Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Getting to know you Parker I laid on my bed and heard a soft knock at my door. “Parker? Are you okay?” I heard Selena’s soft voice speak through the door. What should I say? I’m peachy. Pft, yeah, okay. She knocked again as she tried to talk to me. I got up and opened the door as she stood there, staring at me. “I’m fine. I’m a little tired,” I told Selena as I closed the door. I didn’t care if I was a tool at that moment. I didn’t know this girl, and she didn’t need to know my business. Selena I stood there after Parker closed his door and sighed. Okay, so he wasn’t in the mood to talk. I’ll see if one of the other boys wanted to talk. I met the same thing with each of them, right before they closed their bedroom doors on me. These boys were moodier than I was on my monthly. Since none of them wanted to talk, I talked to Piper, who was with Lex. Never mind, I didn’t need reminding that he didn’t want me here. I went out to the backyard and looked around it. Did you ever feel you were intruding on someone’s life and realize you didn’t belong there? That’s how I was feeling now. I sat outside until it got dark, then I would get ready for bed. I sat there. It was nice not to walk the streets. I saw grass and flowers, along with a pleasant view. I was good at sitting here alone with my pleasant view. I’m used to feeling alone. “Mind if I sit?” I heard a voice ask. I looked up to see Lex standing there. “I’m sorry, I’ll go to my room, so I’m out of the way,” I told him as I stood up. “Selena, wait,” he said as I stopped and looked at him with furrowed brows. “I’m sorry if I made you feel unwelcome or was hesitant about you coming here. You hear so many horror stories about people living on the streets; you’re afraid they’re true,” he explained. “Living on the streets was better than being in a house where people didn’t care about you or mistreated you. They leave you alone,” I told him. “How long have you been living on the streets?” He asked me. “Five months,” I shrugged. “Didn’t anyone ever question why you weren’t in school or where your parents were?” He questioned me. “Who cares about a drug addict’s kid? My parents prefer to be high over being parents. When they died, I figured I was better off without them. It’s not like I had anyone care about me in the first place,” I told him as I stood there. I’m used to people not caring about me. There weren’t hugs or kisses goodnight, no affection, no caring. He looked at me as I stood there. “I promise I won’t take much and stay out of the way.” “Selena,” Lex said. “Yes,” I asked. “You need not do that,” he replied as he gave me a soft smile. It was weird; I didn’t think Lex knew how to smile. I returned it as he walked over to me. Then Lex did something I didn’t expect. He hugged me. I stiffened at the foreign affection and realized how nice it felt to receive a simple hug. I hugged him back. After a few minutes, he let go of me, and we walked into the house. Piper was making dinner, and I offered to help. It was weird to interact with genuine people. Piper and Lex were friendly and sweet once you got past Lex’s tough exterior. We finished preparing dinner and set the table. I heard what sounded like a herd of elephants come down the stairs. I looked up to see all the brothers appear into the kitchen. They each smiled at me as they took a seat until Parker appeared. I looked at him as he looked at me. He gave me a small smile before sitting down. I understand this family a little. I walked over to sit down, and Paxton moved over as I sat down between him and Patton across from Parker. Everyone ate and talked while laughing. I watched everyone. Even though the boys give each other grief, they were a family when it came down to it. It was something I didn’t use to. It made me smile as I caught Parker looking at me. A smile curled upon his lips as he went back to talking to the others. I could get used to this. Parker After dinner, it was my turn to clean up. I cleared the table and started washing the dishes. My brothers caught Selena and shoved her back into the kitchen. She tripped, landing on the floor. I looked down as she laid face down on the floor. “Problems?” She lifted her head and looked at me, blowing a strand of hair off her face. “It seems so,” Selena mentioned. I dried my hands and helped her up, not realizing there was water on the floor, making us both slip and fall. I landed on my back as she landed on top of me. “Aww, look, they fell for each other,” Presley said to our brothers, who looked at him. He shrugged, and they shook their heads. “Sorry,” Selena said as she got up, tripping over my legs and landing back on top of me. “Okay, this girl is a huge klutz,” Paxton mentioned as they looked at him. Pops walked into the kitchen to see us on the floor, “Parker, can you nap later and finish washing the dishes?” He went to the fridge, grabbed a bottle of water, then left. We got up and didn’t fall again, thank god. “Did you need some help?” She asked me. “Sure, why not?” I told her as she helped me do the dishes. We didn’t say much as we cleaned up, but it felt nice. There was something about Selena that drew me to her. We finished, then left the kitchen as my brothers scrambled to hide. I went up to my room. Something told me those four were up to no good. Who am I kidding? I know they were up to no good. They were my brothers, and none of them were innocent by any means.
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