Chapter 111 What the Hell Is That Name?

1378 Words
Everyone's expression changed. The teenagers reached out their hands and held the hilts of their swords. The elders controlled their swords while slightly letting out their Mystery Energy. "Clang! Clang! Clang!" The sounds were still echoing. Cao Potian didn't take it seriously at first, but gradually he couldn't suppress his Heaven-Slashing Sword with his spiritual force. He could only put his hand on the sword hilt so that it wouldn't be unsheathed, but the Heaven-Slashing Sword was still struggling in the sheath. As for Dongfang Zhan, he seemed to be in extreme difficultly holding the hilt with both hands, barely controlling the Sword of Fearlessness by his side. The other young men, such as Xue Yan, Song Queyi, Song Qingfeng, Lin Haitang, and the others, all tried their best to control their swords to prevent them from flying away. Bai Qinyun was like a doll hanging onto a great sword, trying her best to hold on. She grabbed the hilt with one hand and held the stone pillar beside her with the other hand, barely managing to prevent her sword from being sucked away. Of course, there were also people like Xiahou Chong and Xiahou Ang, whose swords hanging at their waists finally flew out and toward Lin Beichen with clangs, even though they tried their best to grab them. "Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" It was as if an immortal was ruling those flying swords. Dozens of swords flew away, broke through the air, and hovered in the air about two meters away from Lin Beichen. This made Chu Hen, who was about to make a move, breathe a sigh of relief and stand still. Right at this moment_ "It's done." Fan Zu'ang shouted with joy. As the last stroke of the word "Virtue" was completed, he finally finished the whole process of the inscription for the sword. He was sweating all over with a heavy flush on his cheeks, as if he had collapsed from a serious illness. However, he could not hide the ecstasy in his eyes. In this case, although it was difficult to engrave the name, it was a rare opportunity for a master in sword forging. With the cooperation of the owner of the sword, completing the whole process of enlightening the sword spirit was just like a warrior breaking through the bottleneck of his cultivation. It meant that from then on, his cultivation base for sword forging would make a qualitative leap. Maybe it would not take long before he could practice the technique of Sword Soul Enlightening. Lin Beichen only felt that the sword seemed to be in his blood through the hilt of the Sword of Virtue. The two-handed great sword seemed to be an extended part of his arms and was integrated with his own body. This feeling was better than when he held any sword before. It was like the feeling of grabbing women's breasts in his fantasy when he was an Otaku that liked playing games on Earth. Every swordsman had to have his own sword. Indeed, that was true. He waved his sword casually. "Clang! Clang! Clang!" Then, more than a dozen swords floating in the air were instantly broken and shattered. "Huh?" It was only then that Lin Beichen noticed that there was something wrong around him. "You... actually attacked me when I wasn't paying attention!" Lin Beichen thought quickly and said without hesitation, "You're too shameless. However, I need to first remind you of something. Everyone has seen it. My Sword of Virtue didn't touch your swords just now, so I won't pay for these broken swords." He was now a stingy miser. "Do they want me to pay for the swords? "Impossible!" When Xiahou Chong and the others saw this scene, they all wore a sad face and wanted to cry, but no tears came. Even though their swords weren't the most precious treasures, they were still carefully selected weapons. They took great efforts to get these quite valuable swords. However, the swords were broken and shattered in such an inexplicable manner, almost making their hearts bleed. "The integrating degree is 100%. When the sword shows up, hundreds of swords will be destroyed. Haha, congratulations to you! You've obtained a sword that is perfectly integrated with you." A touch of shock flashed in the depths of Fan Zu'ang's eyes. He carefully hid it, cupping one hand in the other before his chest as he spoke with a smile. "A sword perfectly integrated with me?" "What's that?" Lin Beichen opened his eyes wide curiously. "Haha, you'll know the wonderful things about it in the future." Fan Zu'ang did not explain, and said with a big smile, "There are two other swords. Let me continue to engrave the names on the swords for you." "Why did this guy suddenly become so enthusiastic? "He changed his attitude so obviously, didn't he?" With suspicion in his heart, Lin Beichen handed the M silver sword to him and said, "It's called Doran." Fan Zu'ang was stunned. "Doran?" "That's right. It's a kind of wonderful equipment in the early stage in games." Lin Beichen sighed with emotion. "Early-stage equipment? "What the hell is that?" Fan Zu'ang was in confusion. The rest of the people around were also in confusion. "Doran Sword? "It is a very strange name. "Who is Doran? "A person's name? "Or is it the name of a place?" "Well, as you wish." Fan Zu'ang finally did not ask more questions. Instead, he fulfilled his duty as a master in sword forging. With the secret technique of Sword Spirit Enlightening, he engraved the word "Doran" on the body of the medium-sized silver sword. This time, there was no scene in which hundreds of swords paid homage to the silver sword. But when Lin Beichen held the Doran Sword, many bright silver Mystery Marks flickered and activated the formations inside the sword. When the newly-forged sword was awakened, a clear and long clang still distinctly echoed in the Mansion of the City Governor, which was more resounding than that of Cao Potian's and Bai Qinyun's swords. Everyone's expression all changed. Cao Potian's face clouded. Fan Zu'ang exclaimed in shock. "It's... it's 100% again?" "Another sword perfectly integrated with Lin Beichen?" Staring at Lin Beichen, he was silently wondering if this young man was the legendary pure swordsman or not. "Is he born to be able to perfectly integrated with swords? "It's impossible. "The probability is too low. "Even in Baiyun City, there might not be such a genius." Lin Beichen casually waved the Doran Sword a few times. He felt very good, as if he was controlling his own arm, and the sword seemed to be a part of his body. "Good! Good!" Suddenly, he was a little reluctant to sell it for money. He handed the S silver sword, which was a light silver short sword, to Fan Zu'ang and said, "This sword is called... Uh... Zhengyi." "Zhengyi? "What the hell is that name?" Fan Zu'ang's smile gradually froze. The others were also stunned when they heard this name. The proud little girl Bai Qinyun was stunned and asked, "Zhengyi Sword?" Lin Beichen looked back and said, "What did you say? Say it again." Bai Qinyun said subconsciously, "Zhengyi Sword." "What?" Lin Beichen asked again. "Zheng_Yi_Sword!!!!" Bai Qinyun let out a roar of the evil dragon. "Have you heard it clearly?" "Hahaha, yeah." Lin Beichen turned back with a satisfied smile and said, "Yes, it's Zheng Yijian." What a memorable name! He felt really lonely and friendless after coming to this world. It was a happy thing to be able to hear these familiar names of Earth. He named the M silver sword "Doran Sword" and the S silver sword "Zhengyi Sword", not for fun but for using this way to constantly remind himself that he was a man from Earth and that he had to try every means to go home. Because on Earth, there were still his family and friends waiting for him. "My mom and dad must be looking for me all over the world like crazy. "How anxious and desperate they will be! "Therefore, I must go back." Lin Beichen said very solemnly, "Master Fan, thank you for your help. It's called Zhengyi Sword."
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