Chapter 7. Odessa

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I stretched languidly in bed, and smiled to myself. I felt good. Really good. I closed my eyes and took a moment to enjoy the sun warming my face, the soft blankets enveloping me, and the memories of the moments Torin and I had shared the day before. I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks again when I thought about when he almost kissed me. First in his office in the morning, and then again in the library. I’ve never been kissed before. I’d never wanted to be kissed until Torin. It was a new sensation, both strange and exciting. I turned over onto my side and gazed out the window. I could just make out the faint shimmer of the sun shining on the river Torin and I walked beside yesterday afternoon. He didn’t try to kiss me again, which was a little disappointing. In fact, he had seemed a little distracted. I supposed that was to be expected from an alpha. He had so much on his plate, so many responsibilities to fulfill. It would be nice if I could find a way to help him relax from time to time. I wished I could ask Candice for advice. Breathing out a sigh, I rolled out of bed. It was pointless to get upset about things I couldn’t change. Maybe if Torin let me join the pack, I’d be able to link the other members. As long as I kept control of my temper, everything should be fine. I sighed again, feeling guilty. I should be honest with Torin about what I really am, but I didn’t know how to tell him. Besides, I reasoned with myself as I walked into the bathroom, I was already feeling so much stronger. A little while longer, and I may even be able to survive it if he rejected me, then I could search for my mother’s family. I clutched at my chest as pain surged through me at the thought of Torin rejecting me. Definitely not strong enough to survive that yet, I thought. As I walked in the bathroom, I stopped and stared in the mirror at my reflection. The bruises were almost all healed, and my cheeks had a healthy glow. Even my hair looked shiny and healthy. I was still far too skinny, but my skin didn’t look like it was stretched tight over my bones anymore. Hatred for Drake and what he did to me bubbled up in my chest and I watched as my green eyes began to darken. Shaking it off, I remembered my commitment to myself from earlier about keeping my temper in check. That didn’t even last five minutes, I snorted. I washed my face and glanced down at the clothes I had worn yesterday, now lying crumpled up in the hamper where I had dropped them last night. It had been so long since I had clothes to wear, I really should have kept them out so they didn’t get so wrinkled. Briefly, I thought about trying to ask for more clothes, but quickly discarded the idea. I didn’t want to seem ungrateful. I fished the clothes out of the hamper and tried to smooth out the wrinkles as best as I could before changing back into them. I looked at the pajamas in my hand and decided to fold them neatly and put them in the closet. They weren’t the purple ones the nurse had given me at the hospital. They were a soft white cotton, and had been left on my bed when I’d come in after dinner the night before. Folding the pajamas carefully, I opened the closet door and gasped in surprise, dropping the pajamas on the floor. The closet was jam-packed with clothes! Dresses, skirts, pants, shirts, shoes, and accessories filled the racks and shelves. I touched a dress gently, almost afraid I would ruin it somehow. I had no idea who left these here, but they all looked like they would fit me, even though some of the dresses were so fancy I couldn’t imagine ever having the opportunity to wear something so beautiful. I fought back tears and picked out a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt, putting my wrinkled clothes back in the hamper in the bathroom. I hoped it wasn’t some sort of mistake. For a fleeting moment, I thought about changing back into the wrinkled outfit in case someone got angry at me for being so presumptuous. Feeling a little self-conscious, I left my room and smiled shyly at the guard by my door. “Good morning, Luna,” he greeted me kindly. “Beta Candice is on her way, but she can meet us on the stairs if you’d like me to escort you to breakfast?” I nodded slightly, relieved that he didn’t seem to think anything was wrong with my clothing, and followed him down the hall. Half-way down the stairs, I froze at the sound of a high-pitched squeal. The guard chuckled and shook his head. “It sounds like Gamma Female Ginger is home,” he said with a smile. “Don’t worry, Luna, she will love you.” I wasn’t sure if I believed him, but followed him down the stairs the rest of the way anyway. At the bottom of the stairs, amidst a sea of suitcases, stood a beautiful woman with long, curly, auburn hair hanging to her waist. She wore a grey pencil skirt, white blouse, and black stiletto heels. She turned her impossibly blue eyes on me before I reached the last step and let out another ear-piercing squeal. “Oh my goodness! You must be our Luna!” she said, rushing towards me. Like a deer in the headlights, I stood frozen in place as she wrapped me in a fierce hug. “I’m so excited to meet you! Torin has been absolutely insufferable, as I’m sure you can imagine! He’s just been moping around the house for years! I swear if he hadn’t found you, I was going to go out and find a witch to help me find you for him! He’ll be so much more fun now! Let me get a look at you!” She stepped back and held me at arm’s length, looking me up and down. “Well, I don’t know what the boys were so worried about, you look gorgeous! Zadie had me thinking I was coming home to a Luna that looked like a zombie! Puffikins, how could make me worry about her so much?” she said over her shoulder. Puffikins? “You are a little skinny, but don’t you worry! We have the best cooks of any pack within 200 miles! And you, me, and Candice will start training just as soon as you feel up to it. We’ll make you a badass! Have you had breakfast? I’m famished!” she linked her arm through mine, and before I knew it, she was leading me to the dining room. “Madrona, my favorite woman in the whole wide world! Tell me there are mimosas to celebrate my triumphant return and welcome our Luna and my new best friend!” she called out. I shot a look over my shoulder at Zade who gave me a helpless smile and a shrug. I glanced up to see Torin coming down the stairs, a worried expression on his face. I managed to smile at him before Ginger pulled me into the dining room. “You go on and sit, and I’ll whip us up some omelets,” Ginger said as she shooed me towards a table. “I make the best omelets! Ask anyone, they’ll say the same thing! Torin, I can feel you giving me that look, so you can just cut that out and make yourself useful. Go get the makings for mimosas!” she said without ever turning towards Torin. “Ginger, I told Zade to remind you-“ “Yes, yes, yes,” she interrupted him. “Not to wear the Luna out because she needs time to heal. I know. Why do you think I’m making her an omelet with plenty of peppers? They’re great for vitamin C! I’ll make you one, too, don’t you worry. You need to keep your energy up now that you have your very own mate to satisfy!” Torin rolled his eyes at her back. “And don’t you roll your eyes at me! Go. Mimosas. And don’t forget to get enough for my girl Candice, who is just too polite to tell you to move your big alpha behind out of the way.” Torin let out a sigh but moved aside. I was a little shocked to see that Candice was indeed standing behind him. How did Ginger know without even turning around once? She glanced at me over her shoulder and winked at me. I smiled despite my confusion and watched with fascination as Ginger and Candice worked side by side putting together omelets. Wynne sat in the chair opposite from me with a steaming mug of coffee. I c****d my head at him and smiled. He grunted at me and took a sip of his coffee. I bit my lip, wondering what I’d done wrong. “Don’t mind him, Odessa,” Candice called out to me, giving Wynne a filthy look. “He’s a big grouch in the mornings. He’ll be able to form words after he has his coffee. Another two cups, he may even manage complete sentences.” Wynne grunted again, but the corner of his lips twitched into a small smile. “Odessa? What a pretty name!” Ginger said. “I love unusual names! Especially when they have a deep meaning or story behind them. I would love to know where your name came from! Torin when are you going to mark this girl so we can have a conversation? Not that I mind being the one doing all the talking, obviously.” I blushed, and looked down at the table, embarrassed to be the center of attention. I had no idea where my name had come from. I didn’t even know who my parents were. They died when I was a baby, or so I’d been told. Torin set an orange drink in front of me and sat down in the chair beside me. His presence settled my nerves and I relaxed a little. “Ginger, honestly, what about taking it easy is a difficult concept for you?” he asked with a grin. “Odessa has been through a lot already. She doesn’t need you pushing our relationship along.” Ginger snorted but somehow made it sound like a feminine, musical sound. “Maybe she doesn’t, but you definitely do! I swear, if left to your own devices, you’d take another six months to make her official, and I for one am not prepared to wait around that long! Odessa, we’re going to have a girls’ day and Candice and I will teach you everything you need to know to make it impossible for that big lug to resist you,” she grinned at me with another wink as she set a plate in front of me. “I already can’t resist,” Torin mumbled under his breath. I looked at him, shocked to see he was blushing faintly. I bit my lip and felt my own cheeks heat up. “Awe, you two are already so adorable together!” Ginger sighed. Zade joined the table just as Ginger and Candice finished making the omelets and we ate together. It was obvious they were close friends, laughing and joking, and I watched their interactions feeling a little jealous. I knew they were trying to include me, but I still felt like an outsider. Like I didn’t really belong in this group of strong, beautiful people. I let out a little sigh and pushed the last of my omelet around my plate. Torin leaned over and whispered in my ear, “You ok?” I jumped a little and nodded. Bringing my fist to my chest, I moved it in a small circle, feeling bad for bringing tension to what had been a fun breakfast reunion among the friends. Torin was instantly concerned again, and I cursed myself for being so stupid. “Does your chest hurt? I’ll get Dr. Patel over here right away!” he said, studying me closely. “What are you apologizing for, Odessa?” Ginger spoke up, and everyone looked at her. Her eyes were boring into me with an intense look. She swirled her hands in front of her and c****d an eyebrow in question. “You sign?” she asked. I shook my head, my cheeks felt like they were on fire. I signed ‘sorry’ again, then added ‘thank you.’ “Thank you,” Ginger repeated. “What other signs do you know?” “What are you talking about?” Torin asked, confused. “Signs?” “Sign language,” Ginger explained. “She knows a few signs in sign language.” I nodded and did the signs for thirsty, hungry, and happy. Finally, the last one I did was my favorite. I linked my index fingers together then reversed their positions and relinked them. “Friends,” Ginger translated. “So, not everyone in Deep Waters is a f*cking ash*le, then.” I shook my head sadly, thinking about Justin, the young guard who had taught me the few signs. His family had joined Deep Waters when his mother found her second chance mate there after his father had died in an attack. He hated Deep Waters, and couldn’t stand the way they treated me. He would sneak food and water to me whenever he could, but it was dangerous, and I knew he was punished a few times when he was caught. “How do you know sign language?” Wynne asked Ginger. Ginger shrugged and sipped her mimosa. “One of the humans that mated with a she-wolf in Crystal Cove is deaf. He still sometimes signs even though he can link the pack now. He taught anyone who was interested in learning. You know me, if there’s information to learn, I want to know!” Zade slid an arm around her waist and gave her a squeeze, nuzzling into her neck while the rest of us stared at her in shock. She said she was from Crystal Cove, the same pack Justin had said he’d come from. I wondered if Ginger may have known him when they were younger. Ginger’s girlish giggle distracted me from my thoughts. “I’m going to get me some sugar,” she laughed as Zade hauled her to her feet and they headed for the door. “I’ll meet up with you girls later!” Candice waved and started stacking the plates. I got up to help, but she batted me away. “Don’t worry, Odessa, I’ve got this,” she said with a smile. I chewed my lip, feeling useless, but Torin’s arms encircled me and I relaxed into him without thinking about what I was doing. “I need to get some work done this morning, but I’d like to spend some time with you after lunch,” his breath tickled my ear as he whispered. “If you want to,” he added quickly. I turned and nodded eagerly at him, excited to be able to spend more time with him. Maybe this time we wouldn’t be interrupted and he’d kiss me. I blushed at the thought. “I… um… I hope the clothes are ok,” he murmured. “If there’s anything you don’t like, we can replace them with whatever you want.” He got the clothes for me? I blinked back tears, and buried my face in his chest, squeezing my arms tightly around his waist. His hand drew gentle circles on my back, and we stood there holding each other for what felt like minutes until Wynne cleared his throat behind me. “Come on, let’s get to work so we can get back to our gorgeous women and give them proper attention,” he said. Slightly embarrassed, I tried to pull away from Torin, but he kept a firm grip on me and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. “I’ll see you soon,” he smiled at me. I nodded dumbly, my mind feeling like mush at the simple gesture, and watched him follow Wynne out the door. Candice gave a soft sigh and I turned to look at her. “That man is already putty in your hands,” she smiled. “It’s so nice to see him happy finally. He deserves it after everything he’s dealt with and done for this pack.” I wanted so badly to ask what happened. Why did he take over the pack at a young age? And where are his parents? Any time someone mentions his father, it’s with a scowl, but no one has ever said anything about his mother. “Come on, I’ll show you to our office. There’s a few things we need to get done, too,” Candice said before leading me out of the room and down the hall. We walked into a spacious room decorated in cream and dusty pink colors. It’s set up was similar to Torin’s office with a large desk in the middle, two pretty chairs facing it, and a comfortable looking loveseat against one wall. There were several small tables tucked into spaces with green houseplants perched on them. Another plant hung from the corner of the ceiling in an intricate macrame hanger. Where Torin’s office felt a little intimidating and overwhelming, this one felt welcoming. I could easily imagine pack members sitting in the chairs asking their Luna for help or even just a shoulder to cry on. With a start, the sudden realization that I was supposed to be that compassionate Luna hit me hard. I wasn’t sure it was something I was capable of. Deep Waters pack never had a Luna when I was younger, and if it did when I was imprisoned, I’d never met her. I didn’t even know my mother growing up, so I couldn’t base anything off of her either. I really wasn’t cut out to be a Luna. I stood frozen on the spot, trying desperately not to hyperventilate. Candice glanced over at me from the desk where she was booting up the computer. She gave me a warm, knowing smile. “There it is,” she said with a slight laugh. “I was wondering when the realization of your position would hit. Don’t worry, though, Odessa! Ginger and I will always have your back, and Torin does, too. You’ll be fine!” I tried to cling to her reassuring words, but doubt was firmly rooted in my mind. How could I possibly be a Luna to an entire pack when I had no idea what a Luna was even expected to do? Candice moved one of the chairs around to the other side of the desk and beckoned for me. “Come over here. We’ll go over our schedule. I’ve been acting as Luna for a few years while we waited for you, so I’ll be able to show you the ropes. You can take over slowly as you feel more comfortable.” I chewed my lip nervously, but sat in the chair and watched as she went through the messages on the computer and explained what needed to be done. When it was finally time for lunch, I was exhausted, but felt a little more comfortable with what would be expected of me. Candice was patient and kind, and I knew she would be someone I could rely on. We walked together to the dining room, where Torin and Wynne were already waiting. Torin was grinning ear to ear, holding a large picnic basket in his hand. “I thought we could have a picnic by the pond,” he said happily. I couldn’t help but smile at him and nod. He looked adorable with his happy smile. At that moment, I probably would have agreed to just about anything so long as it involved being with him.
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