Chapter 138 What Did You Do Wrong?

1417 Words
Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! The sound of arrows breaking through the air rang out. The expert archers hiding in the various parts of the manor also fired their arrows at Lin Beichen. Lin Beichen's Spiritual Force was fully activated to sense everything around him. At the same time, he performed the Beauty-stealing Walk to the extreme. He constantly changed his position, avoided the arrows, and rushed toward Zhao Wuyang. This was his usual fighting style. "To shoot the person, shoot his horse first. "To catch bandits, catch the leader first." As long as he caught Zhao Wuyang, all the problems would be solved easily. Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Zhao Wuyang's movement was also very flexible. He mastered a kind of footwork martial skill and constantly changed his position. At the same time, he could also shoot sleeve arrows, flying knives, flying needles, and other hidden weapons. This was the first time that Lin Beichen had seen a master using hidden weapons since he came to this world. In various movies and TV dramas on the earth, concealed weapon masters could shoot hidden weapons in places such as wrists, elbows, shoulders, waist, knees, ankles, and toes. They could even shoot hidden weapons at the back neck and mouth at critical moments to hurt people. "Zhao Wuyang is a little similar to them." However, his hidden weapons were mainly sleeve arrows and flying swords. There seemed to be some kind of mechanism hidden in his sleeve that could keep the supply of arrows and the launch nonstop. Lin Beichen rapidly drew closer to Zhao Wuyang while blocking the hidden weapons away with Zhengyi Sword. A sneer appeared on Zhao Wuyang's face. He seized an opportunity when Lin Beichen had used all of his moves, raised his hand, and shot another large-sized sleeve arrow. Ding! Lin Beichen swung his sword and hit the arrow. Bang! The sleeve arrow was broken. A light green mist suddenly broke out. Lin Beichen's figure was instantly drowned out by the green mist. "Hahaha..." Zhao Wuyang sneered. Even if Lin Beichen took a small mouthful of this kind of Magic Elephant Intoxicating powder, he would be paralyzed and gradually lose his ability to move. Even the legendary Prison-suppressing Divine Elephant would be paralyzed, let alone an ordinary warrior. Sure enough, the next moment, Lin Beichen stumbled out of the green mist. "Ah. You are so despicable... I can't do it." He began to stagger. Then, he fell to the ground with a thud. Zhao Wuyang breathed a sigh of relief. He ordered. "Kill him." ... Beside him, Fang Xiaobai and Xu Duo were completely desperate when they saw this scene. Originally, when they saw that Lin Beichen had the upper hand and thought he could save them at last. Nevertheless, unexpectedly, Zhao Wuyang's means were so despicable that poisonous gas was hidden in his sleeve arrow. Therefore, he suddenly knocked down Lin Beichen, who was an academic fighter who had no combat experience. "It's over." Another one had fell into his hands. This Zhao Wuyang was simply a devil. Several swordsmen of the chamber of commerce rushed up and stabbed at Lin Beichen who was lying on the ground with their swords. Fang Xiaobai and Xu Duo closed their eyes subconsciously and couldn't bear to see the handsome young man's skin being pierced with blood. A cruel smile registered on Zhao Wuyang's face. The reason why he ordered to kill Lin Beichen directly instead of catching him alive was that he didn't want to know Lin Beichen's real identity. Such a young master must have a high status. However, since he had already provoked Lin Beichen, he had to get rid of the young master. As long as this young man did not say his own name in front of everyone, the other people in the manor would not know his background. As long as he made good what came after, no news would spread. Then, he'd kill the involved people such as Lao Zi... Then, there was a high chance that he would be able to do it without anyone noticing. Excited. Zhao Wuyang was very excited. For him, it was more fascinating to despicably kill a combat genius than to conquer a young girl. He couldn't help laughing. At this time, someone next to him asked him, "What are you laughing at?" "I'm laughing..." He answered subconsciously, but suddenly felt that something was wrong. The next moment, an S silver sword was on his neck. Zhao Wuyang's expression froze at once. He looked at the ground in front of him. The figure that was pierced through by the swordsmen of the chamber of commerce suddenly and incredibly disappeared. Like a fart, he had disappeared in the air. The swordsmen who had been striking were looking at each other in surprise. Lin Beichen said in an annoying manner, "Keep laughing, will you? Why aren't you laughing?" ... "You..." Zhao Wuyang knew that he had been fooled. Although he did not know what was going on, he was very clear about one thing_ Clever as he was, he still miscalculated. He had let this cunning primary school student turn his trick against him and get close to him silently, pinning him down. "Are students these days all so treacherous?" Previously, he had thought that although this kid's strength was strong, he didn't suffer enough in the mysterious jianghu and was just a seemingly experienced rookie. He tried to move his fingers, trying to activate the switch on his wrist. "Stop, don't move." Lin Beichen instantly sensed his unusual behavior and said, "You've seen it, too. The sword in my hand is so sharp that it can cut through iron as easily as cutting through the mud. Well, don't move. If you give me a fright and shake my hand, your head will be cut off." Zhao Wuyang took a deep breath. He was really a little scared. Although it was highly possible for him to succeed in scheming against a treacherous student expert at such a close distance, it was certain that the chances of the student cutting off half of his neck were 100% the moment Lin Beichen was injured. "Don't be impulsive. Lin Beichen, let's talk." Zhao Wuyang had to smile apologetically and said, "There might be some misunderstanding before between us." "Misunderstanding my ass." Lin Beichen gave him a backhanded slap. Zhao Wuyang's left face was swollen, and he started to see stars and hear the buzz in his ears. He almost died of anger, but he still forced himself to suppress his anger and said with a smile, "If I can relieve your anger in this way, I deserve it. After all, I did something wrong before..." Slap! Lin Beichen slapped him in the face yet again. He asked, "What did you do wrong?" ... "What?" Zhao Wuyang was a little confused. "This question is a little out of the league." He tried to say. "I shouldn't have shot you..." Slap! What responded to him was another resounding slap in his face. "Son of a b***h, are we talking about if you shot me or not?" Lin Beichen became angrier and angrier as he spoke. "I..." Zhao Wuyang's face was swollen on both sides. His delicate face was swollen like a spiced pig head. Slap. Lin Beichen gave him another slap. "You feel wronged, don't you? Quickly, tell me, what did you do wrong?" Zhao Wuyang's mouth and nose were bleeding, and there seemed to be tens of thousands of speeding beasts swooshing on his mind. He said, "I... If you say I did anything, I did..." Slap! Lin Beichen slapped again and snapped. "What kind of attitude is that?" Zhao Wuyang's vision was blurred, and he felt that his teeth were almost knocked off. He gritted his teeth and said loudly, "I was wrong. Please correct me." Lin Beichen said, "Go ahead and ask." "What? What to ask?" Zhao Wuyang was stunned. Slap! Lin Beichen gave him another hard slap and bellowed, "Be quick and ask me, who are you?" Zhao Wuyang was on the verge of a mental breakdown. "Who... who are you?" Only then did Lin Beichen become happy. He coughed slightly, adjusted his volume and tone, and said in a loud voice, "Listen up, I am..." Heehee. "It took me a lot of hard work to come up with a nickname that is cool, awesome, and on fleek. Finally, I'm able to say it out loud and above board."
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