The Rejection

1060 Words

“Ah!” I groaned and got up from the bed with a sullen look, sweating profusely. “What, why are you not sleeping?” He asked with a raised brow. I scowled glaring at him angrily, “you’re seriously asking me that, how do you expect me to sleep when you’re burning holes in my body with your eyes” I asserted while gritting my teeth, he smacked his and hissed. “I see, I’m making you uncomfortable?” “What do you think?” I sneered at him, “no one would be able to sleep with your eagle-piercing eyes on them, I think you should retreat. I’m tired and I need some rest” I said coldly with a stoic face. ‘Ungrateful woman! Look, Cameron. The woman you’re fighting me for, she would use any slightest opportunity to kick us out from her ward even when she knows that I won’t eat her. What do you think

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