Chapter 1

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"You look like you're dying," I heaved. I leaned my hands on my knees and tried to calm my rapid breathing but my lungs refused to calm down.  "That's 'cause...I hazelnut cookie am!" Zoë replied.  We were in gym class, the only class we had together, and Coach Dunne decided that two laps around the gym was a good warm up for the class. Usually, Zoë and I would skip the warm up by faking period pains and then eating biscuits behind the bleachers but today Coach wasn't accepting our lame excuses.  "Girls, You have no PE marks and I need at least a participation mark and you don't have doctors letters, now do you?"  We had walked most of the way and ended up last but we didn't care at all. Zoë had been 'cursing' the entire two laps. The Coach told us that we would be playing a game of volleyball against the guys and that participation was necessary. "Hey Zoë! How are you? Man, you look beat," Preston rushed out.  Preston White was a jock. He had this huge crush on Zoë but she never gave him the time of day. Zoë thought he was the stereotypical popular, white jerk but he was actually a nice guy. Preston was smart, funny and he was good-looking and not to mention he had outstanding manners and respect for woman. I liked Preston but my best friend didn't. "Hey, Preston. Nice to see you too, you know!" He grinned. "Sorry, Rori, how are you?"  I smiled back, ignoring Zoë's glare. "I feel like I'm dying but otherwise I'm good," I replied.  He laughed. "Football kinda makes PE feel like child's play," he said, "so, Zoë what are you doing this weekend?" She groaned. "Preston, you need to stop right there. Get yourself some other girl to flirt with 'cause I ain't that type of girl. I don't date."  I elbowed her. Preston looked confused and hurt but that didn't keep him from smiling. He hadn't dated a girl since the beginning of last year which was unusual for a football player. Everyone knew why Preston didn't date but that didn't stop the girls from trying to sleep with him.  "I know but I was just going to invite you two to Bash's party," he said, fiddling with his fingers.  I smiled and nodded. "We'll see if we can make it!" Zoë groaned and walked over to the bleachers.  Preston grinned and walked to the volleyball net. Coach explained the rules and while he spoke Zoë and I formulated a plan to get out of the game. Coach was halfway through the rules when Zoë let out a dramatic cry.  "Ah!" Everyone's heads wiped to us.  I furrowed my eyebrows and rubbed Zoë's back. "Coach, It seems to be that time of the month, again!" I smiled.  Coach looked extremely uncomfortable. "Okay, Zoë you're excused but you still have to participate, Aurora."  I looked at Zoë who looked at me. I pulled a quick face and dropped down next to Zoë, groaning. The class began laughing at our antics but we kept going strong.  "Miss Ellise, it is impossible for you to get period pains the same time as your friend here!"  Zoë stood up. "Woman who are really close to each other tend to get their periods closer together, Coach, and Rori and I happen to be pretty much inseparable. Unfortunately, we won't be able to compete in this delightful game but it's for the best."  I tried really hard not to laugh at Zoë's speech. Coach groaned and agreed to let us sit this game out. Zoë and I dawdled to the locker rooms and got changed into our usual clothes for our next class.  When the bell rang we parted ways and I made my way to psychology. When I arrived Mr Abernathy smiled at me and asked me how my day was going. He was a lovely teacher and I adored him. He was so helpful and he was also extremely supportive of his senior students.  After class he asked me to stay behind and I did. After all the students left I walked up to Mr Abernathy.  "Aurora, I have amazing news to tell you!" He exclaimed, "The university sent back! They have accepted you and they say that they can't wait for you to join them! They've given you a full scholarship!" He handed me the envelope. I was shocked. I had applied to several different universities and asked that they send my letters to Mr Abernathy's house since my father would through a fit if he found out that I planned on leaving him after this year.  I had read through the letter a dozen times but it all just seemed so surreal. I wandered down the halls finally landing up at the cafeteria. I was famished but the letter had bubbled up so much emotion I wasn't sure I could be eat.  Someone bumped into me suddenly. "Aurora! Watch where you're going!" Jess's annoying voice said.  Jess was the schools typical popular mean girl. She was a horrible girl but for some reason she was extra mean to me for some reason. I didn't recall doing anything to her but she remembered it quite well but she never shared it.  She strutted off to her table leaving me baffled. "Im sorry, Aurora," Bash apologized.  I smiled softly at him and shook my head. "It's nothing. See? No scratches." I showed him my arms and he grinned.  Bash was Preston's best friend as well as Jess's boyfriend. He was a nice guy unlike Jess but he always seemed to throw these parties that his parents would ground him for. He was also our football captain and he was good at it.  "Good. Uh...are you and Zoë coming to my party this weekend?" He stammered. He scratched the back of his neck.  I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't really know. I guess we'll just have to wait and see."  He smiled and before he could say anything Jess's high pitched voice shrieked for him. His smiled fell and he bid me a goodbye. The rest of the day flew by. Classes were as boring as they always were and by the time the last bell of the day rang the weather had changed along with the usual chatty now exhausted student body. The rain drops raced down from the heavy clouds and splashed onto the ground. Zoë couldn't drive me home because she got detention from her math teacher again, as usual, so I had to talk a long walk in the pouring rain. I didn't mind because I love the feeling of the rain sliding down my back and my cheeks.  I was almost home. Matter of a fact I just had to cross the T-junction and walk past a few more houses and I was home but I heard the screeching of tires and the deep voice shout, "move!"  The motorcycle's light was blinding and for a moment I thought I recognized that damn bike but I was too busy screaming and watching my life gosh before my eyes to notice that he had luckily stopped and splashed more water on me.  He got of of the bike and removed his helmet. He looked angry but so was I. The guy had almost run me over!  "What the f**k are you doing?!" Zayne cried out. 
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