
388 Words
"There. All finished. Now I just need to wait for the response." As she sat back against the pale papered wall, Aria slightly sighed in despair as if she had tried her utmost hardest only to make second place.  Wiping some unwanted eye crust away, she ran her other exhausted hand through her morning bed head, her black fingernails blending in every now and then with her Raven strands. She had just finished up typing a letter to an art student in California about their studies and was currently playing the waiting game. She despised time zone differences. She talked to strangers quite often, seeing as it was necessary in her line of work, and these strangers would sometimes just happen to live on the opposite side of the world. At least she called it her job. It was a bit more of a hobby than an occupation. Aria wasn't being paid to talk to these people. She just wanted to help them. She got up from the floor after setting down her laptop, careful not to unplug it from the already-messed-up wall charger. She really needed to start charging her things at night. Glancing at the wall clock, she paused for a moment, debating on whether she should try to fall asleep or not. After about a minute or so, she decided against it and began to get ready for the day, seeing as it was already noon. She worked the graveyard shift at a nearby coffeeshop connected to the hospital, so her 'daily routine' would tend to take place later on in the evening. Passing the mirror in the hallway, Aria rubbed at her eyes with her ring fingers in a desperate attempt to get rid of the dark circles that continuously formed bags under her eyes. Once her blurred vision returned back to normal, she sighed as she studied her tired face. She grimaced at the thought of how similar she looked to the customers at the shop. Suddenly, a sound whisked her away from her thoughts. She ran to the computer, opened up the email, and bit her lip as she read the message. Join Wolfplay! A/n In all honesty, I'm wanting to create a werewolf romance, and I'm trying to create a pack on this site as my reference, so there's that.
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