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Liz’s POV Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods maybe for my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced or cried aloud, under the bludgeoning of chance, my head is bloody but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears, looms but the horror of the shade and yet the menace of the years finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishment the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. This has been my mantra since forever and that’s what kept me going. The beginning of it all, when everything started to change in my life and it was neither a good change nor a bad one. What is more intriguing is the eventual turnout of everything. You think this is a happy story, then you are mistaken because I am about to take you on a rollercoaster ride of my feelings throughout my journey. Pain, agony, lost, longing, betrayal, love, hatred, sadness, happiness, heartbreak, sacrifice and challenging the unseen. The worst part of it all is when you are in search for happiness and it looks like it is just a hand stretch away and you come to realise it is an uncountable miles away from you, yet you are running towards it but it keeps getting away from you. Narrator’s POV Liz’s punishment dates back to the beginning of time. In the heavenly realm which was called Empyrean, for peace and order to reign, the Supreme being gave an instruction to all gods not to be emotionally or sexually involved with demons and earthly beings as this results to demons and witches. Liz’s heavenly mother who was at the time the goddess of war, Athena, was betrothed to the god of fate but she who believed in love was against the whole marital arrangement. She left the heavens for the earth and fell in love with Damien who has the mixture of a demon and human blood, a product of pure lust and evil. Her actions angered the Supreme Being and she was sentenced to eternal rest and Damien died not to be reincarnated again. The result of the love shared between Damien and Athena is Liz originally known as Freya, the goddess of love, beauty and fertility also taking the war attribute of her mother and the demon blood of her father. She became the forbidden tree that yielded fruit and was cast aside. She grew up in Empyrean while yearning for parental love. Years later, the inferno and the Empyrean waged war against each other. There is a war between the Inferno and Empyrean so the Supreme being called for a meeting among gods alike. “How can we stop this looming war?” the Supreme being asked all gods. “We can just wage war instead.” The god of war suggested. “I am compassionate and merciful. I won’t do that to spirits I created moreover, they are there to strike a balance on earth. A war between the heavens and hell might make the earth perish.” The Supreme being replied not accepting the suggestion of the god of war. “How about we use love to settle and call a truce.” Liz decided to chip in and everywhere went silent for a while and then they all returned back to what they were doing. Almost everyone chipped in but the Supreme being wasn’t having it. “Freya, the goddess of love, beauty and fertility, I call on you.” The Supreme being said and all gods became silent. “Your daughter hears thee.” She replied. “Go to the inferno and make peace with the Devil. You are not to take anything or anyone with you.” The Supreme being gave Freya an order which she received with happiness. She went to the inferno and was able to bring peace but before she could leave, she fell in love with the son of the Devil, Azazel. One fateful night, just the night before Freya could leave to go back to the Empyrean, under the light of a blood-red moon, Freya and Azazel swore eternal devotion to each other. The union of love and sin, however sent ripples through the fabric of existence. Azazel and Freya was arrested and thrown in the dark pit. The heavens and hell was shaken up and before it could cause further damage, both the Empyrean and the inferno met at the golden tree to decide on the punishment of both Frey and Azazel. The fates, ancient and impartial decreed a curse upon Freya and Azazel. “You have gone against the order of the heaven just like your parents, here is your punishment...... Your spirit shall roam the earth till you find an empty body with no soul and your spirit shall be in that body and the body shall become a celestial body and you shall assume the mission of dooming the world because of the love you have for Azazel. To save the world, you must kill your beloved with the sword of Gratar. Your punishment is like that of Sisyphus. It is an eternal one.” The god of fate announced and as such, the sword of Gratar struck through both Azazel and Freya. The unending punishment began and it went on for centuries. In every mission, Freya killed Azazel in tears because it is better to sacrifice one than to sacrifice all. Liz’s POV Did you think that was it? You probably think my body was lifeless and that was how I became the 999th Freya but that’s far from it. I am soulful and never died once so how did Freya get sucked inside of me. It was a coincidence not fate. I happened to have been birthed when the wheel of time stopped. The thing is when the wheel of time stops, everything and everyone on earth must stop with it. That’s just the law but I didn’t stop and that changed Freya’s whole story. Freya just happened to be passing when the time stopped and she was surprised at the scene right in front of her. Not only was baby me moving but I had the celestial energy around me. Freya came close and I sucked her in so her spirit became one with me and that became a concern for the heavens because two celestial bodies have become one. Me, the human being that was meant to be the bridge that brings witches and demons together and Freya the goddess of love, war, beauty and fertility with a little touch of demon, together in one body sent a wave of instability to the heavens and that gave a chance for Freya to challenge fate. The only problem is that my celestial energy suppressed Freya’s spirit inside of me so growing up, I had no knowledge of Freya’s existence or mine as a celestial body. To me, I was just a normal human being living imsjaklakan a supernatural free world until I met him, Ryan, mine and Freya’s life partner. He is supposed to be Freya’s partner but for some reason he is also my partner. I didn’t want a part of this meal but I was somehow invited.
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