Chapter 19. Torin

2457 Words

Pounding on the door pulled me out of sleep. My one consolation of being awoken before the sun had fully breached the horizon was I was still wrapped around Odessa’s naked body. “You have two minutes before we break this door down,” Ginger’s voice pierced my sleepy brain. “We have a Luna to get ready!” I groaned and attempted to rub the sleep from my eyes. Odessa was sitting up, clutching the sheets to her chest, her eyes darting around the room in confused fear. I suddenly realized Ginger had linked me and Odessa had no idea what was going on. “The girls are here to collect you to get you ready for tonight,” I explained, my voice still heavy with sleep. She relaxed marginally, but then quirked an eyebrow in question. “The ceremony isn’t for…” I checked the clock, barely six o’clock, “a

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