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Charlotte walked in looking so hyper she ran at me and squealed, "You and him, are too perfect! You like him back, don't you?" I shook my head, "No! I've known him for only around a couple of months and you know: he kidnapped me, and is part of the reason my best friend is now dead." "How can you not like him like that? Do you think at least think he's good looking?" She just... completely overlooked my primary point. "I guess- but in this situation it's different, it's serious I have to marry him, it's not like a school crush or something..." She nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you're right. Have you seen Lemiela anywhere?" "She left, her and Phoveous had some argument a few hours ago." She squeezed her temples and cursed under her breath. "You wouldn't mind assisting me in finding her, would you?" "Not at all," I smiled and hurried to put on some shoes and jacket then left. We went out through the front doors and walked down the pathway that snaked its way down to the gates at the bottom. The gates were opened, and we were out. I looked back at the castle as it rested on top of the hill, watching over this place-Nox Aterrima. The sun was out and beaming, and the few clouds present slowly hovered over us. It was a beautiful day and made me think that I should get outside more. This place was beautiful. We got to the town and people began to stare at us. What was wrong? I felt a little uncomfortable as I began to walk closer and closer to Charlotte for security. They looked friendly enough but their stares made my insides coil up. "Don't worry, they don't want your blood or anything. They know you're the future queen of this place. Give them a wave," Charlotte assured me. I gave an awkward wave and the people began to clap and cheer. It got me wondering why when both myself and Prince Phoveous were walking through here we got no reaction. No one had paid any attention to us or barely shot any glances. "I guess you're not used to this." Charlotte chuckled. "You see, the Prince doesn't like people to cheer at him or do anything to worship him because he hasn't done anything." "What do you mean? Is cheering a bad thing here?" "No no. Not at all. I mean, he just sees himself as the son of the King. He doesn't think he should receive praise for being a son. So anyone who does gets either persecuted or prosecuted for 'false idolisation' as he calls it." I scoffed in amusement. What a brat. "That's a bit irrational." "All the same, he uses his place as the prince to do whatever he wants… almost contradicting his own point." "Do you have any idea where Lemiela could've gone or are we just wondering around?" I asked as we walked at a steady pace along a cobblestone path. "She's probably gone home to her parents' house." "What are you two, the Prince? Are you related or something?" I questioned after some time of learning that auction in my head after some time of keeping that question in my head. Charlotte laughed."We consider him as family, like a little brother. I don't know how he sees us, but we're like his supervisors or mentors." "But you're so young. How come?" In all honesty, Charlotte and Lemiela looked no older than we did, maybe 20. Any mentor I've seen, well, they've always been quite of age, sometimes with grey hair. These two were far from it. Maybe he took them from their family too, like me. "You forget," she grinned to show off her pointy fangs and then tapped them. "We vampires age differently to you humans. So we'll look younger than wea ctually are." We arrived at a rather average-sized Tudor looking cottage. The garden was full of colourful flowers and plants, and some strange ones I had never seen before. Some seemed to be even more animated than the Venus Fly Trap! watched them intently. This was amazing. Charlotte knocked and waited for an answer. The door opened to a small black girl with short curly hair. She looked about nine or ten. She excitedly hugged Charlotte and gave me a small wave. I waved back, of course. "Lemiela!" She called behind her, "your friends are here!" Lemiela soon came and eyed us both. "Did he send you?" She was dressed casually, a pair of blue mom jeans and a white vest. Charlotte shook her head. "We came to get you." "Didn't Hera tell you? He kicked me out." Charlotte sighed heavily and squeezed her temples again. "What did you do now, Lemiela?" "How about you come in," Lemiela suggested and opened the door wider. I shuffled behind Charlotte as she walked in and followed Lemiela into her living area. The cottage seemed a lot larger on the inside. We passed the kitchen and then what seemed to be the dining room before we reached the living room. All of which were rather big, bigger than the ones in your average house. All of the walls were made of cobblestone and wood. It looked beautiful all the same, old fashioned with a modern feel. No one was in the living room. We all sat down. "I may have let a little comment about his mom slip." She shrugged. "Hera heard most of it anyway. Did you hear that bit?" "You should come back. I'm sure he'll forgive you." I nodded stiffly. "Once you make a comment about his mom, you're screwed."Lemiela laughed sarcastically. She put on a serious face."I'm surprised he hasn't had me arrested yet. He's probably trying to be nice in front of you." Did people get arrested for making comments about his mom? That wash arsh. But I guess I couldn't feel what he felt about his mom because the one with my mother was non-existent. They were probably really close, just like he and his dad were. "It wasn't an insult, though. Maybe I can try talking to him." I offered. "You two are the only decent company I have. He'll understand."I added. "No.You don't understand the Prince." "She's right." Charlotte added. What did they both mean? I stared at the pair, waiting for one of them to explain what they meant. They couldn't just hint at things and leave it like that, and I couldn't just go asking Phoveous what else was behind him. If I asked his dad, he'd probably tell me to go ask Phoveous, and I was certain none of the maids would tell me anything. Maybe I could find something in a library of his or something, knowing he had a lot of them. Neither Charlotte nor Lemiela said a thing. I sighed, but carried on in determination to get it out of them, or at least one of them. "What's so bad about him you can't tell me? I have to marry him anyway so it won't change anything." "We don't want to ruin your relationship with him. You're both barely getting along as it is. It's best not to ruin that." Charlotte explained. "Besides, he'd be so furious if we did anything to ruin it." "Alright..." I guess that meant I'd have to find a way to weasel it out of him. The maid who got me marked told me he opened up easily, and if Phoveous wanted me to trust him, then he should open up even easier. It wasn't long before all three of us were saying our goodbyes to Lemiela's family and making our way back to the castle. Hopefully, Lemiela would be allowed to stay. I wanted her to. She didn't deserve to get kicked out like that. This was her job. Phoveous was standing in the hallway by the entrance with his arms folded with a pretty annoyed look on his face. "So. came back, did we? And decided to bring Lemiela back without my permission?" He wasn't talking to me, but to Charlotte. "You took Hera without even telling me? I was about to come and look for you myself." "It's not her fault. I said I'd tag along, and it was my idea to bring Lemiela back." I interrupted. I couldn't let Charlotte take the blame. "You know, I told her to leave. So why?" litched my arm. "That's the thing," I began awkwardly. "Could you maybe… give her another chance?" I asked sheepishly, not sure how he'd react. "No," Phoveous answered flatly. My jaw dropped at his response, it seemed borderline immature that he wouldn't even explain himself. "Please. Charlotte and Lemiela are my only means of female company." "So? You'll still have one left," He replied with a slight edge in his tone. "Fine." I turned to Lemiela, "sorry Lemiela. I'll just have to see you whenever. I leave the castle. That's if the prince says it's OK." "That's not fair!" He interrupted. "Oh, isn't it? That's a funny thing to say, coming from you. I could make a list of the things you've made me do that weren't fair." He stepped forward. "like what?" Charlotte cleared her throat. "I don't think it matters. Phoveous, if your choice is final, I'll escort Lemiela home." Phoveous held up his hand to silence Charlotte. "No, no. I want to hear this first." "Well, you kidnapped me and brought me here, my friend is dead because of you, you had me marked, made me sleep in some bed forcefully, got me electric shock therapy, you practically just told me I can't leave without your permission and now Lemiela can't stay to keep me company. You and I must see 'fail' differently." His smug expression fell into a frown. 'What was wrong with him now? I thought. There was always something wrong with him. "God." I heard him mutter, he stared at me, his purple eyes going right through me. His expression wasn't readable. "She can stay. Whatever." He turned on. his heel and hastily walked off. Charlotte nudged me and raised her brows toward Phoveous. She was indicating that I was going after him. I silently protested that it was until Lemiela copied the actions of Charlotte. I rolled my eyes and did as they said. "Wait-" "I'm terrible to you..." he stopped walking suddenly and turned to face me. I couldn't lie and disagree, so I didn't. "Yeah, well, everyone has their own personality and way of showing their emotions, even if they are a little toxic." "No, I don't mean that. That list of all the unfair things-" "I mean, I guess all of it isn't completely your fault" "Yes, it is!" I staggered at his outburst. I wasn't expecting him to yell. His eyes seemed to be mixing violet and grey. It looked really strange, yet mesmerising at the same time. It looked like when you poured syrup into water. Just the way the two colours seemed to intertwine, it was fascinating-now was not the time to be thinking how mesmerising his eyes were! "Hera, I don't wanna be like this." He said. "Yeah, yeah I know. You've told me already." "No!" He interjected, "do you believe it though?" "I'll believe it when you can keep your cool for even a week. Yeah, I've agreed to trust you, but if you're going to act completely unpredictable on me, then that trust is going to fade faster than you'd expect." I explained sternly. Phoveous's behaviour was really irritating, although my behaviour towards him wasn't much different, it wasn't as bad as his. "Fine." He thought for a few seconds. "How about we go out to eat dinner? All of us." "Whatever you want Phoveous," Charlotte said after she and Lemiela caught up with us. "Well alright." He smiled, "go get ready you three. Formal attire." He hurried us to our rooms and then left to get ready himself. Back in my bedroom, I was walking through my closet and something caught my eye-something silver and glittery. The cutest dress ever! It was a silver sequined dress that looked as if it'd reach just above my knees. I grinned as I pulled it off its hanger and grabbed some glossy black stilettos. I applied a thin layer of concealer around my eyes because I looked like a panda, put on some mascara, eyeliner and some glittery clear lip gloss. Jewellery wise, I was wearing a charm bracelet and black choker, along with a diamond ring I found on the back of the dressing table. I combed through the messier parts of my thick, dark brown hair. After giving myself a once-over, I left to meet Charlotte, Lemiela and Phoveous. To my surprise, Lanz and Hanz were there too. It seemed that Hanz had been let out of punishment sooner than I thought... "Take your time." Phoveous smirked and hooked arms with me when I was close enough. "You look good." He had his hair parted to the side. He was wearing a plain black suit with a black shirt and grey tie. "You too," I responded. "Where are we going exactly?" Lemiela ask then raised her eyebrow. She was wearing a black lace dress with long sleeves and red heels. She had her hair tied into a high, neat bun, and the most beautiful pearl necklace and earring.
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