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Liz's POV When I woke up, the dim glow of the room had shifted to a brighter, more intense light. My head throbbed, and the weight of Freya’s presence lingered, a constant reminder of the battle I had fought. I felt a mix of fear and determination as I took in my surroundings. This was my new reality. The scene around me transformed into a chaotic battleground from ancient times. Screams of the wounded echoed through the air as warriors clashed with hellish creatures. In the midst of the turmoil, I saw Freya, her face etched with determination and sorrow, fighting a beast she had unleashed from hell. It was a monstrous creature, born of darkness and fury, threatening to tear apart the fabric of reality. Freya’s eyes locked with mine for a moment, and I saw the sorrow and regret in her gaze. She had made a grave mistake by not killing Azazel, and now she faced the consequences of that decision. With a heavy heart, she knew what had to be done. As the beast lunged at her, Freya turned her attention to Azazel, who stood nearby, a sinister grin on his face. Summoning all her strength, Freya fought her way to Azazel, their battle fierce and unrelenting. Blood and sweat mingled on her brow as she finally overpowered him. With a final, sorrowful glance at the beast and the destruction around her, she plunged her weapon into Azazel’s heart. His scream echoed through the battlefield as he disintegrated, his death sending shockwaves that forced the demons and the messengers of doom back to hell. As the dust settled, Freya’s soul began to leave the body she was in. Her eyes, filled with sorrow and a deep sense of loss, met mine once more. She mouthed something I couldn’t hear, a final farewell before her essence faded into the ether. I reached out, trying to grasp her, but my hand passed through empty air. A sudden darkness enveloped me, and I felt a demonic presence closing in. Panic surged through me, and I fought to break free. With a final, desperate scream, I jolted awake, gasping for breath. I was back in my room, the familiar surroundings a stark contrast to the nightmare I had just escaped. The room was filled with items for my inauguration, a reminder of the role I was destined to play. I stood up, my legs shaky but determined. I needed to find Adeline and Nomed. They had been with me in my subconscious, and I needed to know they were safe. I hurried through the halls, my heart pounding in my chest, until I found them with the wizard Eramus. Relief washed over me as I saw them, but their expressions were grave. “What happened?” I demanded, my voice trembling. “Are you both okay?” “We’ll explain everything after the inauguration,” Adeline said, her tone gentle but firm. “But for now, there’s something you need to see.” Nomed handed me the Dagger of Souls, its blade gleaming with an otherworldly light. “This is the key to unlocking your true power,” he said. “Use it wisely.” I took the dagger, feeling its weight in my hand. Without hesitation, I drew the blade across my palm. Pain shot through me, but as the blood flowed, it glowed with a brilliant, holy light. The room fell silent, everyone staring in awe. The wizard Eramus stepped forward, his eyes wide with astonishment. “This... this is holy blood,” he murmured, his voice trembling. “Liz, you are the forbidden fruit of the Supreme Being.” The gravity of his words hung in the air, the implications sinking in. I was more than just a vessel for Freya’s power; I was something entirely unique, a being of immense potential and mystery. The room seemed to close in around me as the realization took hold, the weight of my destiny pressing down. Eramus’s eyes bore into mine, filled with a mix of fear and reverence. “You must be careful, Liz. Your power is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. The path ahead will be perilous.” Confusion gripped me. "How can this be?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "I have an earthly father. My mother never hid his identity. How can I be the daughter of the Supreme Being?" The room fell into a tense silence, everyone grappling with the shock of my revelation. My heart raced, and I felt a cold sweat on my brow. The wizard's proclamation had shattered everything I thought I knew about myself. Eramus stepped closer, his gaze intense. "The blood does not lie, Liz. You are the offspring of the Supreme Being. Your existence defies the natural order." I stared at the glowing blood on my palm, my mind racing. The world around me seemed to spin as I struggled to reconcile this new truth with the life I had always known. The implications were staggering, and I felt the weight of an unimaginable destiny bearing down on me. "What does this mean for me?" I asked, my voice shaking. "It means," Eramus said, his voice low and somber, "that your journey is only beginning. The power within you is beyond our comprehension, and the forces that seek to control or destroy you will stop at nothing." Realization dawned on me as I stood there, clutching the dagger. If I was truly the forbidden fruit of the Supreme Being, then my mother must have... But how? My mother never hid the identity of my earthly father. There was no doubt about my paternity background. How could I be the biological daughter of the Supreme Being? A chilling silence filled the room. My heart pounded in my chest, the weight of the revelation threatening to crush me. What was the truth behind my origins? And how would it shape the path I was destined to follow?
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