Volume I: Chapter 10: Definitely Not a Delinquent

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Prince Caster unseals his sacred weapon the Atom Corpus and turns himself into a fiery being. He tried multiple attacks until it reached its limit. From fire form to water form, and see its intensity and its limitations. The Atom corpus is a tongue-piercing sacred weapon. It changes your DNA to another. It is under the complex types of sacred weapons that allow the threader to use the skills and capabilities of the other form, except for unique traits such as entity, individuality, personality, intelligence, and also rare skills. It is quite a copying Sacred weapon. Then he turned back to human form and he is eager to know the result. "Failed," Princess Shannon said. "The attack on your fiery form increases however your attack in water form decreases," she said. "If it only affects one another and you cannot increase both poles. It's useless," she added. Princess Shannon Winslet is a well-known lady from a family of Scholars. She studied biology, economics, medicine, arithmetic, physics, etc. She is a genius altogether with Prince Orion, despite their age. They are considered the youngest in the group. Prince Orion is only 14 and Princess Shannon is 16. The 5 officials were all gifted when it comes to family ranks, wealth, intelligence, talents, skills, and traits. Most nobles strive to gain more while keeping their reputation excellent. It is also what the first prince has been doing all his life. Prince Caster pulls on his shirt to change. "Tsss... How bothersome" annoyed and disappointed. "Tell me how I can improve it. It'll be a big help," he said childishly and take a nap. She ignored him and call for the next one "It's your turn, Princess Beatrice" and the Wind Princess stood up and prepare. The Eastern Tempest is an elemental type of sacred weapon. It can stand individually even though it was only a part of a whole. It comes from the 'Great Tempest' sacred weapon, also called 'The eye of the Storm'. According to history, the Heavens break it into 4 sacred weapons just to avoid massive destruction. The other 3 were lost in history. If 2 or 3 weapons are combined it will create more powerful attacks and if all 4 were reunited. It can create a huge hurricane just like the storms of the planet Jupiter. Duke Oliver finally arrived. "Busy as usual?" he said. "Are you going to train, Duke?" Prince Orion asked him. Duke Oliver shrugged his shoulders giving him a sign of unsureness. "Let's see if I'm in the mood to train," he said. "Why are you wasting your gifts, Duke?" he said. According to history, the first-ever threaders whom the weapons had chosen were all extraordinary. They were the strongest ever recorded in history and are the only ones who can use the sacred weapons to the fullest of their potential. The Golden Rule is always 'the sacred weapon's limit depends on the threader itself', which means even though you are a chosen threader it doesn't mean that you are capable of using the weapon at its fullest. Among the strongest, the Heavens selected 12 threaders to be immortals and the rest lived and die after a whole lifetime. All their sacred weapons were passed to the next generation and the next. Some diminished power, some have broken down into multiple types and some are fully destroyed. The Metal Frost can do more than just simple weapons and artifacts. It is the highest treasure-type complex sacred weapon and is also called 'the mother weapon' which can create even other sacred weapons. It is almost under the line of eternal sacred weapons. The same idea has driven people to aspire in becoming one of the eternal threaders for years. The most precise example is the former emperor and like him they are not regarded by the Heavens. The Heavens know that humans are weak and greedy. However, the duke is not that type of guy, he is more like a happy-go-lucky type of person who knows how to manage things. Takes things lightly yet proves himself competent in every way. The Royalty in the Kingdom of Gemma wants him as their own because they know that having a non-threader princess is useless. Duke Oliver is aware that every kingdom under the great empire has an ulterior motive to choose a strong leader that can perhaps return their independence. He willfully declines. He doesn't want to submit and became a tool to anyone except for the Kingdom of Gemma. "If I could ever just be enough. I can reach immortality and save my people" Prince Orion said. Duke Oliver smirked. "Such a passionate child," he said. He pats his head. 'It's sad that a noble heart is found in a prince whose crown was stolen from him. His people could have fought but his grandfather chose to have a treaty instead, now neither his father nor this prince can have the throne' the duke thought. The princess slipped and fell. "It lapse," Princess Beatrice said. "It is not the sacred weapon that lapse.." Princess Shannon said. "Sacred weapons have their pattern on how you're gonna use it. How you use this one is different from how you use the other one, respectively. You cannot swing it like that if it is not meant to be swung like that. It is what threaders should learn and master. If you're going to contradict the weapon. The result might backfire" she continued. "So you are saying that sacred weapons can affect the threader?" The duke asked. Princess Shannon nodded "Of course and the worst part is, it can be fatal," she said. "Your sacred weapon must tailor-fit you that much, that's why you didn't notice," she added. "Commonly, it is the threader that affects the weapon but there are times when the sacred weapons affect the threaders and it goes with the strongest type of weapons," she continued. And out of the blue, the Duke suddenly got curious and asked. "Do you have any record regarding the emperor's sacred weapon?" The princess answered, "I have read all the historical atlas of threaders and sacred weapons and even censuses throughout the whole empire, but to be honest the emperor's sacred weapon was so rare that there are no historical records kept about it" she said. "He may be the first one to use such a weapon," she said.
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