Chapter 3

804 Words
MIRANA Do I really have to do it? Should I do it? All my questions the answer is Yes, I'm the only one who doesn't. What if he didn't believe it, what if it just came to nothing. My god Mirana just go! Whatever will be the answer will be fine... fine. Everything will be fine. I didn't even notice that I was crying thinking of what would happen later. I looked at myself in the mirror, my stomach was growing bigger. I put on a little make-up and tied my hair up, fixed my shirt and took out my little bag. I took one last glance at myself and smiled faintly. "Mommy's got you," I whispered as I rubbed my stomach. I just went out of the house and shut the house down, so I really had to make sure everything was locked because Cello just ordered it to me. It was also a few minutes later when I reached the company he was managing. That building is very high and it seems that only high people are coming in and out of it. I took a deep breath before going in and when I came in there were people watching me. As if I were entering another world, they were almost all dressed in formal attire. I jump to the woman in uniform who can ask. As I drew closer to him, he smiled at me immediately and I smiled back. "Good morning Ma'am, how can I help you?" she asked kindly. "Uhm, is Mr. Marco Frienere available? I asked nervously. "Do you have an appointment with him?" she asked gently. "N-no, but I contacted his secretary a few times but could not contact her," I explained to her. "I'm sorry Ma'am but you cannot meet him if you don't have any appointment," she stated "Please, this is an emergency. I'm begging you....let me see him" She looked at my stomach and smiled. "Okay I better lead you there," she offered and I almost wanted to hug her to thank her but I couldn't because of the people around us. "Thank you so much," I said and she just smiled at me. "This way Ma'am," she stated as she led me the way to his office. People are very formal here, and I never even thought of buying new slippers to use. I have no new slippers and this is just what I have. "Were here Ma'am," she says that brings me back to reality. I smiled genuinely as she returned the gesture. She knocked on the door first before opening it. "Sir Marco, there is someone looking for you," she stated and I cannot hear clearly what they were talking until she looked at me and gestured to me to enter. "Thank you again," I said and she just nodded. I glanced around the room as I saw an aluminum frame with his name on it. 'Marco Wadsforth Freniere' I read slowly and started to search and find the woman who brought me here. She might have mistakenly brought me here. I was about to turn away to leave when suddenly a voice spoke that made my heart beat, a voice I had never heard before. But that was impossible, I slowly turned my heels to where the voice came from. I could hardly hear my breath because of the loud beat in my heart. There, the man whom I betrayed, the man I hurt. The man I left behind and played with. Marco, Marco Wadsforth ... that I love to call Kid. Almost everything at this time suddenly came back to me. "Kid" that was the only word that came out of my mouth. "Kid" he chuckled bitterly full of hatred. "Oh come on Mirana Vaughn! That's all you have to say? Welcome me," he said sarcastically. My eyes could not hold back the tears. It was karma, maybe it was the payoff for the sins I committed. I feel like my world is falling apart. "So tell me, why are you here?" he asked as if he were just talking to a client. He sat down comfortably at his desk and looked at me up and down. Now just in his eyes, I want to devour myself. I couldn't have bothered to go here from the start. I felt embarrassed as he stopped looking at my slippers. "Don't expect me to put you in a nice chair because people like you are dirt," he coldly said that makes my chest tight. I took a deep breath before I took the force to say what I really meant and I had to accept whatever the outcome might be. I will do everything for the sake of my son, our son. "I have your child," I said while holding my womb.
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