Chapter 11 20 Silver Coins

1291 Words
"Ouch... it's painful!" Feng Lun wailed in the depths of his heart. "You absolutely accept it? Is that so?" Lin Beichen looked enlightened and said, "Well, since you accept it, try to make my treasured sword cool down." As long as he was right, he would not budge. That was Lin Beichen's motto. He must play hardball at this time. If he was soft with others, people would think he was weak again. In that way, he would be bullied again. Feng Lun was stunned by his words. To make his treasured sword cool down? How would he make a sword cool down? Was he supposed to say sorry to the sword? Or was he supposed to go right through Lin Beichen's crotch? How did he meet people in the Third College after that? He was puzzled. At this moment, a very disgusting voice suddenly sounded behind Lin Beichen, saying, "Young Master, I have found something terrible. When I went to buy breakfast just now, I suddenly realized that we didn't have a penny. We're out of money..." It was Wang Zhong. This bastard had reappeared. "You went to buy breakfast?" "Nonsense!" "You were trying to escape!" Lin Beichen swore in silence. But Feng Lun's eyes lit up and an idea occurred to him. "I'd like to pay you. How about 50 copper coins?" he said. "Oh? Well, I don't care much about money, but I don't know why my sword still seems angry." "Oh, no, 80 copper coins... No, one silver coin, how about one silver coin?" "Sword, sword, why are you still angry?" "20, 20 silver coins, that's all I have..." "Gee, it's strange! My sword suddenly stops being angry." "Here you are... Lin Beichen, can you withdraw your sword?" "Oh, sorry, I almost forgot it. By the way, I don't think I'm forcing you, do I?" "No, no." "Don't push yourself too hard." "No, no really." Feng Lun was on the verge of tears. How dare he say that he was forced to do it when Lin Beichen stuck a sword in his body? Then Lin Beichen pulled the sword back from Feng Lun's chest. Psst! It was the sound of bleeding from the wound. Fortunately, the sword didn't strike deep. It was only a flesh wound. With one hand over his heart, Feng Lun had a sense of survival. Just then_ Ding! Ding! Ding! The school bell rang. Feng Lun and his friends ran off in the blink of an eye as if under an amnesty. They were all students of other classes. The other students of other classes also hurried back to their classrooms, still trying to understand the shock that had just happened to them. But there was a consensus in everyone's mind_Lin Beichen, a loser, was unexpectedly tough. From now on, he who wanted to make trouble or revenge on him had better weigh himself first. Otherwise, Feng Lun, who went for wool and came home shorn, was an example. Lin Beichen heaved a sigh of relief. It was a close call. He got over the difficulty for the time being. In fact, he himself was now a master. He looked back at Wang Zhong. "Where have you been hiding, you dog? How dare you betray me?" "Don't be mad at me, Young Master. I was really going to buy you some breakfast, but on the way, I wanted to pee..." "You wanted to pee? Do you believe that I can make you never pee?" "Young Master, calm down." "I can't calm down." "Young Master, please ignore these very important details and hurry to class, or you will be late, and the teacher will find fault with you. You have no backing now. The teachers who are usually so angry with you are probably trying to find reasons to teach you a lesson." "Damn it, peckerhead, you wait." Out of the corner of his eyes, Lin Beichen had seen Ding Sanshi, the old teacher, walking towards the classroom. Hence he had to let go of the wretched steward who had tried to run away, and hurried to the classroom. He made the old teacher very angry yesterday; he must behave himself today. He ran into the classroom like a rabbit with a burning tail. On the second floor of the administration building, Mu Xinyue's smile gradually froze. What had happened? That scum had defeated Feng Lun? And he made it with swordsmanship. But when did that scum's swordsmanship become so strong? He defeated Feng Lun, a third grade warrior, almost in an instant. It only took a second. Only people whose cultivation base was at the top of third grade or above could make it. Wasn't it? Had this scum's cultivation base reached the top of third grade? The person with this grade was the best in the entire second grade. How did he do it? That was impossible. A series of question marks popped up in Mu Xinyue's head. It put her in a bad mood. A quite bad mood. How could that loser make it? Abandoned by her, shouldn't he just sink down and wait for the fate of death? He wanted to fight? That was unforgivable! A wave of strange anger rose in Mu Xinyue's heart, and she could hardly contain herself. "Junior Sister Mu, are you okay?" Guan Feidu asked as he noticed that her face had darkened. "What?" Mu Xinyue came to her senses and realized that it was not the right time and place. She immediately suppressed all negative emotions and maintained her perfect image of the Civilian Princess. She looked back, smiled and replied, "Of course. I just didn't expect Lin Beichen to hide his strength all the time. It surprised me." Guan Feidu nodded and uttered, "I'm also surprised that Lin Beichen was able to practice Mr. Ding's Basic Close Triple Sword Strikes so well. I think he's been practicing in the dark for months." "Huh? Senior Brother Guan, do you mean what Lin Beichen just used is the Basic Close Triple Sword Strikes?" "Yes, the Triple Sword Strikes are what Mr. Ding's famous for. Although it is not a skill with a grade, and belongs to the basic swordsmanship, it is very practical in actual combat. After mastering these three moves, even a second grade warrior can release the fighting power as strong as that of a third grade warrior in an instant." "I see." "What, Junior Sister Mu, haven't you ever practiced the Basic Close Triple Sword Strikes?" "To tell you the truth, I was too proud. At that time when I was listening to the class, I thought these three sword strikes were too simple and rough, so I didn't take it to heart. Now it seems that I am really as blind as a bat. I shouldn't have been so arrogant." "It's admirable that you're so honest about your arrogance, Junior Sister Mu. But the Basic Close Triple Sword Strikes is not uncrackable, I have a detailed explanation, which not only records cultivating tips and tricks of the Basic Close Triple Sword Strikes, but also records the method of breaking it. Junior Sister Mu, if you are interested in it, you can take it and learn the skill." "Wow, who is so talented to make up such a book of detailed explanation?" "Ha-ha, I'm flattered, Junior Sister Mu. I don't deserve such praise. It's a book I compiled in my spare time." "Oh, really? Senior Brother Guan is worthy of being a genius who can take part in the Talent Battle in the third grade. I really admire you. If I encounter problems in cultivation in the future, may I ask for your advice?" "Ha-ha, certainly, I'm happy to answer your questions."
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