Chapter 75 A Carnival

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Ten more badges? In other words, Lin Beichen had at least 20 badges in his hand? Gosh! Was there anyone who could tell them that this was not a dream? How on earth did this scum do it? He found 20 badges by himself, which was too incredible and amazing. It had surpassed the sum of badges that the other 99 students had obtained in the past nine days. It was like cheating to do such a thing alone. Before everyone could recover from their shock, Lin Beichen had already started the auction. This time, the students who didn't get the Star Badge directly went crazy. The crazy auction began. About half an hour later, the 10 badges were finally auctioned off. Lin Beichen got a total of 480 gold coins. This auction was even more rewarding than the first round. In this way, there were 20 more students who had received the Star Badges. Li Tao and Tao Wancheng began to wear a different look. Because in the past nine days, the two of them only found a badge respectively. This meant that from now on, the two of them could no longer fully guarantee that they could be admitted to the main draw. With the face clouded, Shen Fei frowned. He was thinking quickly about how to deal with this situation. But, the next moment, everyone went crazy. Or perhaps this world went crazy. Because Lin Beichen took out 10 more badges. The biggest scum of Cloudy Dream City showed a smile so that his handsome face was like a blooming chrysanthemum. He said with emotion, "Oh, boys and girls, I feel your enthusiasm. I am very touched, so I took a random decision to take out 10 more badges. Everyone, this time, I really bear the pain to give up my cherished badges. Such an opportunity is really scarce. Don't miss it. You will be benefited if you buy it..." Fuck the sentence that "you will be benefited if you buy it"! Everyone couldn't help silently, madly complaining. He had said the same thing twice just now, hadn't he? Ling Chen's public image as "an overbearing CEO" was almost destroyed, and she had failed to sustain her look of arrogance and indifference. She stared at Lin Beichen, with the expressions indicating her doubt and questioning. She had thought that taking 20 badges was already his limit. However, this guy took out 10 more badges... Did he consider the star badges as weeds that grew along the roadside and could be easily collected? "Wait. How could you get so many badges? Lin Beichen, your badges are not fake, aren't they?" Tao Wancheng couldn't help asking loudly. His question was the same as what others were doubting. This situation was so incredible. Could it be because Lin Beichen was a good forger and forged so many fake badges? Lin Beichen chuckled, calmly took out a badge, and handed it to Ling Chen. He said, "Senior Sister Ling, do you think if this badge is real?" Ling Chen slowly became concentrated, and then calmed down again. She took the badge and carefully checked it. Then she tested it with the Mystery Energy. A moment later, there was still indifference on her white and beautiful face as delicate as a work of art. Finally, she nodded and gave the answer. "It's real." This conclusion seemed to be a meteorite which was fiercely thrown into the surging water. All of a sudden, the crowd seethed with all kinds of emotions. What Ling Chen said was absolutely convincing. It's real. It turned out to be real. In other words, such a scumbag as Lin Beichen really found 30 Star Badges on his own? How did he do that? This idea flashed wildly through many people's minds. But soon, no one cared about these details. Because the auction had already begun. Even Tao Wancheng also joined in this auction. "50 gold coins..." "65!" "100! I'll pay 100 gold coins." The crowd went completely crazy. Tao Wancheng shouted loudly, "I'll pay 200. 200 gold coins totally." All of a sudden, the crowd quieted down. This was the highest price since the auction started. Lin Beichen smiled politely but embarrassedly and said, "I'm sorry, but I won't sell it to you." "What?" Tao Wancheng asked in shock and anger, "What do you mean?" Lin Beichen replied. "Are you a fool? Don't you understand the human language? I referred to the literal meaning." "I pay 200 gold coins. 200 gold coins in total," Tao Wancheng said angrily, "my bid is the highest one." Lin Beichen said, "Even if you pay 1,000 or 10,000 gold coins, I won't see it to you. Do you have an opinion about that?" Tao Wancheng's face instantly clouded, and he said, "You... You actually go against the auction rules!" Lin Beichen said, "Yeah, you've found me, but I just go against the rules. Are you going to bite me?" "You..." Tao Wancheng had nothing to say. He knew that Lin Beichen was deliberately targeting him. However, at this moment, he really couldn't do anything about Lin Beichen. He couldn't defeat him. It was also useless to pay a high price. He could do nothing about Lin Beichen. He simply had no other choice. "Let's go on. Who offered the highest price just now...?" The auction went on. The next moment, Li Rui directly paid 200 gold coins and got the Star Badge. Seeing Li Rui get the badge at the same price, Tao Wancheng was both resentful and anxious. It meant that he had been surpassed by Li Rui in the individual rankings. The situation was getting worse for him. Moreover, this was just the beginning. Time flew by. In the blink of an eye, Lin Beichen had received another loan contract worth 700 gold coins. Many geniuses, including Li Rui, Zhuo Kaixin, and Wang Xinyu, had also obtained their second Star Badge. They had been on the same rank as Shen Fei in the individual rankings, surpassing Li Tao and Tao Wancheng who were the two stars of the Royal National Junior College. "Well, it's okay. Although I've been surpassed by some people, I'm still in the top 20 and can still be admitted into the main draw." Tao Wancheng was annoyed, but he secretly heaved a sigh of relief. His current goal had descended from ranking top to entering into the main draw. As the saying goes, where there is life, there is hope. Just as Shen Fei had said, as long as he could enter the main draw, he would still have a chance to make a comeback. Shen Fei gently patted Tao Wancheng and Li Tao on their shoulders, and made an eye gesture to calm them down. However, the next moment, Shen Fei himself panicked. He not only panicked, but also almost went crazy. Because Lin Beichen took 10 more Star Badges from his arms with an irritating look on his face. It was the third batch of the 10 Star Badges. Out of mind. Many students were almost out of their minds. 40 Star Badges? Was Lin Beichen, the scumbag, the illegitimate son of the invigilator? Did he know in advance where the badges were buried? The students began to doubt the world. This kind of thing was too ridiculous. Lin Beichen did not give them any chance to question him. He directly started the fourth round of the auction. "50." This time, a person was determined enough to directly offer a price five times the base price. However, the other people offered the higher price even more crazily. "100..." "120!" "210..." With the flushed faces belonging to gamblers and the roar at the top of their lungs, these students seemed to have lost their minds and completely fell into a carnival. Even the students who had bought badges before couldn't calm down.
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