2014 Words

'What are these books like?' said Winston curiously. 'Oh, ghastly rubbish. They're boring, really. They only have six plots, but they swap them round a bit. Of course I was only on the kaleidoscopes. I was never in the Rewrite Squad. I'm not literary, dear--not even enough for that.' He learned with astonishment that all the workers in Pornosec, except the heads of the departments, were girls. The theory was that men, whose s*x instincts were less controllable than those of women, were in greater danger of being corrupted by the filth they handled. 'They don't even like having married women there,' she added. Girls are always supposed to be so pure. Here's one who isn't, anyway. She had had her first love-affair when she was sixteen, with a Party member of sixty who later committed sui

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