1643 Words

A chimney, also, you behold. MEPHISTOPHELES I must confess that forth I may not wander, My steps by one slight obstacle controlled,— The wizard’s-foot, that on your threshold made is. FAUST The pentagram prohibits thee? Why, tell me now, thou Son of Hades, If that prevents, how cam’st thou in to me? Could such a spirit be so cheated? MEPHISTOPHELES Inspect the thing: the drawing’s not completed. The outer angle, you may see, Is open left—the lines don’t fit it. FAUST Well,—Chance, this time, has fairly hit it! And thus, thou’rt prisoner to me? It seems the business has succeeded. MEPHISTOPHELES The poodle naught remarked, as after thee he speeded; But other aspects now obtain: The Devil can’t get out again. FAUST Try, then, the open window-pane! MEPHISTOPHELES For

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