18 The Whole Truth

1248 Words

    Andrew POV     As soon as we are in the room I put her down on the bed.  She was hitting me on the back all the way up the stairs like a child having a tantrum.  Once she is on the bed I lock the door.  "I don't know what the f**k you think you are doing but we are over and you need to leave, you can go f**k your office sl*t"  she yells at me.  Shut up Gia you are going to listen until I am done and then you can say whatever the hell you want to.  She looks surprised because I have never raised my voice at her. I don't know what game you are playing but no man should be here with you but me.  She starts to open her mouth and I glare at her with all the anger I feel.  I am going to explain what you saw and show you video proof since my word obviously is not good enough for you.  I can

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