Chapter 147 Officiant Qin

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Her swordsman robe was also carefully modified, which flattered her figure to the most. The places that should be plump were plump, and the places that should be slender were slender. From all aspects, Mu Xinyue was still the hottest woman Lin Beichen had ever met after he time-traveled here. Every part of her body was emitting a unique charm somewhere between naivety and sophistication. She was like a budding flower bud. At one glance at her, people could imagine how beautiful and stunning she would be when she blossomed. Even though she hadn't passed the preliminary, her popularity in the Third Junior College did not decline a bit. However, as if having made a tacit agreement, Lin Beichen and Yue Hongxiang did not answer, nor did they cast a look at Mu Xinyue. Instead, they walked past her, as though she was transparent as the air. . The smile on Mu Xinyue's face slightly froze. She lowered her head. After a moment of silence, she sighed and turned around, heading for her classroom. Lin Beichen and Yue Hongxiang parted before they reached their classroom. When arriving at the door of Class Nine's classroom, Lin Beichen saw that the little girl full of pride named Bai Qinyun was waiting at the door. The moment she saw him, she rushed over and cried, "Lin Beichen, you're finally here. Come on, come with me to practice swordsmanship." "Not interested," Lin Beichen said lazily. . "There will be a special training session the day after tomorrow. But I haven't mastered the Light Behind Hill Sword yet. Please advise me," Bai Qinyun said with great enthusiasm. "I'll pay you. 20 silver coins per round. What do you think?" "Per, per, per round..." Lin Beichen was taken aback. He covered his chest with both hands and asked, "Per round of what?" Bai Qinyun said matter-of-factly, "Of the arena contest. We can improve our swordsmanship by fighting in the arena. I'll give you 20 per round." "Humph! "You should make it clear in the first place. "Why are today's girls so snappish?" Lin Beichen lost interest. He said, "I'm not a money boy. I won't do it. You should go to someone else." "What money boy? Hey! Hey!" Seeing that Lin Beichen refused without hesitation, Bai Qinyun angrily stomped the floor at the door of Class Nine's classroom and eventually left with disappointment. In the classroom, the atmosphere turned hot because of the arrival of Lin Beichen. Many female students surrounded Lin Beichen, acting like they had some questions on practice to ask Lin Beichen. They all seemed shy but passionate. Lin Beichen himself had no particular l**t after women. However, in order to maintain his character setting, Lin Beichen had no choice but to continue with the business. He reluctantly took the cute hands of the female students, and while communicating with their studies, he told them in detail about his heroic deeds in the preliminary, and also taught them about the legendary "life line", "career line", and "love line" on their palms. Surrounded by the girls, Lin Beichen, who was too happy to leave, suddenly heard someone calling his name outside the classroom. He said without looking back, "Don't have time. I'm busy..." But the female students around him all jumped back to their seats as if someone was after them. "Um? Don't go... What's going on?" Lin Beichen looked back only to see that Chu Hen, the grade dean, was staring at him with a murderous look. Without turning a hair, Lin Beichen came to the door of the classroom, gave the grade dean a bright, innocent smile, and said, "Dean Chu, good morning... I was just getting to know my classmates, trying to get along with everyone." "Go to the temple," Chu Hen commanded, having no idea whether to laugh or cry. . Half an hour later... At the High Hill Square in the center of Cloudy Dream City... This was the place where the Lord of Sword's Palace was located. The god the entire North Sea Empire officially worshipped was the Lord of Sword. This was also the reason why most of the practitioners in the country were swordsmen. The North Sea Empire was known as the Empire of Swords. The domestic popularity of swordsmanship was related to their faith. Like many gods in this world, the Lord of Sword had established various temples in the North Sea Empire to accept the worship and incense offering of his believers. Cloudy Dream City was the lowest-ranking city in the North Sea Empire, whether in terms of population or scale, so it could only have one temple. In other large cities in Wind-language Province, there were multiple or even dozens of such temples. "Now that we're here, be careful with your tongue. Don't talk nonsense, in case you blaspheme the deities," Chu Hen reminded him over and over again after getting out of the carriage. . Lin Beichen kept nodding as if a chicken pecking rice. He wished he could pretend to be dead so as not to attract the attention of the deities. As for whether he could awaken his Mystery Energy or not, he couldn't care less. They followed the steps to the square. Hundreds of believers, some male and some female, some old and some young, were all kneeling on the stone slabs sincerely, their hands crossed, their eyes closed. They were muttering something, probably praying. On both sides of the square stood 10 stone swordsmen sculptures that were 10 meters high, and each of them was holding a sword. A sense of majesty and holiness came to his face. Chu Hen took Lin Beichen through the square and came to the front of the temple. "Is it Dean Chu?" A pleasant female voice echoed. A woman in a white cloak and a priest's robe appeared from the entrance of the hall to welcome them. Judging from her figure, she was an extremely gorgeous woman. And there seemed to be a faint white brilliance circulating around her from head to toe, giving her a sacred and solemn air. "Officiant Qin, you actually came to welcome me in person. I'm sorry to disturb you." Chu Hen saluted the woman as soon as he saw her, acting quite respectfully. Lin Beichen repeated what he did. "Dean Chu is too polite with me." The woman named Officiant Qin lifted her hood and revealed her delicate face. She appeared to be about 25 or 26 years old, and her facial features were extremely exquisite, which instantly amazed Lin Beichen. In particular, her long, light silver hair and eyebrows put Lin Beichen in a trance as to believe that a beautiful fairy in the western myths on Earth just stepped out of her picture scroll. And what was even more strange was that this woman's face looked quite familiar. She seemed to be... Ling Chen? Lin Beichen's jaw dropped. It was like Ling Chen was ten years older and had dyed her hair silver to cosplay a fairy princess. "She looks exactly like her!" "You two, please follow me." Officiant Qin gave Lin Beichen an appraising look, then turned around to lead the way. Normally, believers could only pray in the square outside the hall. Only those who were either rich or noble and had made great contributions to the temple were allowed to enter the temple and pray. Obviously, Chu Hen had arranged the praying ceremony for Lin Beichen's awakening of Mystery Energy in advance, so he didn't have to wait outside. It felt good to get in by the back door. Lin Beichen followed closely after them. This was a half-open temple. Dozens of sculptures of giant sword-wielding warriors, as the ones he had seen in the square, propped up the dome of the temple. But there were no walls on either side. Never-extinguishable round lamps with Mystery Marks floating in the air illuminated the entire temple. The white jade floor under his feet was engraved with various pictures of swordsmen's duels. The Mystery Mark formation that was placed inside and outside the temple gently sent the breezes in, making every corner of the temple spotlessly clean. The decoration in the temple was fairly simple. Some young and energetic girls who looked about 15 or 16 years old, with long swords hanging at their waists and dressed in white priest robes, were busy with their own work. Occasionally, they cast a furtive glance at Lin Beichen and whispered to one another, then, numerous bright eyes flashed toward Lin Beichen. "Seems that some girls are discussing how cute I am behind my back." Lin Beichen smirked. "See? "Even the priestess working for the Lord of Sword can't resist my charm." A good-looking man was a man of justice. Beauty really could help one always get their way. However, the priests in the temple of the Lord of Sword were all women. And they were all young and extremely beautiful women. "This Lord of Sword can't possibly be a p*****t, can he?" Just as Lin Beichen was lost in his wild imagination, Officiant Qin stopped in front of him and said, "Here we are. Pray in front of the statue of the Lord of Sword, and then offer up the offerings." Before him was the crystal sculpture of the Lord of Sword. Lin Beichen looked up and was instantly stunned. He had never thought that the Lord of the Sword was also a woman. The crystal statue in front of him was a very sexy woman dressed in a suit of armor. Her long and well-proportioned thighs were exposed. Her feet were wrapped in a pair of combat boots. Her waist and arms were slender. Her facial features were clearly-outlined and well-stacked, and her beautiful hair draped to her calves. The sword in her hand was pointing to the ground. Lin Beichen at once associated this image with Diana, the female warrior from Paradise Island in sss, the lead of the DC film Wonder Woman that was once a hit on Earth. The two were wearing the same suit of armor, and were equally charming and gorgeous. Before this, Lin Beichen had assumed that the Lord of Sword was a male god. "What are you waiting for?" Chu Hen knelt down first. Lin Beichen had no choice but to follow suit and bend his knees as well. "Close your eyes and visualize your sword in your mind. At the same time, sincerely thank the Lord of Sword for her protection of the swordsmen of the North Sea Empire. Don't play any tricks. As long as your faith is pure enough, you can feel the power of the lord," Chu Hen said. . Lin Beichen did as he was told. However, he neither visualized his sword nor prayed in his mind. Coming to the temple was only a task to deal with. His biggest wish was to not attract the Lord of Sword's attention to a nobody like him. The whole prayer took about half an hour. It came to an end in the blink of an eye. After praying, Chu Hen turned back and asked, "Do you feel anything?" Lin Beichen shook his head. It was not until then that he noticed that the silver-browed, silver-haired, and peerlessly beautiful Officiant Qin had already left. "There's no hurry. Let's give it a try again after we're done with the sacrificial offerings." As Chu Hen spoke, he placed a fist-sized stone similar to a blue crystal on the tribute plate in front of the sculpture. Before, he was sure that given the talent that Lin Beichen had shown in swordsmanship, he would be able to successfully awaken his Mystery Energy without any sacrifices. However, he didn't expect that Lin Beichen would get no response after praying. It seemed that he had to follow the normal procedures. Then, Chu Hen turned back and threw a look at Lin Beichen. Lin Beichen was dazed. A moment later, he cottoned on. Chu Hen wanted him to offer the sacrifices himself. "But he hasn't told me anything about it before." Nevertheless, Lin Beichen didn't dare to ask Chu Hen out loud. Perhaps every swordsman who came to the Lord of Sword's temple had to bring some tributes? He knew that more small talks would give him away. Lin Beichen scratched his head and pondered for a moment. Then he took out 10 gold coins, weighed them in his hand, and put seven back to his pocket. Then, he walked over and put the rest in the tribute plate. The moment he turned around, he hesitated for a moment and then took back two more gold coins from the plate. Chu Hen was flabbergasted at such a coquettish behavior. One gold coin? It was alright that Lin Beichen took out 10 and put seven back. But the thing was, he actually took two more back from the tribute plate. Was he trying to flirt with the Lord of Sword? Was he courting death? "Put these back, quickly," Chu Hen bellowed. . Lin Beichen put the two gold coins back on the plate, reluctantly. "It's the first time I've seen a swordsman offer gold coins." Chu Hen stared at Lin Beichen seriously and tried his best to persuade him. "Don't play tricks at this time. If you offend God, your life's road of cultivation will be over." Lin Beichen again nodded feverishly. His heart was, however, bleeding. "My three gold coins!" Now, he had no means to make money, so it could be said that he was eating away his fortune. It took at least five gold coins a day to maintain the necessary battery of his mobile phone. Thus, it cost 150 gold coins per month. With the gold coins he now had, even if he spent none of them on food or drinks, he could only hold on for about two years and a few months. If there were any other expenses, he might not even be able to hold on for two years. "Dean Chu, what's the stone you offered?" Lin Beichen quickly changed the subject. "That's a Mystery Stone. It contains the purest energy crystal of Mystery Energy. It's extremely rare and valuable. It's your master who prepared it for you. He hopes that this can help you move the Lord of the Sword into demonstrating her divine power and successfully awaken the attributes of Mystery Energy for you," Chu Hen explained. . "Old Ding is indeed nice to me. "He's even prepared the tributes in advance." Hearing this, Lin Beichen was also a little touched. Ever since he had appeared in this world, Ding Sanshi was undoubtedly the one who had the biggest impact on him and cared about him the most. "Pity that I have no intention to disturb the Lord of Sword." Lin Beichen murmured helplessly in his mind. "Okay, go on with the ceremony." With that, Chu Hen turned back and continued to pray with his eyes closed while muttering something. Lin Beichen again pretended to pray devoutly. Shortly, he lost his patience. He felt a pain in his knees. Involuntarily opening his eyes, Lin Beichen saw a very strange scene_ The crystal sculpture of the Lord of Sword was emitting a faint glow. At the same time, the fist-sized Mystery Stone placed on the tribute plate in front of it was releasing wisps of white vapor-like mist. As if being pulled by some mysterious power, the mist was flowing toward the crystal statue and eventually was absorbed by the statue. "Is she... enjoying the tribute?" Lin Beichen was shocked. . Could it be that the legendary god descending? At this moment, he couldn't help but feel his hair stand on end. The huge sense of crisis seized his heart in an instant. If there was really a god coming, then they would have certainly discovered the secret of his time-travel by this time. After all, it was rumored that gods were omnipotent. His instinct told him to get up and run flat-out to the outside. But at that precise moment_ Beep! A familiar WeChat message notification sounded. "Master, your WeChat has received a new friend request." Little Ji's voice rang out. At the same time, the projection of the mobile phone screen appeared in front of him, which directly entered the WeChat interface. Sure enough, at the bottom of the contact list area, there was an unread message marked with bright red. Fortunately, this kind of projection screen was not like the APP "Projection Assistant", so it was not visible to others at all. He clicked on the unread message without thinking. A friend request without any explanatory text popped out. According to the file of the account, the other party was female, and her user's name was Nameless Sword Snow. And her profile picture displayed a pair of long luring legs. "Nice legs." These words popped up in Lin Beichen's mind, and he clicked "Yes". He couldn't wait to know who this new friend was. After adding her to the friend list, he directly clicked into the other party's WeChat Moments. "Only the moments of the last three days are displayed." However, in the past three days, this person had not updated her WeChat Moments at all. Lin Beichen tentatively sent a message_ "Hello, who is it?" Soon, the message showed that it had been sent successfully. But after waiting for a couple of minutes, there was still no reply from the other party. Lin Beichen was a little anxious. Chu Hen was still kneeling and praying, completely unaware of what was happening around him. In fact, nothing else was happening. It seemed that this crystal statue with a faint glow had failed to notice his time-travel or the abnormality of his mobile phone, hadn't it? "So I'm safe for the time being?" Lin Beichen gradually calmed down. At this time, Lin Beichen suddenly saw a comment notification appearing on his WeChat Moments on the screen. "Huh?" He clicked into his WeChat Moments. He saw that under the selfie he posted yesterday, a WeChat friend named Nameless Sword Snow commented below_ "Wow, this boy is so handsome. I don't think we've met before, have we? o(*3)o" Lin Beichen was rendered speechless. "What the hell is this?" "Who are you?" He left a message below that comment. "I am the most beautiful, lovely, gentle, and hardworking trainee goddess of the entire Deity Realm, Nameless Sword Snow." The other party quickly replied to his comment. "A trainee goddess???" Lin Beichen replied. "Don't fuss about such trivial details. Let's be friends, will you? Which God's Domain are you in?" responded Nameless Sword Snow. . Lin Beichen thought in his mind, "This girl who sounds like a silly cutie is actually a deity? "She can't possibly be the Lord of the Sword, can she?" He immediately came up with a very bold conjecture.
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