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“Rose, darling, come away from the water!” my mother called, as my tiny frame stood thigh-deep in the crashing waves. “No mama, I can feel the ocean talking to me!” I yelled back over my shoulder. A sad frown creased her face, and I heard my father’s deep laugh. Within a moment he had swept me up into his arms and placed me on his shoulders. “No papa! I wanted to talk to the ocean!” I said, tears welling in my young eyes. “Mama says it’s time to head to bed,” he laughed, “Time for a story.” I smiled at the mention of a story, and my mother greeted us near the house, her long red hair still damp from today’s play. They took me inside and washed me up, before settling me into the nest of cushions I called a bed. My head laid on my mother’s lap, and my father sat on the edge of the bed. “We have a special story to tell you tonight, little sun,” my mother whispered, “but you have to listen very carefully, okay?” “Can you do that Rosie?” my father smiled at me. I nodded my head happily, and my mother stroked my wild hair out of my face, “Well, it begins love, with a special little girl, born in a time where darkness was surfacing. She was a bright beam of light. And as she grew, her parents could tell that she was strong, kind, and smart.” “And powerful too,” my father chirped. “Yes, and powerful too,” Mother nodded, “but you see, the power she had scared other people. They liked the world dark, and the rules broken, and they were worried that as this little girl grew, their world would change.” "But change is good right mama?” I asked, concern on my young face. “Yes dear, change is good but scary,” she soothed, before continuing, “These people were a danger to the girl, and because her parents loved her very, very much, they put a spell on her. The spell would protect her until she met the special person that could protect her.” “Like a prince?” I asked excitedly. “Yes, like a prince,” my father replied, “And not only would he protect her, but she would change him, for the better, and protect him in ways as well.” “And they would fall in love,” my mother continued, “But it would be hard, and they would face many challenges.” “This is a sad story, mama,” I whispered, “I thought you said it was special.” “It is, little sun, because the girl is special, and she has so much magic in her. So much. But the only thing that would help her learn how to use it was the love from the prince,” my mother cooed, “And until she finds him, her magic will stay all tucked away inside of her. And when it finally spills out, it will be messy, and glorious,” my mother finished, her eyes wet. I smiled softly, sleep heavy in my young eyes. “We love you, little sun,” my mother said, this time with tears in her voice, “We will miss you.” I felt my mother slip out from beneath my head, and I felt my father place a gentle kiss on my forehead. All at once sleep consumed me. My tear-filled eyes shot open, as I gasped for air, clutching my blanket to my chest in fear as the sudden clarity came over me. A witch. My eyes flew to the window open beside my bed, but I saw nothing there. Disappointment washed through me. Had I been hoping he would be there? I thought to myself. I wrapped my arms around myself and buried my face against my knees, sobbing for the thousandth time. ----------- MATTEOPOV I watched the girl as she dreamed. She was restless. Her shimmering hair floating and whipping through the air. I heard her cry out in her sleep, and in an instant, I was by her side. My fingers flashed forward to touch her soft face, to comfort her, but I saw her eyelids flutter and disappeared back out the window before she could notice. I waited in the shadows, as she cried. She seemed to search the window for something, and a wry grin cracked across my face. She searched for me. I shook away my own feelings. This girl was dangerous. Whenever I was around her, she somehow heightened and muddled my sharp senses. I itched for her, under my skin. An itch I couldn’t scratch. Most dangerous of all- I wanted to taste her. It was forbidden for vampires to feed on any creature other than humans or their own race. It created a wildly strong bond and marked their souls as belonging to each other. It could kill her. Or me. The sky was closing in on dawn when she finally fell back asleep. Her chest rising and falling. Her sleep was deeper this time. Less painful. I dropped back into her room again and moved my hand to brush the strays hairs covering her face away. My fingertips burned like fire when they touched her skin, and I felt something rustling inside of me. She let out a small coo in her sleep, shifting slightly, and I smiled. This girl would be the death of me. And yet after all my years on this planet, I would go if by her hand, without a shadow of a doubt.
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