Chapter 143 Study the First WeChat Moment

1316 Words
"It turns out to be WeChat?" Lin Beichen thought that he had misread the icon. He rubbed his eyes and looked at it carefully. He was right. It was indeed WeChat. "There is no Internet in this world. What's the use of downloading the app WeChat?" For a moment, Lin Beichen did not know whether to cry or laugh. Nevertheless, all the apps on this mobile phone, after being greatly changed, had wonderful functions in this alien world. "Maybe WeChat can also give me a surprise. "For example... "After adding my friends on WeChat on Earth, can I get in touch with them in this world?" "Little Ji, download the WeChat app," he said hurriedly. Little Ji's voice sounded off in an instant, "It requires 30 GB of data to download the app. Master, the theoretical amount of Mystery Energy in your body is 30.5 GB of data in total. The system upgrade has used up 10 GB of data, and now there is 21 GB of data left in your body. If you download the WeChat app immediately, the consequences will be serious." Lin Beichen asked, "How serious?" "You may die," said Little Ji. "What the f**k!" Lin Beichen was shocked. He had long guessed that if the Mystery Energy was squeezed out, it might endanger his life. Yet, after it was confirmed, he was still shocked. Although, Little Ji did say the word "maybe". Yet, Lin Beichen didn't want to take any risk at all. "It only takes less than 200 MB of data to download the WeChat app on Earth, but in this world, it actually requires 30 GB of data. f**k!" he said to himself. ^ Still, men preferred the bigger one, like many other things. It had been previously proved that the more data was needed to download the app, the stronger its function would be. So, he rationally put out the idea of downloading WeChat and stopped running all other apps at the same time, leaving only the app of Advanced Mystery Energy Condensing Skill to restore the Mystery Energy in his body. After an hour, the Mystery Energy in his body finally reached the total theoretical value. He began to download WeChat. "Ahh..." "Ohh!" "Ohh_!" In the room, Lin Beichen groaned in a miserable way. Outside, the smile on Wang Zhong's face gradually froze. "It's only been an hour since Young Master took a break. Is he's starting it again?" "If it goes on like this, he will suffer from kidney deficiency. It will then affect his growth, won't it?" "No, I have to take the time to persuade the young master," Wang Zhong said worriedly. The groan lasted for an hour. Then it gradually faded away. Lin Beichen gasped violently, and his chest heaved rapidly. He lay on his back on the bed, and his entire body was drenched in sweat. With a pale face, black eyes, a dull look, and trembling lips, he seemed to have been tortured thousands of times by a tough guy. He couldn't even move a finger. "Little Ji, Install... Install WeChat," He ordered. "Yes, Master." After the third upgrade, Little Ji was more intelligent and could carry out some simple instructions from Lin Beichen to control the mobile phone. Half an hour later. "Ding! The installation is complete." The familiar green icon appeared on the phone's screen. Lin Beichen rolled over and sat up. The Mystery Energy in his body had almost recovered. He was somewhat excited. "Can I get in touch with my relatives on Earth?" With a complicated feeling, Lin Beichen clicked the WeChat icon. The familiar interface slowly loaded in front of him. "Huh? Why don't I need to enter the account name and password?" Lin Beichen thought that he had to enter his account and password, but unexpectedly, he directly entered the WeChat interface. Still, as he expected, there was no one in his contacts list in WeChat. He skillfully entered the interface of "Add Contacts" and entered his father's WeChat account in the search box. Before clicking to search, his fingers trembled. He hesitated for ten minutes before slowly pressing the button. Almost immediately, a search result popped up_ "The user doesn't exist." Lin Beichen was stunned. Although he had already been psychologically ready before, he was still very disappointed at such a result. Not reconciled to give up, he continued to search for his mother, the girls he had a secret crush on, other friends, teachers, familiar takeouts carriers, deliverymen, and other users that he could remember. Without exception, the results were always: "the user doesn't exist". Letting out a long sigh, he slowly lay on the bed. At this point, he wanted to cry. Once again, his hope was shattered. He could not return to Earth for the time being. Moreover, it was a dream for him to take back the news that he was still alive so that his parents and friends could feel at ease. After lying on the bed for an hour, Lin Beichen gradually felt better. He got up again and continued to study the functions of WeChat. "Chats, Contacts, Discover, and Me... It also includes four basic functions at the bottom. "And many other functions. "This is undoubtedly the latest version of WeChat. "As the empty contacts list, no one can be found in the Official Account. And all the settings are normal... "Let me look at WeChat Pay. I don't think there will be any money in it... Eh?" He clicked to enter the "WeChat Pay" option. He was surprised to find that there were 4110 gold coins... in his wallet. "What the hell? It's not RMB in the wallet, but gold coins?" Lin Beichen quickly realized what was going on. The amount of money in his wallet was the remaining gold coins he still had. "So, WeChat is the same as other apps for cultivation. As long as it is bound to a person, it will indicate the data of various situations of the owner in a real-time, right?" Yet, this function seemed to be f*****g useless for the time being. He clicked on his WeChat Moments. There was nothing. It was like a white virgin land. "Hey, maybe I can release my first moment and record my life in an alien world." While thinking about it, Lin Beichen picked up his mobile phone and took a selfie. Click. A photo was taken. "Wow, he's so handsome." Lin Beichen drooled at the photo. "Is that me, such a handsome young man?" If the person in the photo were a woman, he would really want to... "Eh, forget it. "This idea is too disgusting." He posted the selfie to his WeChat Moments and added a paragraph of text to it. "When you get up in the morning, hug the sun, and fill your body with the bright sunshine and positive energy. If you lower the corners of your mouth, you will lose your sense of direction. If you raise the corners of your mouth, you will have a promising future. There was no road in the world before someone created it. When you're always moving forward so that your feet are worn out, the road will be smooth and hopeful..." Originally, he was going to write something with the main title of "The First Day in the Alien World", but later, he gave up. Maybe someone could see it. What if the people of this world saw it and found out that he came from the other world? Maybe he would be caught and burned to death by the people in the temple. It would be better to hide some secrets in his heart. After posting his WeChat moments, Lin Beichen continued to study the functions of WeChat. After he tried all the other functions and found them invalid, Lin Beichen finally clicked on the function of "People Nearby".
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