Chapter 4

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Brielle My eyes finally adjusted to the light just as a small voice muttered the words I never thought I would hear in this situation. Mate. The Alpha king was my mate? My second Chance? "Bring her forward. I need to see what I'm looking at." His dark, husky voice sent vibrations through my body, and I almost pleaded to hear him speak, but a large hand pushed me forward, and I came stumbling before his feet. I could now see him clearly, and my breath caught in my throat. In all the rumors they said about him, no one ever mentioned how beautiful he was. His eyes were a stormy grey, cold and calculating, yet holding a magnetic intensity that drew me in. Sharp cheekbones accentuated his rugged features, and his jet-black hair framed his face with a controlled wildness, teasing and inviting me to run my hands through them. His silk shirt had two buttons down, and I could see a peek of his muscular chest and a scribe of tattoos on it. I wanted to see more. My gaze locked with his, and I could see his jaw clench, and I almost looked away in fear. The beautiful cold Alpha king was my mate, and he didn't seem pleased about it. "I never tagged Selene for a comedian." He mused, and he lifted his frame off the throne, towering over me with his tall, intimidating, muscular frame. I swallowed thickly as his Alpha aura overwhelmed me, and I looked down in submission as he stopped his steps in front of me. "Look at me when I'm addressing you, rogue." He commanded, and I craned my neck up to meet his eyes, feeling the air in my lungs escape as I met the intensity in those cold eyes. "State your name." He commanded, his voice echoing in the vast hall. I swallowed for the tenth time, unable to think when he was this close to me. "Brielle, your majesty." I finally whispered when I found my voice. He leaned forward, studying me. "Brielle, the rogue who dared to cross into my realm. Do you understand the severity of your actions?" Tears welled in my eyes as I nodded, unable to speak. For a second, I thought being his mate would change things. Who was I kidding? My life would suddenly change because I was the mate of the Alpha king? "Death is the customary punishment for trespassing," he declared, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "However, I am feeling unusually merciful today." Hope flickered within me, only to be extinguished as he continued, "You will serve in my palace as a lowly servant. Consider it a chance at redemption. Fail, and the consequences will be severe." I almost fainted as his words sank in. He didn't want me as his mate but as his servant? A laugh rang in as he stared at me, and I felt exposed at the harsh sound. "Oh little rogue. You didn't think I would take you as my mate, did you? But I'm not finished. You see, I'm supposed to take a bride as my mate. But I'm not interested in that nonsense. But I think I've found the solution to that." I listened to him, confusion and pain filling me. He didn't want me. Weren't mates supposed to want each other? Tears stung behind my eyes, but I swallowed them. "Your service would be different than every other one, Brielle. Your job would be to pretend as my queen in public while fulfilling my needs in private. From now on, i own you, and I would do to you what I please. Go against Me, and I would kill you like an animal." I stood there, paralyzed by his words, the weight of his expectations crushing me. A fake queen? Instead of my mate to accept me and love me, he decided I would be a pawn under his mercy? He circled me like a predator assessing its prey, and I felt the weight of his dominance pressing down on me. "You will wear the title of my queen, Brielle. You'll smile and nod in public, but in private, you'll be at my beck and call." His words sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't find the strength to respond. My dreams of a mate who would cherish and protect me shattered in an instant. The second time tonight. Was this fate better than death? My life wouldn't be mine anymore. I would be his dummy. His sweet little fake queen. His toy. A tear rolled down my eye as the reality crashed into me. "And I don't owe you anything. You do what I ask when I ask you to. I hope all I've said so far has been clear to you." Another tear slid down my eyes, and I slowly nodded. I was trapped. Doomed to live a life that wasn't one anymore. The Alpha chose me to be his Luna, but at what cost? Was it worth it when my life wouldn't be mine anymore? "I should reject you. But I don't want to risk you having another mate. So the bond would stay." He stopped his circling and paused in front of me, his eyes darkening. "I own you. And I can't risk someone else being your second chance, mate." Tears streamed down my face as I looked up at him. "Do you have anything to say? Do you reject this arrangement, or should I call the executioner?" My heart thundered at the sound of an executioner. "No, your highness," I answered, "I'll be your slave." He gave a satisfied smirk, signifying the beginning of my fate as his servant. My life was no longer mine, but his. "Good. A maid would take you to the room you are meant to stay. Tomorrow will be our wedding." He announced and I gasped, my eyes widening in shock. "Our-our wedding?" His smile widened. "Why yes, my love. Our wedding. And after that, you would begin your major duty here." Fear of what it was, I filled myself with courage to ask. "What duty, your highness?" His tongue darted to moisturise his lips and his eyes flickered down my body, making me aware of my self. His eyes met mine and this time, they were darker and more intense. He stepped closer to me, his hand pushing behind a stray lock of my hair and I shivered at how close he was, and how overwhelming his presence was. "Your duty as my mate of course. To spread your legs and bear me a heir." The minute he said those words, the remainder of my life came crashing down. A heir? I would bear him a heir? He pulled away from me. "Welcome to the pack, mate. I can't guarantee you would like it here. My methods aren't particularly gentle." And with those words, he left me standing in the throne room, while giving the guard an instruction to send a maid to me. But only one thing rang in my head. He would mate with me and I will bear him a heir?
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