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After a long hot shower, I would have thought my nerves would have settled. It was much opposite. When Matteo had been gone, I had hardly seen Elisa in passing. Then all of a sudden she was there during my...episode, coaching Marianne and me through it, and taking care of me. But her daring scowl was enough for me to know I was not forgiven for the actions of my peers. Sometimes I wondered what had happened. How were witches involved all those years ago? Something inside of me felt like all of this was connected somehow. I stood in the bathroom, staring into my hazel eyes in the mirror as I coiled separate strands of wavy, red hair around my finger in an effort to coax them into tamer curls. I was wrapped in a towel, one hand holding it to my chest. Suddenly there was a small knock at the door, and Marianne entered. I felt my cheeks heating up. I couldn’t ignore the feeling in my belly when I thought it was Matteo about to walk in on me. “Mmmm, ragazza, don’t worry so much about your hair,” she muttered, stepping behind me and shooing my hands away. “I’m sorry, Marianne,” I said quietly, looking at her over my shoulder, “I was so mean to you. I had no right to blame you.” She pulled a small tube from her smock pocket and squeezed some into her hands, "Nonsense. Now, this is a cream for your hair. It will help a little with the frizz.” Her hands began working it into my long red tresses and I frowned, “Marianne, did you hear me?” “Of course I heard you, ragazza but you needn’t apologize,” she shrugged, smiling softly, “Come, get dressed.” I followed her to the bedroom, where a deep green, knee-length dress with elbow-length sleeves, and a flowy skirt laid. I reached out and touched it. The fabric was unbelievably luxurious. I made a mental note to ask Matteo about all this fine clothing. It came from somewhere. She patted my shoulder softly, “Matteo is already downstairs with Elisa in the dining room. Do you remember how to get there?” I nodded, and she left me to dress. I slipped into my clothes and a pair of tan flats. I made my way downstairs slowly, part of me dreading the scene below. I’ve never been timid; however, I’ve also never engaged much in social events. I’ve always been happy, and content alone. Until now. When I reached the bottom of the stairs and made my way to the dining room, everything seemed so quiet. I stepped into the room and took in my surroundings again. The dining room was massive. A long stone hall, with a giant, old oak table in the center. There was a large fireplace at both ends, and two massive chandeliers hung over the table. A variety of rugs were splayed under the table, making the cold stone room more inviting. The table could easily seat 50. Maybe even 100 if they were squeezed in. Down at the far end, the fireplace was lit. Elisa sat at the head of the table and Matteo stood near her. His eyes lit up when he saw me, and he extended his hand to me, a soft smile on his face. I felt my stomach do a flip before I padded down towards him, but before I could reach him, or take his hand, Elisa stood. She wore a black blouse and wine-colored pants. Her straight, platinum hair was tied behind her head in a chignon. She always looked so elegant. It made me wonder what she looked like in this castle hundreds of years ago. “Good evening, strega,” Elisa cooed, her voice was kind, but I still felt the word “witch” dig into me like a knife, and her eyes were hard on mine. “Thank you for inviting me down for dinner. And thank you for last night..” I trailed softly, and Matteo rested his hand on the small of my back, guiding me to a chair. He pulled it out for me and I sat, before he sat to my right, Elisa at the head of the table on his right. The silence was deafening. Matteo held my hand, his thumb rubbing over the back of my hand reassuringly. Every few moments, Elisa’s eyes would flit down to our hands, and then back to Matteo’s face, and then across the room. Marianne broke the silence, marching in with a large tray of food. She set down a plate full of roast, potatoes, and carrots, as well as fresh salad, and a glass of wine in front of me. She provided Matteo and Elisa with a plate of a few raw vegetables, and some barely seared, incredibly rare meat, as well as a glass of wine each. Marianne turned on her heel and I lifted my fork, but before I could bring the tantalizing bite to my mouth, an angry Elisa spoke. “Questo non è quello che ho richiesto, Marianne,” she said sharply. My Italian wasn’t great, but I gathered it was something about not getting the right thing for dinner. Marianne looked a bit sheepish, “Elisa-” Elisa simply growled, and Marianne sighed, walking back towards the kitchen. A moment later, Matteo tensed his grip tight and less reassuring on my hand. “What are you doing, mamma,” Matteo hissed. I just sat, hovering with a fork full of food inches away from my mouth, not understanding. A moment later, in walked Marianne with a rabbit. A live rabbit. “Elisa,” Matteo hissed, “Tread carefully.” “You clearly will not ‘tread carefully’, so why should I?” she retorted quickly, “Ths strega ragazza has no idea what we are. What you are. You say you think she is your fated, but you won’t bed her.” Fated. Matteo growled, a deep rumble in his throat, and he dropped my hand, standing up from his chair so fast it flew back and toppled over. He pulled back my chair roughly and motioned for me to stand. I was frozen. Elisa stood and ripped the rabbit away from Marianne, unbinding its legs, and letting it scurry away. It knew it was in the presence of a predator. The rabbit scampered and hopped hurriedly towards the exit, and now Elisa’s chair topped as a guttural sound left her and she crouched. Her fangs extending slightly and her eyes going dark. In a flash, she was across the room, and I watched in horror as she ripped the neck off the rabbit with her razor sharp teeth, blood soaking her blouse, and running down her face. She closed her eyes, as she drank deeply, and when she finished, she threw the lifeless rabbit to the floor, more blood coating the stones. I felt myself shaking, but not in fear. In anger. “Are you scared, strega,” she hissed through bloody lips, a small smirk on her face, “Matteo will need to feed. He will kill. Do you know what any of that means?!” She took a step towards me, her bloody mouth bared, “Yet you, you witch, the blood in your veins makes you worse than-” “Stop!” I suddenly yelled as Matteo put his hands on my shoulders, but I stood anyway, “Stop acting like this! I didn’t even know I was a witch until two months ago! You cannot blame me for the atrocities my ancestors committed.” She watched me with dagger-like eyes, and I stepped towards her. Matteo grabbed my wrist. “Mio fiore,” He said softly, “Calm down. Let’s go upstairs” “No!” I said firmly, pulling my hand away and taking a few steps towards Elisa as they both growled, “I am a witch, Elisa, a witch who has no idea how to control herself. I haven't spoken to my family in over a month because I’m frightened by the knowledge, and the urge to tell them. I am stuck locked in a tower because there are god damn werewolves after me, and I have left everything I love, everything I know behind.” Elisa’s eyes stayed narrowed, but her eyebrow had raised slightly. Matteo growled softly anytime she moved. “Except him. Except for Matteo. He makes me feel things I have never felt. I feel like my bones ache, and my muscles don’t cooperate when he isn’t around, and I don’t understand that either,” I continued, “But all I know, is I don’t care if he drinks blood, I don’t care that he never sleeps, I don’t even truly care that I will never bear a child of my own because WHY would I want to bring a child into a world as screwed up as this!” I looked at Matteo, and I felt my eyes soften slightly, as he looked at me with that glint in his eyes, one of his eyebrows raised as well, “I have a hell of a lot to learn, and I am terrified, I am unsure, I am exhausted, but I love him,” my eyes moved to Elisa, “so get over it, and stop making Marianne clean up rabbits off the floor just because you want to prove a point.” I stood there, chest heaving. Marianne stood in the doorway with a smug expression on her face, her arms crossed. Elisa continued to hold my gaze, her narrowed green eyes taking all of me in. Matteo came to stand behind me, and I felt myself sink into his chest, his hand coming up to stroke my hair softly. Elisa raised her eyes above my head, breaking our staring contest to look at Matteo, “You know the council will be furious. You need to keep her informed. And you need to call your brother. This includes him too. It includes all of us.” “I know, mamma,” he said, “I’m sorry.” She nodded curtly, and looked back at me, “Like it or not, mia strega, you are a part of this family now. You are fully expected to lay down your life for us. And we will do the same for you.” My anger dissipating, I felt shy, and a blush crept over my face. I simply responded with a nod. Elisa turned on her heel, straightened, and left the room without another word. I spun in Matteo’s arms. “Who is the council? What is this fated thing?” I asked him, “I didn’t even know you had a brother!” He smiled softly, “Shhhh, let me just look at you.” I blushed as he pulled me tightly into his arms. One hand lightly tracing my face and playing with the stray curls in my hair. “What?” I asked him, as he just stared at me. “Do you have any idea, Rose, how magnificent you are?” he murmured. I blushed deeply and looked away, but he grabbed my chin, turning my face to him, “You love me?” I was a bit taken aback by his question. His eyes and his voice seemed to hold a look of almost...insecurity? Which was so foreign. He was so strong. So capable. So, incredibly powerful. But did I really love him? I had hardly noticed when those words had left my mouth. They came from me without effort. Without thought. Wasn’t that how it was supposed to be, love? Second nature, and honest? I had said other things, too. That I was terrified. And confused. There was so much I didn’t know. He had been walking this earth far longer than I had been. There was already a list of questions longer than our tower was high, for me to ask him, and I knew more would come. Matteo suddenly leaned forward and kissed my forehead, and when he leaned back he gave me a small smile, “You should eat.” “Yes,” I croaked, then quickly, “Yes, eat.” He smiled a gentle smile. He could hear my thudding heart. The heat coursing through my veins, the rolling of my stomach. We both knew I was not just agreeing to finish my dinner, but neither of us said a word. He kissed me softly on the lips, and for some reason, this kiss felt different. That pulling in my gut, and my spine was stronger than ever. It felt as if it would tear me in two, but I didn’t care. The heat flowing through me, dancing at my core was overpowering, and I was overrun with passion. I caught his bottom lip and gently tugged with my teeth, and he growled, pushing me against the wall with a soft thud, one of his hands moving down to grip my hip, and the other tangling in my hair. I gasped against him, as he gave my hair a small tug, and then his lips were on mine again, taking the opportunity to test the waters with his tongue. Our lips and mouths molded together. I felt the heat inside me rising, before I ran my own hand down, playing with the buttons on his collar. His hand reached up, and clutched my fingers, shaking his head softly, as he pressed his lips to mine once more. “No, mio fiore, we can’t,” he murmured. I frowned, my forehead creasing. I could see the heat in his eyes, I could feel his own arousal pressing into me, but he was holding back, resisting. And I realized in an instant that he had not said he loved me. My face fell, and I closed my eyes. I sighed softly, pushing the uncertainties in me away. He had just come back. I didn’t want to lose him. I felt his gentle fingertips smoothing my brow, and I opened my eyes, smiling up at him gently, hiding the sadness away as neatly as I could. He grabbed my plate, and tugged me upstairs, back to his study. He set me up at the table with my dinner, before sitting across from me, watching me as I ate. We sat in a comfortable silence through the end, his fingers occasionally brushing the soft skin of my arm, my blush ever there. Finally, I pushed away my plate and tucked my hair behind my ear. I yawned loudly, and he chuckled. “You are tired,” he said, observing as always, “We should get you to bed.” “I am tired. I think last night, and our ride is still taking a toll on me,” I said sheepishly and he nodded. "Why don’t you go change? I’ll meet you there?” he asked, and I nodded as well. I walked to the room, surprised by how tired I truly was. I changed into a soft white, silk camisole, and a matching set of sleep pants. I left my hair free, not having the energy to deal with it. When I returned from the bathroom, Matteo was laying on his side in the bed, facing me, space next to him open. I smiled, before laying down next to him, on my own side, facing him. He reached out and cupped my waist, bringing me slightly closer to him, and he kept his hand there. I stared at him, taking in his chocolate hair and his impressive green eyes. His sharp features softened for me. A slight smile quirking up the corner of his mouth. “I have questions,” I suddenly blurted. He chuckled and closed his eyes a moment, “I’m sure you do, Rose, I expect you to.” “Who is the council?” I asked immediately afterward, and his eyes snapped open, a small frown on his face. “That is the first question you have?” he asked in a low, slightly upset voice. I bit my lip softly, glancing away. It wasn't the first question I had, but I was trying to avoid the biggest question on my mind- “fated”. I heard him sigh, before he spoke, “The council is...a panel of sorts. There are ten members of the council. Two of each creature. Two werewolves, two vampires, two fae, two witches, and two humans. They are responsible for upholding our oldest laws.” “I thought the different species didn’t get along?” I asked, meeting his eyes again before another yawn took me. “They don’t. If anything, the council members get along the least of them, however, they make due to keep the balance.” I nodded softly, and chewed my bottom lip some more, “Why did Elisa say they would be furious?” “There are many rules, however, there are a few that are the most...enforced,” he said, staring at me hard, “One is that vampires are not allowed to feed on any creature other than humans, or other vampires, as ingesting the powerful blood of witches and werewolves can give them more power than they already have. The other...maybe the most important rule, is that cross-species are not allowed to mate.” I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, and I closed my eyes. I felt the hand that cupped my waist slowly trail up my arm, over my shoulder, before he touched my cheek, leaving a trail of tingles in its wake. “And that’s where the Fated come in.” My eyes snapped open, “Fated?” He nodded, a slow, solemn nod, but he held my gaze, “Creatures were...given Fated mates. For thousands of years, it has helped to keep cross-species from mating.” “Like...a soul mate?” I asked quietly, my eyes feeling heavy all of a sudden, as he continued to stroke my face. He grimaced, and shrugged, “I don’t know if I would call it that but yes. Two halves make one whole. It’s written into their very DNA. There is much that comes with being and having a Fated.” My eyes were closed, trying to focus on his words and his gentle fingertips. “So…” I murmured, “Are…” My words wouldn’t come out correctly, and I hoped he could understand me and know where I was coming from. I felt myself drifting off, darkness enveloping me. I felt myself being pressed into Matteo’s chest, and I sighed, relaxing further in his embrace. I felt his soft lips on my temple before he brushed over my ear, his voice hardly even a whisper. “Mine.”
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