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Liz’s POV “Liz, you’re going to be late!” My mom's voice pierced through the serene morning air, jolting me from my half-sleep state. “I know, I know!” I shouted back, jumping out of bed. The clock read 7:15 AM, and I had exactly forty-five minutes to get to work. My heart raced as I hurried through my morning routine. I stumbled into the kitchen, still trying to tame my wild hair. Mom was already there, nursing her cup of coffee. She looked up from her newspaper, raising an eyebrow. “Late night again?” “Yeah, lost track of time with that project,” I mumbled, grabbing a piece of toast. “You work too hard, Liz. You need to take care of yourself.” “Thanks, Mom. But right now, I need to take care of my job,” I replied, quickly downing a glass of orange juice. Mom chuckled. “You remind me so much of your father. Always in a rush, always driven.” “Speaking of Dad, did he call?” “Not yet. He’s still in transit, I suppose. He should be here by evening.” I nodded, mentally adding that to my already overflowing list of things to do. I snatched my bag from the chair and headed for the door. “Liz, wait!” Mom called after me. “You forgot your lunch.” I turned around to see her holding out a brown paper bag. I took it from her with a grateful smile. “Thanks, Mom. You’re a lifesaver.” “Just doing my job,” she said with a wink. I dashed out of the house, the morning sun blinding me momentarily. My car sat in the driveway, a small oasis of calm in my chaotic life. I got in and started the engine, the hum of the motor a familiar comfort. As I navigated through the morning traffic, my mind wandered to the encounter with Ryan. It had been brief, just a fleeting moment, but it had left an indelible mark. His eyes, his presence—it was as if something had shifted inside me. The memory was fuzzy, like a dream I couldn't fully grasp. I shook my head, trying to focus on the road. My life had no room for such distractions. Yet, the more I tried to push it away, the more it lingered, like a whisper in the back of my mind. Arriving at the office, I hurried inside, greeting my coworkers with a quick nod. My desk was a mess, papers strewn everywhere. I sighed, sitting down and trying to organize the chaos. “Morning, Liz,” Sarah, my colleague, said as she passed by. “Morning,” I replied, forcing a smile. “You look like you barely slept.” “Tell me about it,” I said, rolling my eyes. “You need to take it easy. It’s not worth burning out over.” “Yeah, yeah,” I said, waving her off. “I’ll be fine.” But as I tried to focus on my work, Ryan's face kept appearing in my mind. The strange familiarity, the connection I couldn't explain. I rubbed my temples, trying to clear my head. The hours passed in a blur of meetings and deadlines. By lunchtime, I was exhausted. I made my way to the break room, hoping a cup of coffee would revive me. “Hey, Liz,” Mark, another coworker, said as I entered. “You okay? You seem a bit off today.” “Just tired,” I replied, pouring myself a cup. “You need to relax more. Maybe take a day off.” “Can’t afford to,” I said with a rueful smile. He shook his head. “You’re going to work yourself into an early grave.” “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” I said, laughing despite myself. As the day dragged on, I found myself zoning out, the memory of the encounter with Ryan growing stronger. It was like trying to remember a dream—vague, blurry, but powerful. I could almost see flashes of another life, another time. By the time I left work, I was more drained than ever. I drove home on autopilot, my mind still racing. Mom was waiting for me, her expression concerned. “You look exhausted, Liz,” she said as I walked in. “I’ll be fine. Just need some rest.” She nodded, but her eyes betrayed her worry. “Dinner’s ready. Eat something before you collapse.” I managed a smile. “Thanks, Mom. I’ll be up soon.” Later that evening, I headed to the airport to pick up my dad. The drive was uneventful, giving me time to reflect on the strange feelings that had been haunting me all day. The moment I saw Ryan, it felt like the universe had shifted. Our encounter was brief—a chance meeting in the hallway at work. He had looked at me as if he knew me, his eyes filled with a mix of recognition and confusion. I had felt it too, a pull, a connection I couldn't explain. As I pulled up to the airport, my dad was already waiting, waving at me with a broad smile. I got out of the car to help him with his bags. “Liz, sweetheart! How have you been?” he asked, enveloping me in a hug. “Busy, as always,” I replied, smiling. “But it’s good to see you, Dad.” We chatted about mundane things on the drive back, but my mind kept drifting back to Ryan. His face, his eyes—it was like a puzzle piece that didn’t quite fit but was undeniably part of the picture. Suddenly, a flash of light blinded me. I saw vague, blurry images—memories that weren’t mine. Freya’s memories. The wheel of time, a battle, a forbidden love. The car swerved as I struggled to regain control, but it was too late. The impact was violent, throwing me and my dad against our seats. Everything went dark. In the darkness, I found myself in a place that felt both familiar and alien. I was experiencing Freya’s memories, her pain, her endless cycles of love and loss. The agony was unbearable, each moment a dagger to my soul. I saw her love for Azazel, their doomed fate, and felt every heartbreak as if it were my own. The torment was endless. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t escape. The pain consumed me, dragging me deeper into despair. I screamed, but no sound came out. My body was dying, but for Freya, death was a deep slumber, a prison of the mind. Finally, I felt myself slipping away. The agony was too much, and I let go, welcoming the darkness. I thought it was the end, but it wasn’t. In the real world, my body lay lifeless, but deep within, Freya stirred. My grave became a portal, opening to the underworld. I found myself in a dark, cavernous space. Shadows moved around me, whispering words I couldn’t understand. Hands reached out, pulling me deeper into the abyss. I was no longer Liz, not entirely. Freya’s essence had awakened, and the journey had only just begun.
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