Chapter 44

1344 Words

Curtis POV This was not how I saw my Friday afternoon going, but who was I to complain? I was looking for something and I wouldn't stop till I had gotten what I wanted. I don't know what councilman Travis thinks, that he is the boss of everyone at the council, but it is seriously annoying to watch all the time how he always takes over every meeting. He doesn't listen to other people's ideas and just focuses on his own. If I was the Alpha, I would get rid of the likes of councilman Travis. He is a thorn in my flesh. I really wanted to kill him a million times. It doesn't take a genius to know that Councilman Travis would backstab me just as I was planning to do to him. Sometimes I wondered why Alpha Gerald didn't get rid of Travis. He had been in the council for a long time and, quite

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