Chapter 46

1299 Words

Aysel's POV I got a little worried when Jose sent me a picture of Alpha Gerald's Beta. Cameron talking to David. I wanted to scold him about how he wasted so much time picking him up to even let Cameron see my son in the first place. What was Beta Cameron even doing at David's school? Has Gerald found out that I had a child with him? Is that why he is sending his Beta to stalk my son? I have been waiting for Jose to send me the information that I needed. I wanted to know the reason why Cameron was there. I was not taking any chances at letting Gerald see David yet. I have to seduce him and get him to be madly in love with me before I can even bring in my son. I was not going to let him use David as a weapon instead of a child. Of all the children out there, it had to be David that C

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