Her Spleen

1034 Words
Camila’s P.O.V Camila stares angrily at Simbiana while taking food from the buffet. She's an unknown paramour to Ben. Camila has been resentful of Simbiana’s relationship with Ben. She walks into the restroom with so much pique. She Locks herself in the restroom, while she makes herself comfortable as she stares into the looking glass. Camila is a druggie, as she pulls out a substance from the handbag to sniff “ That dumb b***h, " she repeatedly says, as she sniffs more of the drugs into her nostril. “ te mataré, perra” she repeatedly says….. She’s shattered, and ready to wreck whatever will stand between her from getting Ben. She clears up the drug substance on the hand wash basin and puts the Cigarette in the trash can. Opens the door, and walks out feignedly…. “ Hey, Camila, where have you been? Everyone's been looking for you, Simbiana’s mum asked. Oh, I was in the restroom, she said. “ Don't be too hidden, it is your Sister’s wedding, Simbiana’s mum said”. Dance, and drink but don't drink too much, she laughed and went off to attend to a guest. She moves immediately for a glass of champagne, while she sits, and romantic staring toward where Ben sat. She's worse than Delilah……Camila is desperate…… Her plan is set on ruining Simbiana’s marriage and getting Ben to marry her afterward. She turns to their maid, and requests for more wine. Camila gulped down the wine and stood up She’s tense and very uncomfortable, so she moves out to a quiet location, where she can smoke a cigarette. On reaching there, she pulls out a stick of cigarette with a lighter spark from her handbag. Here comes a gentleman, who happened to be one of the guests at the Wedding. His name is Pedro……. He approaches Camila….. “ Hola,” Pedro, say hello to Camila As she turned to see who acknowledged her presence. “ Sí “, Camila replied… ¿Cómo estás?” Pedro asked Camila…. “ Estoy bien, y tú? “ Bien” he replied with a smile My name is Pedro…… What’s your name? Pedro asked…. Camila replied with an arrogant tune "I don't usually give my name to people I don't know. But since you're so interested, I guess you can call me ' “ No es asunto tuyo”. Which means “ None of your Business”. She provocatively threw the Cigarette on Predo’s suit and walked away. Pedro awes, as he cleans up his suit…. He looked around, luckily no one saw the event that took place. The Wedding reception is almost over…… The whole family gathered in the living room to make a toast for the newly wedded couple. Camila walks into the living room with a ristus as she hugs Simbiana “ Congratulations Baby sis”, she says. In her imagination, she relishes in their growing distance and eventual disintegration. Their once-love bond will unravel, and she’ll be there to witness it all fall apart. Camila sat beside Simbiana as she plastered a forced smile, her mind racing to maintain the facade. She wished she had bought a toxin, as she desperately stared at Simbiana’s drink… "The subtlety of slipping a little poison into her drink will be effective. No one will suspect a thing until it’s too late. She's covetous….. Camila is envious and resentful of having heard about Simbiana’s trip with Ben to Paris for their honeymoon. Camila wishes she could end their union. Only if she could stop time. It saddens her heart to watch Simbiana enjoy the best moment of her life She's in pain… Camila is about to leave the wedding venue, although more guests are coming in and going out. She reaches for her cell phone, with a slide body language of discomfort. She is booking an Uber…… A few minutes later, she exited the wedding premises…… She's back to her apartment, shattered and leaving her qroom in disarray. She pulls out a drug substance and sniffs it into her nostrils while laughing from pain. Her hair is messy and she keeps laughing in pain “ te mataré, perra” she repeatedly says….. Camila sniffs more of the drug substance as if that wasn't enough. She's obsessed with Ben, as she keeps calling him by name Ben….come to me…. Ben….come to me…. Ben….come to me…. Ben….come to me….. Ben….come to me…… She’s flooded with tears….. Camila picks up her cell phone to call an unknown number. “ I know. It feels like everything is falling apart. I’m struggling to cope with it all, she said “. She immediately hung up the phone call from the unknown number. Camila looks terrified…. She can’t help but feel a pang of envy as she watched Simbiana’s Grace and charisma seeming so natural, as Camila continuously pondered if she’s doing the wrong things. Camila keeps laughing in pain, her fingers drumming impatiently on the table, while her eyes betrayed a hint of longing. She has been yelling loudly in her apartment, and it is worrisome to her neighbours. “Knock, knock, knock at her door is her 82 years old Grandma, who happens to be her landlady. “ Hey sweetie, I hope you’re okay in there, " she asked. It sounds like a herd of an elephant trying to play a drum Camila’s landlady is always nosy, and everyone in the apartment is aware. Camila is inside her apartment. She’s not paying attention to her landlady. Camila, I heard a sound like someone’s having a party with loud music, she said. Camila is still inside and hasn’t said a word to her. “ you never know. Sometimes, people are very quiet, she said, As She walked away slowly to her apartment…… Camila picks up her cell phone and dials 911 for an emergency. She’s taken a drug overdose and she's vomiting and being unresponsive. She tumbles down to the ground. She's shivering…… The Emergency unit could locate her apartment. Camila is struggling to stay conscious, her breathing is shallow, and her skin has taken on a bluish tint. They quickly administered naloxone and provided oxygen. Camilia urgently needs medical attention…..
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