Chapter 45

2491 Words

Genevieve “Do you live here?” I asked Rusty as we waited for the elevator. “I have an apartment here but I barely come.” Rusty simply answered and that is when his phone started ringing. I bet it’s Stephania. “Hello.” “Yes, I’ll be right there.” Rusty dropped the call then he turns his head to face me. “I’ll give you the pass key to my apartment so you can clean yourself up. It’s on the nineteenth floor. I need to go. She’s waiting for me. ” I nodded my head then I entered the elevator and said, “Alright. Take good care of her because if you don’t, you’re gonna have to answer to me.” Rusty seems to be taken by surprise. I smiled at him and pushed the button for the topmost floor; that’s where I remember Raphael’s apartment. When I reached the top floor, I noticed that there is only

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