Under the Moon and Stars

1056 Words

Arabella Thornhill:- "What secrets do I have to hide? None, I am an open book, muffin." Elias answered with a shrug of his shoulder and held his hand forward for me to take "So, you coming for a walk so you can tell me what is the real motive behind saving these fallen packs?" "I will walk in the forest with you, but you are mistaken if you think I will tell you anything. You might be an open book, but I am not. I like to keep things hidden and private. I am a mystery you need to solve to have me truly." I tell him and he smiles, shaking his head. "Why do I feel like you are challenging me?" he asked with a raised brow "If this is what it takes for me to claim you, and mark you as mine, then be it. If you are a mystery then you are in for luck because I am a mystery solver." he winked.

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