
1317 Words
Alora POV Dream... I'm sat in a beautiful place, surrounded by green nature everywhere, birds singing and as I stand I see the most amazing pond but it was clear and I could see the fish swimming and I'm not sure what the other little things were but they looked like fairies but with fish tales and wings, they were cute. They were flying and dancing on the waters surface, and others were swimming with their wings flushed against their bodies while their tails pushed them with speed through the water. I heard a twig snap behind me and as I turn around I'm facing a big, big wolf bigger than I thought possible at least 8ft from the massive paws on the ground infront of me, to the top of it's head. Its fur was as black as night and looked so soft with one white paw at the front and a white tip on the right ear. It towered over me, but I didn't feel afraid. It was about 6 feet away from me, just stood looking at me with icy blue eyes, but it wasn't growling or threatening in any way. "Looks like you both have already met" I heard a soft voice behind me, I spin as I'm startled that I hadn't heard anyone approach me and I'm looking at the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She had pale flawless skin, high cheekbones, full lips , and hair that was red with streaks of what looked like gold. Her hair was in intricate braids around the top of her head, looking like a beautiful crown with the rest cascading down around her as it almost touched the floor. It was her eyes that caught my attention the most because they were all different shades of greens, mixed together, as I looked closer they looked like a forest, they didn't have any whites at all but they didn't hold anything but kindness and calmness. I gasped as she moved closer to me, but she wasn't moving her feet she was floating just off the floor and gliding towards me. It's a dream... it's a dream... I kept chanting to stop myself from panicking more. "It is a dream, my child, but it is also real. This is my dreamscape." OMG, can she read my mind "yes my child, I can.. I know you're new to this because you were stolen before you could learn about your true self... greed and anger has caused this and I'm not happy about it but I cannot interfere with these matters the only thing I can do is guide you now you're coming of age" she explains but I'm not sure what to say, I'm not sure what to say who is my true self.. where was I stolen from.."one queation at a time" she said and s**t I'd forgot she can do that, my heads all over but I nod trying to collect myself "ok can I ask your name please" I ask and she smiles "oh where are my manners I was excited to be able to finally speak with you, I will start from the beginning..." she smiles and I can't help but smile back she sits and I follow suit and sit opposite her, the wolf has come to lay behind me and wrap around me making me feel complete and at ease. "Ok, this might take a little time, but I will start at the beginning.. my name is Selene, or also known to my children as the moon goddess, thousand of years ago a god, Vladmiha, my oldest sibling who had been worshipped by humans alongside me and our other 4 siblings. We were all peaceful and blessed the humans when we could from afar, and when the wars started happening, Vladmiha got angry that the humans started forgetting us. He was beyond mad. He wanted to teach the humans a lesson they would never forget..." she looks really sad at this story and takes a deep breath. "Are you ok" I ask concerned, she looks at me surprised that I had thought about her feelings and then she smiled at me "it has been a while since I've been asked about myself, I'm fine just sad that our life turned out this way. Me and my siblings haven't spoke for thousands of years and I miss them all terribly" she says taking a breath as a single red tear rolled down her cheek and my heart ached for her I couldn't imagine not speaking with Kylie, Poppy and Liam "It's never too late you know, I'm sure they feel the same as you" I say with a smile and I truly believe it. "I'm not sure about that, but it would be nice to see them again. There are 6 of us all together" she said as she wiped her tear away "but if you don't try you will never know and it must be lonely especially if it's been thousands of years" I say and she smiles at me and pats my hand "ok back to the story.. so after a thousand years of humans fighting each other we had all been forgotten about, we were no longer worshipped but we were ok with that we had each other, the only difference was that we wasn't as strong as before, we got our strength from the humans prayers but when that stopped we were strong but just not as strong as before, we were ok with that but Vladmiha let anger rule him and that was his force as he created a handful of Vampires, creatures that hunted in the night, feeding off humans sucking them dry of all their blood and when he released them upon the humans, there was so so much killing and blood, me and my other siblings were upset with him for being so selfish and hurting innocents so that was when I had decided to protect the humans by creating my beautiful children, werewolves, part man and part wolf, they would love all humans and would protect them against vampires, my werewolves were formidable and soon the vampires were less and less but my decision also caused a rift with my elder brother and in turn a rift between us all. After a thousand years, I noticed how unhappy and lonely my wolves were, so I came to the conclusion that they deserved all the happiness in the world with all the good they had done. They deserved happiness and love but also someone who was their other half. That's how mate bonds were created. Mates are the best and make them complete as they are the other have of your soul. My sisters Aislinn is the mother of witches and warlocks. Alisa is the mother of elves and fairies. Ariella is the mother of mermaids. My brothers are Vladmiha, father of vampires, and lastly, my little brother, galdum Father of Dragons." Wow thats a lot to take in but it all sounded amazing how beautiful would our world be if magic was real I'm upset this is just a dream and as I'm lost in thought a magical sound of laughter brings me back to selene who is sat there giggling at me "oh my sweet sweet child it is all true, just hidden from the world but the path your on will lead you all to where you belong" she explained and my eyes were like saucers. "So do you know where we are from or where we belong" I ask full of hope at finally finding myself "of course I do, I know where you all belong because you are all my children" she explained but but I must have past out because the next thing I knew I woke up next to Kylie and it was still dark outside.
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