23 Ghosts of the Past

1414 Words

    Gianna POV     Its Friday and I have my appointment to check on the baby today.  I am excited for that and also because yesterday they took Lisa into custody for breaking into our penthouse.  I feel like a free woman.  No more body guard.  Don't get me wrong Brian was really nice after I got to know him a little better but I hated being followed everywhere I went.  Andrew had asked me to wait a week before stopping the body guard services but I made him see reason.  It took a lot of convincing but he finally conceded.  I will be meeting him at the doctors office at 10.  I just left his penthouse and I am heading to a coffee shop down the street for breakfast.  I haven't really had any time alone since we got back from Florida.  I do love being with Andrew but we all need a little time

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