there, to celebrate the engagement. Or at the very least your brother will. I don’t know about your mother or father or your sister.”     “Gale is coming here?”     “Yes,” said Lady Violet, “to show unity for the arrangement. Oh, and we are in the process of screening for an assistant for you, however it’s very difficult. There aren’t that many young ladies of court interested in the job.”     She frowned. “Because I am from Aeris?”     Lady Violet shook her head. “No, it has nothing to do with where you’re from. It’s simply that it isn’t common for young ladies of the court to have jobs. Commoners, yes. But young ladies of nobility, it’s a bit harder to convince them that they ought to work. Until we find someone, you can send any request that you have through me Princess, and I will happy take care of it for you.”     “Thank you,” said Sirena, “I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name earlier.”     She smiled. “Lady Violet.”     “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Violet,” said Sirena.     “A pleasure to meet you too, your highness,” she said, “oh, and there is the issue of your guards as well.”     I frowned. “I thought that we had found a guard for her.”     “The guard backed out,” said Lady Violet, “it seems that after the incident with The Argenti, the applicants were spooked off. But you needn’t worry. Antero’s father is working on making it so that the raise is higher, and is even working with parliament to lower the age.”     “To how young?” I asked.     “Fifteen.”     “No one of age would take the position?” I said.     Lady Violet winced. “No sir, I’m afraid not.”     “Fools!” I shouted. “The lot of them. This is an insult. You draft a letter to those ingrates telling them that if they do not submit themselves to be the guard of their Princess and future Queen, I will have them fired.”     “I don’t mind having a young guard,” Sirena said, “and I don’t mind waiting for one either.”     “Well,” I said, “I do mind. You are my fiancé, and the future Queen of Aurum. You do not deserve to have second best simply because you were placed in a dangerous situation when you arrived here. If we take these guards demands, we’ll be telling Aurum that you aren’t important. You are to be the mother of my heir. You are the most important. You will have the best, not second best.”     Sirena blushed. It was the softest gesture I had seen from her in the short time I’d known her. “Well,” she said, “if you insist.”     “I do insist,” I said, “now, we’ll take Antero with us for the day and I suppose he’ll have to do for the both of us for now, but we will be getting you your own, personal guard. Mark my words. Even if we have to go through your family to do it. If no one from Aurum will take the job, we’ll show them that their job can be taken.”     Sirena smiled. “I…..thank you.”     “You’re welcome,” I said, “you are the future of Aurum. I expect nothing but the best for you.”     Lady Violet coughed then. “Imperator,” she said, “you are going to be late. For the orphans.”     “Oh,” I said, “of course. Well, come along. We can’t keep them waiting now, can we?” I offered Sirena my arm, and to my surprise she looped hers through mine. Then together, we went to meet Aurum, orphans and all. 
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