Chapter 27

1308 Words

Aysel's POV "Aysel! Aysel!" The deafening sound of sirens and the thick clouds of smoke were choking me. Everywhere was in chaos. I could hear the sound of cries of people wailing for help. I ran, but it seemed as if the more I was running, the more the smoke kept on getting thicker. I was lost. I didn't know where I was going. One minute I was having lunch with my father, the next minute we were under attack. I seem to have lost my father in this chaos somewhere. He was holding onto me before, but now he is nowhere near me. I kept on screaming for him, screaming his name, but the sounds of the siren kept on drowning my voice. I was getting really scared. My vision was getting blurry. I knew that the fire department was there, but I don't think they could extinguish this fire.

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