Chapter Three: Guarding the Truth

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The next day, Sophia arrived at the café early, nervously fidgeting with her phone. James arrived shortly after, his easy smile putting her at ease immediately. "Sophia!" he greeted warmly. "Thanks for meeting with me." "Of course," she replied, returning his smile. "Thank you for coming." They ordered coffee and found a quiet corner to talk. James pulled out a notepad and pen, ready to take notes. "So," he began, "let's start with the basics. How are you feeling? Any morning sickness, cravings, things like that?" Sophia nodded. "I've had some morning sickness and a few cravings. Mostly, I'm just trying to adjust to the idea of being pregnant." James jotted down her responses. "Got it. And in terms of living arrangements, are you comfortable where you are, or do you need a bigger place?" Sophia hesitated. "My apartment is fine for now, but I guess I'll need more space eventually." "Let's not wait until eventually," James said with a wink. "I'll start looking into some options for you. Anything else on your mind?" Sophia took a deep breath. "I just want to make sure that this... situation doesn't become too overwhelming. I appreciate all the help, but I also want to maintain some normalcy." "Completely understand," James assured her. "We'll take it one step at a time. And remember, I'm here to make things easier for you, not to add to your stress." As they continued to discuss her needs and concerns, Sophia felt a sense of gratitude for James's support. His presence was a welcome comfort, balancing the weight of her new reality. And although Alexander remained a distant, formidable figure, Sophia hoped that, with James's help, they could navigate this journey together. Just as their conversation was winding down, Sophia noticed a subtle shift in James's demeanor. His smile faded, and his eyes grew more serious. He leaned in slightly, his voice lowering. "Sophia, there's something I need to ask you," he said, his tone now intense. "I need to know the truth. Is the baby really Alexander's?" Sophia's eyes widened, taken aback by the sudden change. "Yes, it is," she replied, her voice steady. "Why would you doubt that?" James sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't mean to offend you. It's just... Alexander isn't an ordinary person. His position, his wealth, everything about his life makes him a target. I have to be sure. We have to be sure." Sophia felt a mixture of anger and understanding. She appreciated James's loyalty to his brother, but the implication stung. "I understand your concern," she said firmly. "But I assure you, this is Alexander's child. I have nothing to gain from lying about this." After the tense exchange, James’s demeanor shifted back to a more relaxed, though still serious, tone. He studied Sophia for a moment before speaking. “There’s one more thing I need to address,” James said, leaning forward slightly. “I know this is a lot to take in, but I need to ask about your career.” Sophia looked at him, puzzled. “My career? I’m not sure what you mean.” James continued, his expression thoughtful. “You’re a lifestyle journalist, right? That’s a pretty high-profile job. I can imagine that news about Alexander and the baby could attract a lot of attention. Are you worried about how this might affect your work, or how it might be reported?” Sophia's face fell slightly as she considered the implications. “Yes, I am concerned about that. It’s a delicate situation. I’ve tried to keep my personal life separate from my work, but this is... a major development.” James nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. “It’s not just a personal issue—it’s a potential scandal. Given your profession, there’s a risk that this could become public knowledge, and that could have serious repercussions for both you and Alexander.” Sophia sighed, feeling the weight of his words. “I’ve been trying to figure out how to handle it. I don’t want my career to suffer because of this, but I also don’t want to be accused of exploiting the situation.” James leaned back, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “I get that. It’s a tough spot to be in. I’d advise you to consider keeping your professional life and personal life as separate as possible. It might help to avoid writing about Alexander or the baby altogether, at least for now. If people who know you find out, that’s one thing, but you don’t need to add fuel to the fire.” Sophia nodded, her mind racing with potential strategies. “I agree. I need to be cautious. But it’s hard to predict how things will unfold.” “Absolutely,” James said sympathetically. “And you’re right to be cautious. This is a delicate situation, and managing it carefully will be crucial. If you need any help or advice, don’t hesitate to reach out.” As Sophia walked back to her apartment after her meeting with James, her mind was heavy with the gravity of her situation. The café seemed to blur around her as she grappled with the reality of the predicament she found herself in. The bustling streets, once so vibrant, now felt like an echo of the chaos swirling inside her. Entering her apartment, she sank onto her couch, staring blankly at the wall. The conversation with James had brought to light the enormity of her circumstances. Not only was she navigating a surprise pregnancy, but she also had to consider the implications for her career. The idea of Alexander's child becoming public knowledge was daunting, and the thought of anyone at her workplace finding out was even more terrifying. Sophia was well aware of the nature of her job. As a lifestyle journalist, her professional life was a constant dance with public scrutiny. Her articles and columns often drew attention, and she was accustomed to the spotlight that came with her role. But this—this was different. This was deeply personal, and it involved one of the most powerful and enigmatic figures she had ever encountered. She paced her small living room, her thoughts racing. The possibility of her pregnancy becoming a scandal in her workplace was a nightmare she couldn’t afford to face. Her colleagues and the media would undoubtedly spin the story in ways she couldn’t control. The implications for her career and personal reputation were enormous. Sitting down at her desk, Sophia pulled out her phone and stared at it for a moment. Her work email was open, and she could almost see the headlines and rumors starting to spread if her situation was revealed. The thought made her stomach churn. She had always maintained a careful boundary between her personal and professional lives, but this was an insurmountable breach. She needed to be vigilant. Her pregnancy had to remain a private matter. The temptation to share her story, to seek sympathy or understanding, was strong, but it was too risky. She had to protect her career and her dignity. Sophia picked up her phone and texted James. She had to clarify something important. Text Message: Hi James, I just wanted to reiterate how important it is for me to keep this situation private. I appreciate all your help, but please make sure that the details about my pregnancy and Alexander remain confidential. I don’t want anyone at my workplace or in the media to find out. Thank you for understanding. The response came quickly. Text Message: Understood, Sophia. I’ll make sure everything stays confidential. You have my word. Sophia felt a measure of relief after James’s reassurance, but the weight of her situation was heavy. She knew she had to carefully balance her career, privacy, and the future of her child. As evening fell, she resolved to manage her professional and personal lives with utmost discretion. Every decision mattered, and she was determined to face the challenges with resilience and grace. As evening settled, Sophia put away her phone, feeling a slight sense of relief from James's reassurance. However, the weight of her situation still pressed heavily on her mind. She knew she needed to be vigilant; any misstep could unravel the delicate balance she was trying to maintain. Just as she was about to turn in for the night, her phone buzzed again. Expecting another message from James, she glanced at the screen. But it wasn't James's name that flashed across the display—it was a message from an unknown number. Curious, Sophia opened the message, and her heart skipped a beat. Text Message: "I know your secret. It won't stay hidden forever. Be careful." Sophia stared at the words, her mind racing. Who could this be? How did they know? Her pulse quickened, a mix of fear and anger coursing through her. The threat was clear: someone out there knew about her pregnancy and the situation with Alexander, and they were watching. She quickly typed back, her fingers trembling slightly. Text Message: "Who is this? What do you want?" No response came. She waited, each passing second feeling like an eternity. The silence was deafening, and her anxiety grew. Sophia felt the walls of her apartment closing in on her, the once cozy space now feeling ominous and stifling. Sophia knew she couldn't face this alone. She needed to figure out who was behind the message and what they wanted. But most importantly, she had to protect her child and her future. The stakes had just been raised, and she was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead with resilience and grace. As she finally turned off her phone and tried to calm her racing thoughts, Sophia realized that this was just the beginning. The journey ahead was fraught with uncertainty, and she had no idea who she could trust. But one thing was certain: she would do whatever it took to safeguard her secret and the life she was carrying. With a deep breath, she steeled herself for the days to come, knowing that every decision from now on would be more crucial than ever. The game had changed, and she had to be ready for anything.

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