Chapter 113 Ling Wu

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"Ew! "That's so disgusting." Bai Qinyun was really about to puke. "How can this p*****t say such disgusting words?" "Definitely win?" Cao Potian glanced at Lin Beichen and said, "He's arrogant beyond measure." "Haha, I thought I was already very crazy. But I didn't expect that there is such an arrogant man who is not inferior to me in this small Cloudy Dream City." The red-haired, square-faced young man, Xue Yan, sneered. "Ugh..." The little chubby boy had been reading the fighting technique while stuffing something into his mouth. When he heard such words as "doing a handstand and shitting", he imagined the specific image and immediately spat out all the black jam in his mouth. Dongfang Zhan, Song Queyi, Song Qingfeng, Ming Luotian, Liu Yanwei, Xie Yunrong, and the other geniuses were also shocked by the ridiculous remark. "Quantum Speed Reading method?" Old Man of the Sea frowned slightly and asked, "What secret skill is that?" Lin Beichen said, "It's a kind of secret skill that can enhance one's wisdom." Anyway, in this world, he didn't have to worry that scientists would come to reveal his lie. "Okay," Old Man of the Sea said faintly, "forget about the live broadcast. It'll take a huge amount of effort to activate the Mystery Marks for the live broadcast. Neither you nor I can afford it. Furthermore, no one wants to see you do a one-finger handstand. Eh... Since you've promised, then I'll wait for you to prove it. I'll know if you respect me after 30 minutes." "OK." Lin Beichen turned around and went back to his seat. However, he was skeptical in his heart. "Is there really a live broadcast in this world?" Under the gaze of the crowd, he poured himself a glass of wine and drank it all. Then with a bang, he bent over the table in an exaggerated posture. Before some people didn't understand what he meant, the next moment, there had been a burst of snoring from Lin Beichen's position. "He was actually... "Sleeping? "Sleeping after boasting? "Because everything is possible in his dreams? "What the hell is he doing?" Even Chu Hen was a little confused. "Don't play like this, little bastard. "Right now, you're representing the Third College. "Not to mention pretending to be asleep, it was already too late to pretend to be dead now." On the contrary, Ding Sanshi's eyes gleamed with expectation. He screamed in his heart, "He's fallen asleep. The little bastard has fallen asleep! "He is cultivating in his dreams! "He can actually sleep in such an environment. "No, why would I doubt it? "It should be a matter of course. "For the little bastard, sleeping is just like practicing martial arts for others." Old Man of the Sea was speechless. He was already extremely dissatisfied in his heart. He decided that no matter what happened later, he would teach this arrogant and rude young man a hard lesson. Bai Qinyun was about to wake Lin Beichen up, but was quietly stopped by Dongfang Zhan and the others. "Don't interfere with the other students' practice," Old Man of the Sea said in a deep voice. Bai Qinyun tried several times, but they all failed. In the end, she had no choice but to give up helplessly. "You p*****t, I can only help you to this extent. You're so crazy and arrogant to offend the examiner." In the Mansion of the City Governor... The Wind-Listening Courtyard contained a flower garden, a small building, rockery, and a pool. The environment was extremely quiet and peaceful. The small building had two floors, elegant, spacious, antique, and classic, with red bricks and green tiles. A layer of barely discernible ripples of Mystery Mark Formations was flickering slightly and attached to all doors and windows of the small building, sealing the entire building. "Auntie, let me out." Ling Chen's shouts came from the small building. Qin Lanyi, the teacher of the Royal National Junior College and also the sister of Qin Lanshu who was the City Governor's wife, was sitting on a bamboo chair beside the pool, holding a bamboo pole as thick as a finger and concentrating on fishing. She looked calm, as if she did not hear the shouts coming from the small building at all. The surface of the water was as smooth as a mirror. Fat, white-headed, and red-tailed fishes were leisurely swaying their tails in a small pool of running water. "Auntie, let me out. "I just want to see the fun. "I'm also a swordsman. It's good for me to watch the sword test. "You're just worried that I'll pester Lin Beichen, aren't you? Heehee, I promise that I'll never talk to him on my own, okay? "Auntie, my dear Auntie, you're the one who loves me the most." Standing inside the door, Ling Chen tried her best by acting like a spoiled child, reasonably arguing, begging, and threatening. Since this morning, she had been locked in this small building by her mother and was not allowed to participate in the sword test. How could Ling Chen, who was not really cool and indifferent, stand it? However, no matter what she shouted, Qin Lanyi didn't give any response. In the end, Ling Chen was truly a little angry and said loudly, "Auntie, I can't stand it any longer. If you don't let me out, I, I, I... I'm going to remove the jade lock." "Nonsense." Only then did Qin Lanyi change her countenance. She put down her fishing pole, turned around, and walked to the door, saying, "Chen'er, you know your own body. Tonight, the masters of swordsmanship all gathered here from the major cities, and there are quite a few powerful people. It's for your own good that your mother locked you here." "For my own good? She has repeated that sentence my entire life." Ling Chen said angrily, "I know what she's worried about, but I think she should also believe in her daughter. I'm no longer a child." "In the eyes of your parents, you will always be a child." Qin Lanyi shook her head. Before her voice died away, she seemed to have suddenly noticed something, and then she abruptly turned around and said, "Who's there? Come out." A figure, like a wisp of smoke, floated over the wall and landed beside the pool. It was a young man of about 17 or 18 years old. He was dressed in a decent military uniform of the North Sea Empire. He was tall and straight, and his light-brown skin made him full of masculinity. He was handsome and gentle, and he had long black hair, looking like the City Governor Ling Junxuan. "Heehee, Auntie, how did you notice me?" the young man said with a smile. "Elder brother?" Ling Chen let out a cry of joy. "Why are you here? When did you come back?" Qin Lanyi instantly put on a gentle look and said, "Ling Wu, you should be at the front in the north, shouldn't you? Why are you back?" This handsome and masculine young man was Ling Wu, the second son of the City Governor. He was also the rising star of the new generation in the imperial army and was considered to be a talented soldier who could grow into one of the 10 Greatest Generals in the future. "To carry out my duty." Ling Wu came over with a smile and said, "I was very careful just now. How did you notice me?" Qin Lanyi said, "It's just a small trick from the gangs. You brat, since you're home, why don't you greet your parents before coming to see your sister?" "Heehee, Second Elder Brother dotes on me the most." Ling Chen laughed excitedly. In her mind, her eldest brother and second elder brother had always been her idols, as well as the people she admired the most and struggled to stand beside. "Little sister, what mistakes have you made again to be locked up by Mom?" Ling Wu asked curiously.
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