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I am carrying my furrowed forehead as I sit down in my chair here in our dining room, at home. My mum and dad called me out for dinner and they are nagging me because the news came to them about what I did earlier, sending  Caspian a bouquet of flowers. As usual, they were spying me with their monkey bodyguards. Argh!  My parents don't like Caspian for me for some reason that my parents and Caspian's parents are not in good terms.  But hell no! They can't stop me from wanting my baby boy. I mean, no one can stop me!  "You know that we are cursing their family right? Don't be so desperate, Savannah. You are making yourself fool in front of Caspian!" My mum nags and my dad were about to add some more words but I spoke before him.  "When was being in love becomes fool mum?" I ask, rolling my eyes and sighing. "I'm out. We are out in your bad business with my baby boy's parents. So do not tell me what to do or what I do. I love Caspian. I want him and you guys cannot stop me from doing that." I say, in which they both sigh out loudly, unbelievably.  "We all know that Caspian doesn't love you. Will you still push yourself to him, Savannah?" This time, it was my dad who spoke that. Flipping my hair, and smiling, I answer his questions with confidence. "Oh, dad. Let me tell you my motto. I believe there is nothing I can't get. I am passionate about my feelings towards Caspian so it is impossible that I can't get him someday." I say, smiling sweetly.  "We are in the right process in raising you, but seeing you like that makes me think that we failed." My mum says, shaking her head in disappointment.  "TSS," I smirk. "Whatever mum. You can't stop me, I am telling you."  "Okay, then. Do whatever you want Savannah. But... once you will bring any damage to our name, I will not hesitate to get your company to you and send you to Japan. Do you understand?" Dad warned me. I just give him a lopsided smirk.  "I'm not scared, Dad—" "Watch out your words, Savannah." Mum cut my sentence, raising her right eyebrow on me.  "What? Do you guys think that I will let my company and career go to waste? Come on, guys. That will never happen." "Yeah, but who knows. Perhaps, you will not notice yourself drowning little by little in your false love for Caspian." Dad says, shrugging his shoulder.  "I know what I am doing, Dad. Okay? Ah, why can't you guys just support me?" I scoff.  "Our support is with you, darling. However, not with that damn Caspian!" "Mum! Stop cursing my baby boy. You're hurting me. Argh! I'm done with this. I gotta go now." I said and stood up.  Mum and Dad just shake their heads. "Good night guys." I gave them a short kiss before walking away from their direction. I don't care if they hate what I am doing. Again, no one can stop from doing this.  When I finally got out of our mansion, I grabbed my phone on my pink pouch and dial Yanna's number. She answers it right away.  "Let's have some drinks—" I wasn't able to continue my sentence because I heard guys moan on her line. What the hell? "Are you having s*x again?" I ask with a wrinkled forehead.  "Ops! I'm sorry, b***h. I will call you later or maybe tomorrow? I'm sorry! Bye!"  "Wait —" she hangs up the call.  "Ah, seriously this b***h. You're a damn bicth!" I murmur before I get inside my car.  Psh. I wanted to have a drink with her right now, but argh! She's in her s*x session. I didn't know that she's a s*x addict. That b***h is wasting hundreds of sperm every day.  I'm gonna have a drink with myself then — no way. Maybe I should go to Caspian's condo unit now.  Right! Bright idea, Savannah.  I started now to drive my car away. And before heading to my baby boy's condominium unit, I stop at a department store to buy a can of drinks and chips. After that, I go to his place.  After a while, I got into the UNO building. Before I got out of my car, I wore a cap and a face mask for my safety. People might here take a photo of me, so yeah. I need to be careful. After I wore a cap and facemask, I took the paper bag that had a can of beer and chips, and then got off of my car, walks to the entrance of the building.  As I got inside, I quickly went to the elevator, get inside, and clicked the 10th-floor button. How did I know that? Well, this is my first time going to Caspian's condo unit. But, I know what floor his room is located at, and also his room number, except for his room passcode. I'm his ultimate stalker.  Sooner, I got into the right floor, and here I am now standing in front of the room. 1007. Right, here we go now. I removed my cap and face mask then, before clicking the doorbell, I fixed myself first. I should look gorgeous in his eyes.  Pressing my lips, and smiling confidently, I click the doorbell. The door opened then right away. From inside, my baby boy showed up, wearing a white T-shirt, silky gray pajama, and glasses on.  It looks like he was reading a book.  "Hey," I greeted at Caspian, smiling sweetly.  His forehead furrowed, and his right brow lifted. "What are you doing here?" He asks, flatly. As usual, he is treating me coldly.  "Can you just let me in first?" I ask, still smiling.  "Can't. Go home now." He said and was about to close the door but I stretched my left hand to stop him.  "Don't be so rude, baby boy," I say, pushing him slightly so I could enter his unit. Finally, I am in.  I close the door.  "Go home now." He repeated.  But I ignore him, instead I walk to his dining area and then place the paper bag on the glass table in the center of his four huge sofas.  "Shh. Let's have some light drinks. I brought beers—" "I don't drink. Go home now."  "Really, baby boy?" I teased.  He is just staring at me without any expressions written on his face. Ah, this guy is so hard to get. Anyways, I am not giving up yet. So, I walk near him, and I place my hand on his chest.  "Just I need company right now. Promise, after we drink I will go home." I say, giving him a puppy eyes look.  "Call out your friends." He removes my hand on his chest. "I am not in a mood for accompanying you."  "Yanna is busy. She's the only friend that I had, but she's busy. Do you want me to go to the bar alone? At this rate of the hour? Come on, it's dangerous for me to go there. Especially that I am gorgeous and sexy." "That's why you should go home."  "But I want to have some drinks." "Then, drink by yourself." He says and walks away from me, and goes upstairs.  "Psh!" A smile slipped out in my mouth. He's playing hard to get.  I got two cans of beer inside the paper bag, opened it and I brought it upstairs to his room. "Just one bottle," I say, entering his room. I was right, he is reading a book. He is sitting on his swivel chair while his legs are crossed.  "Get out." He says, without looking at me.  "No. I won't." I disagree.  "Get out now before I will call a guard to drag you out of this building." He warned, yet still, I ignored him. I sat down on the table in front of him, crossing also my legs. Since I am wearing a fitted black skirt, the cloth goes up a little bit causing my legs to expose.  "Just one, baby boy please?" I handed him the canned beer I was holding. But he didn't take it.  He keeps reading.  "Just one, promise after this I will go home." I pleased, yet he is still ignoring me. Psh! So, I took the book he was reading and put it under my butt. Yeah, I sat on it.  He looked at me with an annoyance but I gave him a sweet smile. "What? Get the book if you want." I say, teased, taking a sip of beer. He just looked away and was about to stand up but I stopped him by sitting on his lap. "Stay baby boy," I say in whispers, running my fingers on his cheeks. "Get off on me, now." He commanded coldly.  "Nah, Nah." I shake my head. "I told you just one drink of beer then I will go home." "I said get off on me." His voice became rough.  "Nah, Nah." Still shaking my head, tracing his soft cheeks while looking at his damn red lips.  "Tch." He murmurs and then I was a bit startled when he stood up causing me to fall down on the floor.  Dammit! My butt!  "Caspian!" I yell out.  "I told you to get off on me right? See what happens. TSS." He says and smiles sarcastically then he leaves his room.  Argh! I hurt my butt. Seriously! 
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