Chapter 97 Basic Knowledge in the Report

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How did he do that? He just "uploaded" and then "downloaded" the invitation in one go. At the critical moment, it was still the Baidu Netdisk that was reliable. Thanks to Cao Potian's aim to show off, he flung the invitation very slowly so that it floated to him leisurely. Also, thanks to the intelligent assistant's upgrade, for the sake of the easier and more time-saving operation, Lin Beichen had the opportunity to show off. Otherwise, if the invitation was flying to him as quickly as an arrow, Lin Beichen's wrist and arm would have been broken before he had time to operate the phone. But of course, Lin Beichen couldn't tell her the real story. He smiled and said, "Maybe I am very familiar with this invitation." Chu Hen: "..." "Do you think you're f*****g eating steak?" The other teachers were also silent. But since Lin Beichen didn't want to tell them, they naturally wouldn't ask him the question further. They were all adults. Han Bufu frowned and looked more frustrated, but he still took the initiative to cup his one hand in the other before the chest and bow to Lin Beichen. Lin Beichen's words had helped him save face. Yue Hongxiang was already used to it. After going through what had happened in the preliminary in the camp, she thought whatever Lin Beichen did would not surprise her. Moments later. Bai Qinyun, who had regained her ability to move, also came out of the infirmary. With an unprecedentedly serious expression, the little cool girl gazed at Lin Beichen carefully, up and down. After a brief discussion, the three giants of the college continued to hold the test. There were a total of six major items, under which there were 28 minor items. It would take two hours for a single person to go through the test alone. Finally, it took a total of five hours for the four of them to finish the test. The final result was unexpected but reasonable. The person with the strongest comprehensive strength was still Han Bufu. His score was higher than what the teachers had imagined, and he had become a ninth-grade Warrior. In the next step, he would reach the level of Warrior Expert. Yue Hongxiang was a sixth-grade Warrior. Bai Qinyun was an eighth-grade Warrior. Lin Beichen was the same ninth-grade Warrior as Han Bufu. Chu Hen smiled but in his heart, he was a little disappointed. He had thought that Lin Beichen, a guy who had repeatedly created miracles, would bring him greater surprises. But... This result was also acceptable. After all, Lin Beichen was best at three major items, including swordsmanship, Mystery Energy, and body hardness. Especially, he was qualified with the first-class perception of swordsmanship, the first-class Mystery Energy, and the first-class body hardness. These three aspects greatly improved his overall score. Otherwise, he would not have been considered as a ninth-grade Warrior. Because in terms of Mystery Energy, he failed to have a good performance in the resonance, the operating frequency, the upper and lower peak, and the control and use of his Mystery Energy, etc. He was not even as good as Yue Hongxiang. Obviously, this was a sign that his cultivation had been increased rapidly within a short period of time. That was to say, Lin Beichen's rapid increase in fighting capacity was indeed something that happened after the collapse of the Mansion of Heaven-fighting Marquis. Lin Beichen did not hide that, and this also proved how terrifying Lin Beichen's potential was. As long as he built a solid foundation, his achievements in the future would be limitless. Bai Qinyun was the most surprising one. This little girl, who had just entered the college for more than ten months, had excellent qualifications and potential. Careful training of the girl would bring great glory to the Third College. Also, Han Bufu's performance was slightly higher than expected. Only Yue Hongxiang... Well, people who knew the reason for her admission to the main draw had no objection to this result. Compared with the Midyear Competition, Yue Hongxiang's improvement was still very fast, which was also a pleasant thing. Soon, four highly targeted test reports were released. Lin Beichen and the other three people all got their own test results. "Why do I feel like I'm looking at my medical examination report on the Earth?" Lin Beichen could not help but complain in his heart. "The report expounds and analyzes the pros and cons of your martial arts in detail. Go back and take a good look. You'd first find ways to make adjustments and make up for your weakness. When the special training starts, the college will develop the most reasonable practice method for you." After Chu Hen's advice, the test was completely over. In the Bamboo House. Lin Beichen was lying on his stomach on the bed and reading the report. He was actually very clear about the advantages and disadvantages of his martial arts. The biggest problem was his weak foundation. All his Mystery Energy, sword skills, and strength all came from the mobile phone apps. It was as if in the game of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, as soon as he parachuted on the ground, he got all kinds of first-class equipment, such as the third-level helmet, the third-level armor, the third-level package, the fully equipped AWM with eight-times scope, and the fully equipped M4 and all kinds of first-aid kits and drinks. But if one really wanted to defeat all its enemies, the one had to grasp many skills in order to really make full use of the first-class equipment. Lin Beichen's current problem was that he had many pieces of first-class equipment, but his skills were terrible. And if one wanted to improve its skills, it had to constantly go through the training for realistic combats. He was not worried about this. He was delighted that after reading the report carefully, he seemed to finally understand the world's martial arts system after staying in this world for a long time. In the past, it seemed that because the levels and grading of martial arts was the most basic knowledge, no one had taught Lin Beichen those things. When he went to the library, Lin Beichen didn't find any books about the comprehensive knowledge of realms in the designated area. This report expounded on it in detail. It was easy to understand. What was the purpose of cultivation? There were three publicly acknowledged purposes of cultivation in this world's martial arts system_ First, stronger power. Second, a tougher body. Third, a longer life span. Therefore, the connotations of the martial arts levels also had something to do with these three aspects. The level of Warrior was divided into 10 grades, with the intensity of Mystery Energy as the unit. 1.0 was the first-grade Warrior. 2.0 was the second-grade Warrior. The rest could be listed in the same manner. 10.0 was the consummate Warrior. Next, it was the level of the Warrior Expert. Further, it was the level of the Great Warrior Expert. What supported these values was a simple standard_ Strength. Generally speaking, apart from the strength that an ordinary man should have, a first-grade warrior could instantly have the strength of about 50 kilograms when he activated his Mystery Energy. Similarly, a second-grade warrior could instantly have a strength of about 100 kilograms... Then a 10th-grade warrior could instantly have a strength of about 500 kilograms. This value was terrifying. The instantly explosive strength of 500 kilograms was enough large to bombard many creatures to death. As for why the numbers were so regular? Perhaps it was because some of the sages who did research on and classification of martial arts levels had some obsessive-compulsive disorders. It could also facilitate the descendants and also the spectators' understanding and classification of the martial arts. It was worth mentioning that the explosiveness in this classification standard mainly referred to the instantly explosive strength after the activation of the Mystery Energy. If they didn't activate their Mystery Energy, their physical strength alone would be stronger than ordinary people because their bodies were constantly nourished by Mystery Energy. But a Warrior's advantage in strength over ordinary people was limited. Ordinary tenth-grade Warriors had the physical strength of only 150 or 200 kilograms. Those who were talented could have the physical strength of 300 or 350 kilograms, while few were able to have the physical strength of 500 kilograms. Those who were born with great strength but had never cultivated Mystery Energy, might not necessarily lose to Warriors in terms of strength. In theory, the average life expectancy of Warriors was a little higher than that of ordinary people, because their bodies were strong enough to resist many diseases and accidents. However, the theory was often inconsistent with reality. Because warriors were faced with more battles and had a higher chance of going to dangerous places in the wild, most of the Warriors were likely to die early due to duels, adventures, accidents, etc. In fact, Warriors often had a shorter life than ordinary people. This was really a sad topic. After reaching the level of Warrior Expert, in addition to these numerical standards, there were also some other standards that could be noticed easily as the biggest sign of the strength of one's Martial Arts. It's the awakening of the attributes of one's Mystery Energy.
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